Prank Gone Wrong? Part 2

Amber Vlogs on Krystal



The camera on the shelf is still filming Krystal, who's alone in the living room. 

She puts down the phone and cross her arms infront of her chest. "Hmph... this is weird..." Krystal raises one of her eyebrow. Slowly she looks around the living room.

Finally, she spots the camera hidden on the shelf. Then she walks toward it. 

Krystal scoffs, "what is this~? A hidden camera?" The long hair girl laughs as she figure that her girlfriend is pulling a prank on her. "Stupiddd~ I'm the prank master."

Krystal decides to put the camera somewhere else. Aware that Amber will come out of the bathroom any second, the girl puts the camera on the couch and covers it with her jacket.

Right after she finish hiding the camera, Amber comes out of the bathroom.

In her standing position, Krystal calmly calls Amber over.

"What's the password?" the long hair girl plays along. The tomboy still haven't notice anything yet.

"Oh... I-I don't remember," Amber scratches the back of her head.

Pretending to be mad, Krystal gives Amber the 'annoyed' look, "You really forgot it, or is it that you don't want to tell me?

Truly believes that her princess is mad, Amber continues with her acting. "What do you want to know? Just ask me!" Purposely, Amber raises her voice at Krystal.

"Why are you talking to me like that, HUH?" Krystal lightly shove Amber by the shoulder. "Are you trying to hiding something from me!? Who is Jess? Are you guys doing anything behind my back!?"

Krystal takes a deep breathe as she tries to control herself from laughing; although Amber thought she was just trying to stay calm.

"Well, fine. Let me tell you what, I'm seeing someone else right now too! How about that, Amber!!!? We are equal." 

After Krystal finish yelling the last word, Amber's expression darkens. Her heart shatters for a moment. 

"Wait- you WHAT!? Dude, who?" Amber grabs Krystal by the forearm. "Tell me who!!!" The tomboy grips harder onto Krystal's arm.

Haughtily, Krystal shakes off Amber's hand, "I'm Just Kidding! I saw your camera on the shelf, Stupid!"

Amber is completely shock, then she takes a look at the top of the shelf and notice that the camera is missing. "Woah, you scared me." 

"That's what you get for trying to pull a prank on me. I'm too smart for that." Krystal speaks proudly. 

"But how did you found out about the camera?" Amber is truly amuse that Krystal found out about the prank. "And where's the camera now?" She innocently looks around.


The video cuts to a scene where Amber is sitting on the edge of the queen-sized bed and Krystal is soundly sleeping on the left side.

Amber speaks softly, "Sorry, guys. My prank was unsuccessful; I will try better for though. Maybe I should have a girl on my bed next time. That would me nice." She flashes a big smile as she steal a glance at her sleeping girlfriend. "I like it the best when Krystal is at sleep-"

Before Amber finish talking, she recieve a kick at the back of the her head. Guessing that Krystal is not really asleep then. ^^




woah... Amber... Krystal might actualy twist your head off


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Bluekkkmt #1
Chapter 31: Hahaha... I like the concept of this story.And cute , casual kryber.Haha
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 31: Cute!! Thanks
ed_peniel #3
Chapter 31: What?! Thats it?!
Chapter 12: This is mah fav
Chapter 31: Wait the story's done??
Chapter 31: KYAAAAAAAA they're so cute together
denisha #7
Chapter 31: can kryber imitating my lovely girl's drama? u know.. the kiss
Nurul_soshi #8
Chapter 30: Amber can you say to krystal "Marry Me? " hahahaha :v
saberius #9
Chapter 30: Cute and fluffy please~~ :)
Their actions are too cute!
denisha #10
Chapter 30: LOL so funny!!