What are these feelings?

Errors, accidents and friendship lines



I had finally written a chapter after my longish holiday, so here you are. 





                Mark really regretted coming to school today. When he woke up he had a feeling in the pit of his stomach that he shouldn’t go anywhere.



                The red head managed to stub his little toe into furniture about five times in five minutes. He wondered if his toe would get broken today. He managed to put on his shirt backwards. They had a uniform that they had to wear when going to school. The authorities of school didn’t really care much how you wore the uniform; you just had to wear it. Most girls that went to their school had shortened their skirts. Mark sometimes wondered if they were comfortable wearing clothing that barely went past their behinds.



                Mark managed to gag when he was brushing his teeth and he somehow was able to poke his eye with his finger while he was trying to wipe his face after cleaning it. He tripped on his way downstairs and almost fell down them but his quick reflexes helped him out and he managed to grab onto the wall.



                The red head cursed at his parents for not being home. It meant that he had to make his own breakfast, and he was already late for school. He made some quick toast and he cursed loudly as he managed to burn the sides of the bread.  He seriously had the worst luck today.



                He tripped as he tried to hurriedly tie his shoes and he managed to miss the key hole three times as he tried to hurriedly lock the doors after himself. Both of his parents had decided to go for a holiday together, leaving Mark alone for two weeks, fending for himself with the huge amount of money that his parents left on his credit card.



                The strap of the red head’s backpack ripped as he was hurrying down the high school’s hallway and the bag skidded all the way down the empty hall.



                The red head hurriedly ran to pick up his backpack and ran towards his first class. He cursed as he saw that the lesson had already started, and that Mrs. Park had already called the attendance roll. The late boy knocked on the doors politely and opened then. He peeked his head in and his cheeks dusted over with a pretty shade of pink.



                The whole class was looking at him with confused expressions. Mark was usually the student that was always on time, unless something really important happened. So him being late shocked everyone. Even Jackson was a bit surprised. But the Hong Kong native’s surprise changed into satisfaction and a wide grin was painted over his face in a few seconds.



                The red head stepped into the classroom and bowed deeply towards the teacher. He really did not want to get on her bad side. Chemistry was hard enough without the teacher hating his tardiness. But by the way Mrs. Park was looking at him, the red head knew that he was in trouble. , maybe he should have set two alarm clocks in the morning so that if he missed one the next one would wake him up.



                ‘Mister Tuan, detention today, after classes. Come to this class.’ The male was about to open his mouth and to protest, but when he saw the expression on the teacher’s face, his lips turned into a straight line and he nodded his head hurriedly. Mrs. Park was a scary sight when she was angry with someone.



                The red haired male made his way towards his desk and tried to ignore the way Jackson stared at his face when he sat down. He sometimes wondered why he picked Jackson to be his partner during Chemistry class. The Hong Kong native was prone to blow something up in the near future. The question was if it would be some chemicals or Mark’s sanity.



                The teacher announced that they will be making a project and that their partners will be the ones they are sitting with right now.



                Mark once again cursed his rotten luck and was too afraid to turn his head in order to be able to see the smug look on Jackson’s face. The project was something about organic chemistry and the models of specific chemicals.



                Truthfully, the red head didn’t really listen to what the project was about.  He couldn’t really concentrate because he felt that something was constantly being brushed against his thigh muscles. He moved his leg away a little bit, but the soft movement followed his leg. It felt a lot like a hand. The red head swore that he felt fingertips drawing circles and other patterns over the material of his pants.  



                The fingertips would go up his leg and as they would be a few inches away from his crotch they would dance away and land on his knee. Mark swatted the fingertips away and turned his heard to glare at his seat mate. He seriously wanted to wipe the smug look away from the Hong Kong native’s face.



                But as Jackson turned to meet Mark’s eyes with his own orbs the red head’s heart skipped a beat. What was this again? The red head’s cheeks blushed lightly and he bit down on his bottom lip. He noticed the way Jackson’s eyes travelled from his eyebrows, to his nose and then towards his lips.



                The Hong Kong native his bottom lip and the slightly older male gulped a bit too loudly. He could feel heat rising up his neck and he wanted to fan himself with his big chemistry book.



                As his eyes unconsciously traced over the Hong Kong native’s features, Mark frowned a little bit. Why was he reacting like this? Maybe he should seriously make an appointment with his family doctor. Maybe he has some kind of a heart disease. It’s not normal that his heartbeat picks up whenever he’s around Jackson.



                Throughout the whole school day Mark tried to get the feeling of Jackson’s fingertips on his thigh out of his head. Math kind of helped because the teacher was his favorite. During lunch the red head avoided going to the school’s canteen and he stayed in the library.



                Mark caught up with his history homework and hung out with Jaebum during the lunch break. The light haired male wasn’t really planning to spend his time in the library, but when he saw that his best friend was a bit out of it he decided to snoop around and find out what was wrong. So far not so good. Jaebum didn’t get anything out of Mark except for an I’m too old to be concerned about my parent’s freaking out about the detention I have.



                Jaebum was amused for the most part of the lunch break with Mark’s whines about how annoying Jackson was and that Mrs. Park was probably a two hundred years old which who managed to keep in shape by feasting on young men’s flesh.  The light haired male shuddered as he imagined how it would look and he thanked the slightly older male for the mental image that would surely come up in his dreams later that night.



                The red head reluctantly walked into the chemistry lab after all of his classes and his eyes widened as he saw the mess in the classroom. The floor was definitely dirtier than in the morning and the tables had words scribbled on them. Mark prayed to all the higher forces that the teacher wouldn’t force him to clean everything.



