ch 12

Remember me again



This whole Chapter is Chanyeol's point of view

I don't know how or why, but my body dragged me out of Luhan's apartment

The moment I stepped out of that place, I felt my soul left my body, I couldn't feel anything anymore, my whole body went num.

I somehow managed to get myself back home, but I couldn't sleep on our bed, not without Baekhyun, so I slept on the couch.

The next day felt even worst, because I had to wake up without Baekhyun next to me.

I decided to go to my company, since Baekhyun wasn't here.

Everyone widened their eyes as soon as they saw me, some of them didn't even recognise me.

I rode the lift to the seventh floor, Kai's office.

I opened the door only to find Kai making out with his secretary- Kyungsoo


Kyungsoo eyes widened, as if wasn't already big, and pushed Kai away, then ran out the room, after bowing at me.

"Chanyeol?, what are you doing here?" He asked

"Shouldn't you be-"

"He left"

Kai instantly stood up and hugged me, as if he knew this day would come

"I'm sorry"

I didn't react, I just stood there emotionless

I pulled him away

bzzz bzzz bzzz

My phone rang, it was Luhan, I hesitated at first, but then I picked up



"If you're calling to tell me to get Baekhyun back, it's not going to work Luhan, he already convinced me yesterday, and he probably doesn't remember me, but-"

"No, Chanyeol, listen, he...he remembers, but he forgot you"

"What do you mean?"

"You should come get him I don't know what to do"

"No, Luhan if he remembers when I'm not beside him, then don't you think it's best if I stay away"

"What?! No! What's better for him is to be with you"

"Luhan please, I can't do it anymore, I can't bear this pain any longer"

"Chanyeol you can't give up, after all this time, you can't"

"Luhan please take care of him for me"

"Chanyeol, please, Baek needs you, you know that"


*Sigh* "Fine I'll let him stay, for a week, then you're taking him back"

I hung up.

"So, how is he?" Kai asked

"Let's not talk about it first"

"Just tell me what I've missed in the company during the time I left"

He sighed "Okay"


I went home after a long day at work and went to our bedroom.

The moment I lied on the bed, I was already missing Baekhyun.

I grabbed his pillow and inhaled his sweet scent in.

"Good night Bacon" I whispered before drifting off to sleep.


bzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Ughh stupid phone, I picked up and-


"Baekhyun fainted, we're on our way to the hospital right now!"

"Get down here now!"

I hung up and rushed to the hospital

After asking the girl at the counter which room Baekhyun is in, I ran there, I stood outside the door, Luhan and Sehun stood next to him. And I saw Baekhyun lying there, not moving, it felt horrible, it reminded me of the time I had to wait three months for him to wake up, it almost killed me.

The tears slowly escaping my eyes as I walked away.

bzzz bzzz bzzz


"Chanyeol get your down here this instant, Baekhyun needs you"

"no Luhan leave me alone please, I can't see him right now, he'll just forget me tomorrow

"What no, he remembers, he remembers you"

"Don't lie to me Luhan, he's not going to remember, he'll never remember"

"It took me a while to realize it"

"But I know now, he's never going to remember, he's only going to keep forgetting *sob* forgetting me"

"What do you mean?"

"Chanyeol, I don't know what made you think that, but I'm not lying right now, Baekhyun really remember's, well, not all of it just a little and he wants to see you"

I sighed "Luhan, thats not the first time it happened, trust me okay, tomorow he'll just forget me again, and I don't want to stick around to see it anymore, please just tell him I'm sorry and I love him when he's ready, bye"

I hung up before Luhan could answer.

This is it isn't it, I'll never see him again

I walked down the hall with the tears flowing down my face, each tear falling with happiness falling with it.


I love you, so much it hurts, literally

I'm sorry I broke our promise

But you broke yours too


It's all my fault

if only

if only I paid more attention to you

if only I showed you I loved you more

if only I didn't show up late

if only I didn't get angry at you

if only I trusted you, after you waited for me

I'm so sorry Baekhyun

I'm sorry I broke you

I'm sorry I broke our promises

and broke us.

Baekhyun will you ever remember?









Okay I lied, this is not better

this is just sad

I'm sorry *90 degree bow*




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heyy there fellow readers, I would love it you guys would comment, it will really make me happy and more eager to write a new chapter, so please give me support


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mistystorm8 #1
Chapter 16: I love this story. I agree you should do an epilogue if you feel lIke it. Thank you
myung-yeollipop #2
Chapter 12: what's this?? why is this so sad?! it's 2.50 a.m and here i am crying silently reading this, i hope my pillow is not soaked w/ tears. T.T
ryuuga #3
Chapter 14: i really enjoy ur story , >//< its so sweet ...
epilogue please , if u dont mind :D
swaggyneko #4
Chapter 16: Epilogue please
softiejongdae #5
Chapter 15: Hip hip hooray! Update soon!!! Please
Chapter 15: Horayyy for an update. I like how love each other, so cute. I think I need some angst hehe forgive me for craving it.
softiejongdae #7
Chapter 14: Such a happy moment.....*le cries*......update soon!
Chapter 14: oh my god, this is just so beautiful! can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 1: i want to read this chapter but my mom ask me to sleep..
i guest i should continue read this chapter tomorrow..
have a nice day author-nim.. and fighting!!
seungrin123 #10
Chapter 12: Ahh!! Chanyeol,why you are so pabo?!! want to give up??!! Author nim..why you make this story is so sad?!! I love you!! Update soon..fighting