〈 ★ teaser three。

〈 ★ Project: SIDEREAL 。apply closed — revealing teasers
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teaser three  

You must not know 'bout me
You must not know 'bout me
I'll have another you by tomorrow
So don't you ever for a second get to thinking you're irreplaceable

Ahyoon feels yet another wave of annoyance wash over her when she hears her voice crack, once again. Its only slight but she knows that it isn't going to escape the notice of her vocal traineer. Brushing a loose strand of her fringe aside so that it is no longer blocking her vision, Ahyoon reaches for the bottle of distilled water to the left. Acting as a backdrop to the quiet drom was the sound of the showers running - and the pleasant sound of the gentle strumming of the acoustic guitar but not even the instrumental version of Beyonce's irreplaceable could do much to soothe the desperation that Ahyoon felt.

"Its already three?" She thought, feeling her brows knitting together as she slowly loosen the screw of bottle cap from the bottle. It has been two hours at least since Ahyoon reached her dorm - one that still smelt unfamiliar even after three long years she spent in the four walls. She took a quick shower, washing up at a record time of just ten minutes before she decided to set up camp at the living room of the dorm she was assigned to share with five other girls. Surrounded by the belongings of her roommates, a bottle of distilled water she had brought herself at a convenience store nearby and her phone, she had started to sing. Yes - for two hours - hair wet, Ahyoon had simply sat there, just singing. She would als

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〈 ★ Project: SIDEREAL 。teaser fourteen is released.


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HI authors~ I was wondering how's the status of this applyfic? wish you guys are not planning to cancel it^^ fighting^^
Omg >.< I missed the deadline I'm so sorry I've been loaded with exams and revision and everything could I please have an extension? I remember having almost finished one of my apps. If not, then feel free to kick my characters out
Chapter 19: goddammit, I'm so sorry i missed the deadline for the second app.
I know this will sound really selfish, but can i please get an extension on the second app? I've been in quite a mess in the last couple of months, trying to get my life together.
But if you really want to start the story, feel free to cut out my character since i don't want to hold you back.
I will continue as a reader because i freakin love your work > ~ <
Oh yeah, loving the article btw c:
Chapter 19: Oh shoot, it's today. I just checked the updates since I have been really busy these past months. Also I'm having exams since the start of this month.

I remembered that the last time I said that I was having my trials that's why I couldn't hand the 2nd app in that time. Though after the exam I did complete both the part one & three. Only part two I hadn't touch since I was blank on what to write, so I left it but unfortunately alot of things started to pile up.

Like now I'm having my spm, my finals for my whole highschool life, then after my exam which is like almost the end of this month, I'll be moving houses, so Internet would be cut off. Then after I move I'll be flying out for the holidays at Dec. So yeah its a hectic schedule, I know you both have your own lives too. I'm sorry I know I shouldn't ask for extention, though I really wanted to read you writings & have my character included.

The only free time I have is when I'm out of town at dec. The place I'll be staying at has a stable wifi & I don't go outside at all XD

I'm afraid I'll have to pull out since it would really be selfish & thick faced of me if i ask for extention until next month. You both also need to continue the story so I can't ask you to wait, as well as both of you having your own lives outside of aff to handle.

It was nice though having experienced reading your writing from the previous thread of the story. Thank you for reading my long excuse for not being able to hand in my app XD

I'll continue reading your updates in the future~ ^_^
Good Luck~♡☆ OuO
busans #5
Chapter 3: okay so i just finished my exams and i'm going to be overseas for like the next two weeks i think.

i was halfway through part two of the application, but i don't have my laptop with me now so i can't do anything about it for 2 weeks. welps.

i'm not going to ask for an extension bc that would be selfish on my part (could have done it way before my exams started but i took too long with trying to write everyth out and coming up with ideas oTL) so yeah.

feel free to like kick soah's out of there or smtg.
i really apologise for this ;;;;/;;//;

thank you & i'd continue reading and anticipating your updates!
babyz_army #6
Chapter 19: oh! the article came out! Excited for this. btw...can I extend my apps for a few days? It's an exam week. tq.
Hi! I just wanted to say that my computer crashed on me, so I'm not going to make the deadline for the questionnaire. Is there anyway I can get a extension? I'm on my phone by the way.
Chapter 19: ah.... I hope you're doing fine^^
myeong dong hee's akp looks nice^^
Chapter 3: I won't be able to finish the 2nd app until wednesday and I don't want to ask for more time, because I basically had enough time to fill it in and I want this story to start. So feel free to kick Hyojin out. ouo
I'm going to stay as a reader though. c:
CrayCrayAli #10
Chapter 18: Though I decided not to apply, but I decided to come back and subscribe to the story again because I really like Dana and Mavis's writing style. :) Good luck to both of you. Handling so many character is really hard. Haha.