                But his rotten luck had surfaced again and that was exactly what the teacher told him to do. Even worse was the fact that Jackson was coming over to his house in order to start on the project. The Honk Kong native could have at least waited for him after classes.



                It took him good two hours to clean everything up and knowing his luck he missed the bus back home.



                The red head waited in the bus stop for ten minutes for the next bus and as he finally managed to step into it the last available seat was taken by a female student who was talking loudly on her phone.



                When Mark managed to approach his house he saw that someone was sitting on the steps of his front porch. The red head walked closer towards the person and his heartbeat picked up as he recognized who it was.



                Jackson was sitting with his head resting on his hand and lazily looking at the red head in front of him. He jumped up as the slightly older male approached him and grinned his lazy smile. Mark shuddered and stepped closer to the doors in order to be able to open them.



                His hands were a bit shaky and his breath hitched as he felt how close Jackson stood behind him. If Mark would take a small step backwards, like ten centimeters, he would crash into the Hong Kong native’s chest for sure.



                Being the ever so polite host he was the red head asked if Jackson wanted anything to eat or drink. Jackson grumbled something close to I think you know what I want under his breath and Mark pretended that he did not notice how weird Jackson was.



                The Hong Kong native made his way upstairs to Mark’s room while the red head grabbed two cans of coke from the fridge. He also grabbed a bag of chips and a packet of gummy bears just in case they wanted to snack on something.



                With every step he took towards his room his heartbeat picked up in speed. As he stood in front of his slightly ajar doors he thought that his heart may stop if it carries on like this.  He stepped into the room and the first thing he noticed was that Jackson had made himself at home on his enormous bed.



                The Hong Kong native rolled around on it and rubbed his cheek onto one of the pillows. The red head raised an eyebrow in amusement and chuckled lowly.



                ‘Are you trying to mark your territory by rubbing your scent all over my room?’ Jackson glanced up at him shortly before rolling over so that his face would be buried in the bed sheets. Something close to a what if I am left the Hong Kong native’s lips and the red head shook his head. He should seriously check his hearing while he will visit his doctor the next time.



                The red head heard an almost inaudible sniff and he had to take a second glance towards his younger friend. Did he just?



                ‘Jacks, did you just sniff my sheets?’ The Hong Kong native let out a simple yes and the red head’s eyes widened a little bit. A blush made its way over his cheeks and he coughed in order to make the atmosphere less awkward.



                The red head sat down next to his bed and took out his chemistry notebook out of his backpack. He could feel the way Jackson stared at the back of his head and his arms started shaking a little bit.



                Mark turned the pages of his notebook one after another without focusing on anything in particular. How could he when Jackson was right behind him?



                The red head’s breath hitched as he felt hot puffs of air hitting the exposed skin of his neck. He tried to look as if he was reading something and he heard a low chuckle of amusement from behind him.



                ‘You’ve been reading the same sentence for a few minutes.’ The red head’s cheeks dusted over with a pinkish blush and he tried to steady out his voice.



                ‘Yeah well, the sentence is hard to understand.’ Another low chuckle met his ears and he felt a soft pair of lips meeting the skin of the side of his neck.



                Even a first grader would understand that sentence was whispered into the red head’s neck and the slightly older male closed his eyes. His heart beat picked up and he hoped that Jackson was not able to hear it.



                Mark turned his head a little bit to tell Jackson that they should start working on the project but he was silenced just as he opened his mouth to utter those words.



                Jackson had his lips pressed onto the slightly older male’s bottom lip and the two males were staring into each other’s eyes. The Hong Kong native grinned widely and nibbled on the red head’s plump lower lip. Jackson’s wet muscle darted out of his mouth to at the soft flesh tentatively and Mark gave out a shaky sigh.



                Jackson pressed his lips firmer onto the slightly older male’s lips and mumbled a sentence in between soft pecks.



                ‘You talk when you sleep.’ The sentence had woken Mark up from his dreamland and he pushed the Hong Kong native away from him. , what had he said when he was sleeping during that night next to Jackson?



                Mark knew that this day was going to be accompanied with worst luck ever. He should have stayed home. 




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I'm going on a trip for two days, so I will update this story when I will be back in my home country


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andie41225 #1
Chapter 18: It's May 1st HappyBirthday!! ^^ I'm Thankful you are feeling better now. ual harrasment also happened to me when I'm still elementary and It's just It kind of feels like a nightmare now. So with your roomate tsk2, The most important now is you are ok and updating soon ^^
PrettyNoona101 #2
Chapter 18: We have the same birthday!

And I'm truly sorry you had to endure so much. Have you tried reporting this person (i.e telling the officials?) I hope you're life turns for the better, and that person is out of your life forever!
Chapter 18: I'm happy reading you're better :) I'm sure I need to read this story again hahahhahaha but fighting! I'll be waiting :D
thelillcat #4
Chapter 18: wtf! that roommate needs a serious beat down treating you that way. grrr~~ but on a happy note. happy early birthday :) and looking forward to your updates.
Chapter 18: Happy early birthday :)

But I'm so sorry that happened to you :| if I was in London I would have found him and beat him up. ual harassment ain't funny. And his confidence in It irks the out of me. He would be catching hands- my hands.

You update when you're ready okay
Cisne18 #7
Chapter 18: Congratulation o(*^▽^*)o !! And can't wait for you to update!(⌒_⌒)
Chapter 18: Jackson really act like a psycho hahhahhahaha I want to know what he's planning this time. Poor Mark, he wouldn't be able to scape, I'm sure: of his plans and of Jackson's charms (I love Jackson*_* even his way to be so annoying kkkkkkk~) I'm waiting for your update^^
0800mundo #9
Chapter 18: Yay Congratulaions!!!