Of karaoke bars and angry redhead's

Errors, accidents and friendship lines



 Enjoy this while I go and drown myself in my Markson feels because I just watched an old ASC with only the two of them in there. 





           The redhead only glared at the front of the class, trying to ignore the person that was sitting next to him, talking so loudly and acting as if he was the center of the earth. Mark’s eyes narrowed and he tried to block the yawn from slipping out by covering his mouth with his palm, but it looked like his seatmate noticed and started prying into his life again, and to say that Hoseok knew what personal space meant would be a complete lie.



            Mark leaned away a little bit and tried to look like he wasn’t about to murder someone because he didn’t need any more problems on his hands. Also, the fact that Hoseok was a close friend of Jackson didn’t help, the Hong Kong native wouldn’t put it against him to snoop around by asking the guy something about Mark.



            The redhead jumped out of his seat when he heard the bell ringing and that told him that it was the end of the day, that they were finally able to leave and the weekend was finally there again. The male stopped when he exited the class room and looked around the hallway, making sure that he didn’t see anyone from his friends. He was trying to avoid them because they would always hang out on Fridays and of course Jackson would be there, pissing the redhead off even more.



            Just when Mark was about to dash through the hallway and finally out of the building his shoulder was yanked back and he crashed into another student who was passing by. The redhead hurriedly apologized and turned around to glare at the culprit, only to glare even harder when he saw that it was his best friend, Jaebum. The light haired male grinned at him without any remorse and motioned for him to follow him.



            The redhead cursed loudly when the slightly younger male managed to drag him to his car, and he groaned even more when he noticed that all the other guys were cramped in the vehicle too.



            ‘Damn it Jaebum, did you borrow this from you mom? I don’t want to be driven around in a soccer mom van okay?’ The younger male simply shrugged his shoulders and pushed the other closer to the backseat doors of the car, forcing the other inside of the vehicle and slamming the doors behind him. Mark cursed Jaebum out with the most vilest names he could come up with, which were not vile at all and glared at him as the light haired male started the car.



            ‘You were dragged into this too hyung?’ The redhead turned his head to the side and smiled a little bit when he noticed that Yugyeom was also looking like he had went to hell and back before agreeing to this. Mark nodded his head and was about to answer to him, but he felt another hand crawling over his thigh, giving the muscles a not so subtle squeeze and . The redhead could feel his cheeks coloring and he told himself that it was definitely not because Jackson was once again all over him.



            ‘Hyung, are you okay? You look kind of pale, as if you are going to throw up.’ The redhead shook his head a little bit but once again was silenced by another person, but this it wasn’t the Hong Kong native.



            ‘Oh hell no, he is not throwing up in my car. Do you know how much I paid to get the interior so clean?’ Jaebum’s voice was too loud and too high pitched and Mark was sure that his head was going to hurt by the end of the day. It always did after every Friday all of them had to spend together. Now, the redhead didn’t dislike them, they were his friends, but sometimes they were a bit too much, especially Jaebum with his loud talking, Jinyoung with his overprotective ways and Jackson with his, well, Jacksoness.



            ‘Your mother paid for the interior you er. She pays for everything you have.’ The redhead wanted to bang his head onto any kind of hard surface, even the window would work, but he was too far away from it. Mark was about to turn to Yugyeom once again but he felt the hand slipping upwards and now it was resting dangerously close to his crotch. The oldest member’s of the group eyes widened and he was about to shout out when he noticed that Jinyoung was watching him with furrowed eyebrows.



            , he would definitely throw a fit if he knew that Jackson was basically harassing him in the backseat of the car. Mark sat in silence for a few moments, letting the Hong Kong native his muscles and swearing to himself that he was going to gauge his eyes out and that he will force feed them to Jaebum. The redhead growled under his nose at the other male, silently telling him to kindly off, but it looked like Jackson didn’t really care about his opinion. Not that he ever did, and that was when the older male smiled when he figured out that maybe it would be for the best if Jinyoung would actually know.



            ‘Hey, Mark, if something wrong? Because you seriously look really stiff and even though it’s kind of funny your back will hurt by the end of the day.’ The redhead smiled at the other a little bit and turn to glance back at Jackson with an even wider and more wicked grin gracing his features. And the Hong Kong native shook his head a little bit when he noticed the change in the features.



            ‘Guys, what’s happening there? Is Yugyeom trying to open the window again? Maknae, how many times have I told you to not do that? I had put a child proof lock, you won’t be able to open it.’ Mark almost laughed at the youngest male’s expression because he kind of looked adorable when he pouted, like a wounded puppy.



            ‘No, Jackson’s just harassing me.’ Now the redhead had caught everyone’s attention, even Jaebum was looking back at them through the rearview mirror. Mark smirked at the fact that Jinyoung was already glaring at the Hong Kong native and he almost hissed at BamBam because the male was grinning at the two of them widely.



            ‘Jackson, don’t harass innocent people. Not everyone likes you being all clingy and stupid around them.’ The Hong Kong native grinned back at Jaebum and flipped him the bird behind the seat so that he wouldn’t be able to see that.



            ‘Not my fault that Mark is looking mighty fine right now. Not that you don’t look perfect everyday babe.’ The redhead glared at the Hong Kong native and punched his thigh a little bit roughly, but the other simply grinned back at him and pressed his shoulder into his, breathing down his neck and making the older blush unconsciously.



            ‘Mm, I like it when you are being rough with me. Would you be like that in bed too? Or would you be all submissive and even call me Oppa?’ The redhead pushed Jackson away from him at the same time the doors were opened and the Hong Kong native fell out of the car backwards, landing on his back on the pavement and looked up at the sky with a dazed expression.



