MC Liu

Amber Vlogs on Krystal



Once again we are back at Amber's apartment. Everything is the same except the fact that Amber had transformed into MC Liu for today. Her first guest is none other than her girlfriend, Krystal. 

MC Liu is holding a popsicle in her hand, pretending it's a microphone. People should be warned that this host is extra stupid.

"Krystal, on the behalf of Amber and her fans, I would like to ask you when you'll stop being mean to her?" 

The long hair girl takes a bite of Amber's popsicle- it was a big bite. lol 

"Hey-ahh! You already ate one!" the tomboy could only complains with half of her popsicle gone.

Satisfied, Krystal even her lips before answering, "Never. Tell her that I'm forever the boss." 


"What do you like the most about Amber?" MC Liu is sure curious.

"Umm... mmm... I don't know even if I like her or not. She's difficult these days."

"You have the right to say that someone is difficult?" MC Liu sound amazed. We all know that the princess is a bit too much to handle sometimes, but hang on.

"I was just kidding. Gosh, Amber."

"I'm MC Liu, not Amber. Get it straight please," the tomboy is sure taking her role seriously. "Okay, here's your next question: where is your special spot?"

"Whattt!? You're such a ert. No wonder why your hair grow so fast." 

MC Liu defends herself, "I'm not a . Amber wants to know, I'm only asking for her sake."



stay tune for MC Liu's next interview^^



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Bluekkkmt #1
Chapter 31: Hahaha... I like the concept of this story.And cute , casual kryber.Haha
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 31: Cute!! Thanks
ed_peniel #3
Chapter 31: What?! Thats it?!
Chapter 12: This is mah fav
Chapter 31: Wait the story's done??
Chapter 31: KYAAAAAAAA they're so cute together
denisha #7
Chapter 31: can kryber imitating my lovely girl's drama? u know.. the kiss
Nurul_soshi #8
Chapter 30: Amber can you say to krystal "Marry Me? " hahahaha :v
saberius #9
Chapter 30: Cute and fluffy please~~ :)
Their actions are too cute!
denisha #10
Chapter 30: LOL so funny!!