You Don't Say

Beautiful memories

"krystal?" you were extremely shocked. you were pale. you were scared. you onced told baekhyun you were fearless. yes you are except for when you see insects, snakes and even worst... krystal....


will krystal snatch him away from me? will her? nope right? byuntae loves me he forgot her.. its not gonna happen right? Dear God i dont wanna lose him after suho oppa left i only have him please let him stay with me.. forever... please i love him and i love him even more than those days when they were in love i love him .. please... my baby... my minhyun.. please ...



" yah baby!" " umm hmm?" " is that the only thing you know? sigh i miss you an im in korea now! guess what i want to come to your house this afternoonanyeong~"  damnit yu told yourself. did she know you are married to her ex boyfriend? double damnit!


" baby~" you heard baek called you. " oppa you me bed now" baek were surprised he smirked. " i thought you are all sore.. "  you pulled him closer and closed the distance between you two. you captured his lips. " but promise you are mine." " sure baby" he carried you upstairs and you ignored the pain.

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farahfany #1
Chapter 10: Please update soon....
Nice story & description! Keep it up - Yuki
baekzelo #3
Chapter 3: See told ya.. *WANT
farahfany #4
Chapter 1: please update soon....