            ‘Get up you idiot, someone might step on you. Wait, on the other hand, stay on the ground, someone might actually step on your head and maybe then your brains will start working again.’  The redhead walked over to his best friend while Jackson jumped up from the ground and ran after him, wailing at him to wait up because he didn’t want to be left alone. Mark groaned loudly when he noticed that they were in front of the Karaoke building. He was about to start whining at his best friend to spare him but Jaebum simply shook his head and grinned widely.



            ‘We are going in and we are going to have fun even if you don’t like it.’ And that was how the redhead found himself sitting on one of the couches in the karaoke room, looking at the screen with furrowed eyebrows because how did he become friends with these idiots? Even Yugyeom was jumping around the room, belting out lyrics and twirling BamBam around while the slightly older male giggled loudly as if he was drunk. Wait, did someone sneak alcohol in?



            ‘Come on Marky, have some fun! Here, have a sip!’ The redhead started shaking his head frantically but Jackson didn’t take no as an answer and pressed the glass onto the other’s lips. The Hong Kong native grinned widely when the older male pursed his lips and pinched his sides in order to get him to part his lips. The redhead gasped in surprise and he almost gagged when the glass was tilted upwards and the liquid ran down his throat, making it burn and making him choke.



            The redhead was about to spit out the reminder of the alcohol but the Hong Kong native successfully pressed his warm lips onto Mark’s shutting him up in the process and finally sighing in satisfaction. The older male’s eyes widened and he couldn’t even move his arms because Jackson’s lips got him feeling paralyzed. The redhead’s eyes snapped closed automatically and during that moment he didn’t think about the fact that he was being kissed by the Hong Kong native, he just felt nice because he lips were warm and felt perfect while pressed onto his.



            Mark unconsciously tilted his head to the side when Jackson tangled his fingers into the hair at the back of his head, pressing his closer. And only when the redhead heard the distant laughs in the room and guys, maybe you should get a room that he finally remembered just who was kissing him. The oldest occupant of the room pushed the other away from him, and Jackson had his eyes still tightly shut, a stupid smile gracing his features and making Mark feel like he wanted to punch the living out of him.



            ‘What the ’s your problem you jerk?’ The redhead’s voice sounded shaky and as if he was about to burst into tears, and maybe he was because he himself didn’t know how he felt. Mark felt disgusted because this was Jackson, he kissed people for the heck of it, he kissed everyone, and the redhead didn’t want to be just everyone, he wanted to be special to someone. But he also felt a little bit good because the Hong Kong natives lips felt so nice pressed onto his, they felt so soft and so breathtakingly and agonizingly tempting that Mark kind of wanted to kiss him again. But he couldn’t, he wouldn’t, because he was never going to be a mere toy for the other.



            ‘Well you were the one who responded to my kiss, maybe you should have resisted more.’ The redhead’s eyes widened the slightest bit because was the other actually calling him easy? Mark could feel his cheeks turning red and his fingers starting to twitch while his eyes stung a little bit and he was sure that he was going to start crying in a few moments if he was going to stay in the same room.



            ‘ you and I hope you will pull the stick out of your one day.’ With that said the redhead swung his fist into Jackson’s cheek and managed to knock him to the ground, hissing at him to find another play toy. Mark quickly turned around and hurriedly left the room, Jaebum leaving right after him before giving the Hong Kong native a glare and a hiss of you seriously ed up this time you jackass.



            The redhead could feel the tears finally slipping down his cheeks and he almost laughed at that pathetically because he really didn’t know what he was feeling. Maybe he did overreact, but he couldn’t stay in the same room with Jackson after having his emotions and feelings playing with like that. The redhead was about to run out of the building when he felt two arms circling around his waist, pulling him into a strong chest and murmuring an almost inaudible I’m sorry.



          ‘Jaebum, why the can’t Jackson just leave me alone? Why can’t he just pick another person to play with? And why can’t I just ignore him?’



            ‘Why am I crying over someone like him when he is probably already all over one of the staff members already?’ 

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I'm going on a trip for two days, so I will update this story when I will be back in my home country


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andie41225 #1
Chapter 18: It's May 1st HappyBirthday!! ^^ I'm Thankful you are feeling better now. ual harrasment also happened to me when I'm still elementary and It's just It kind of feels like a nightmare now. So with your roomate tsk2, The most important now is you are ok and updating soon ^^
PrettyNoona101 #2
Chapter 18: We have the same birthday!

And I'm truly sorry you had to endure so much. Have you tried reporting this person (i.e telling the officials?) I hope you're life turns for the better, and that person is out of your life forever!
Chapter 18: I'm happy reading you're better :) I'm sure I need to read this story again hahahhahaha but fighting! I'll be waiting :D
thelillcat #4
Chapter 18: wtf! that roommate needs a serious beat down treating you that way. grrr~~ but on a happy note. happy early birthday :) and looking forward to your updates.
Chapter 18: Happy early birthday :)

But I'm so sorry that happened to you :| if I was in London I would have found him and beat him up. ual harassment ain't funny. And his confidence in It irks the out of me. He would be catching hands- my hands.

You update when you're ready okay
Cisne18 #7
Chapter 18: Congratulation o(*^▽^*)o !! And can't wait for you to update!(⌒_⌒)
Chapter 18: Jackson really act like a psycho hahhahhahaha I want to know what he's planning this time. Poor Mark, he wouldn't be able to scape, I'm sure: of his plans and of Jackson's charms (I love Jackson*_* even his way to be so annoying kkkkkkk~) I'm waiting for your update^^
0800mundo #9
Chapter 18: Yay Congratulaions!!!