The Color War


You have 48 hours to obtain all the colors or else your family will die. Nothing is aganist the rules. Welcome to the Color War.


A family cruiseliner that turns out to be a fight to the death for a chance for their family to live. Obtain all the colors and you win; don't and your family doesn't either.  


"Don't you know how to break people the most? Its to see their loved ones tortured or killed. People can deal with their own pain, physically no, but physiologically yes. But to literally break a person beyond recognition to the point where they have no desire to live, or for anything, you have to make them lose their loved ones. That is how you truly destroy someone's soul."

*               *               *

I know you must think that this is some sort-of rip off from Battle Royale or the Hunger Games, but I lierally had a dream where this entire thing spawned from. It was almost like a lucid dream because everything felt so real. The other characters weren't EXO, but I wanted to base a fic off of my dream, so I'm writing about EXO since I like them a lot! Haha.

Thus, the fic was not inspired from either the Hunger Games or Battle Royale but actually from my dream. There may be some references that are like Hunger Games/Battle Royale but they all survey around the fact where people have to fight to the death in order to live. But, just keep in mind that this fic isn't meant to rip off either of those two novel's ideas :)

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Chapter 1: not the truth game I meant the liar game lol sorry
Chapter 1: it sounds really interesting and also reminds me of the truth game I'm really looking forward to it and those lucid dreams are really freaky good luck <3