Aigoo! Daragon~

I woke up. 




I'm dying. 

OH . 

Goodbye world.


My head. 
I have got the most splitting headache. 
What's wrong with my head? 
It hurts like a son of a . I can't even open my eyes. 


"..." I groaned. 


I don't think I'll be drinking again anytime soon. It feels like someone hit me on the head with a damn baseball bat. 
Or maybe Bom did hit me. I should go ask her. 
When I have the energy to get up. Or to even open my eyes. 
I'd sleep some more. Maybe the next time I wake up, the pain will be gone. 
Yeah, I'd better sleep on it

I rolled over and buried my face on the pillow.. 


A pillow? 
Looks like by some miracle, I got home huh?


I try to remember how I got home.. 
And fails. 
The last thing I remember..
Is laying my head down on the table. 


Or maybe, I'm just not trying hard enough. 


I should sleep some more. 


I let go of my thoughts. 
Think zzzzzzz's. 


But there's just something about this goddamn pillow. 
It just doesn't feel right to me. 
It doesn't smell right. 
Not that it smells bad. 
But it just doesn't smell like my pillow, you know? 


I'm probably just imagining it. 
But it kinda smells like........ 




That's crazy. 
Totally crazy. 
And I say no no no to crazy thoughts. 


I rolled over again, on my back. 


And opened one eye to reassure myself that I'm in my room.


And closed it--


And opened both eyes-- 




What the--
Where the hell-- 


I'm off my back in an instant. 
Looking around. 


This is definitely-- 




That got me off my . 


Where the hell am I-- 


Not Bom's room.


Not any room that I've seen before - not that I've seen a lot.  


What the hell did I do last night?!
Did I go home with some guy--



I'm not that depressed am I?! 


Bom bom bom!
What did you let me do?! 


I'm not panicking. 
No, not really. 


I just gotta get out of here. 


I'm getting the hell out-- 


When I find my damn clothes!! 


Why am i just wearing an oversized shirt and p-?! 


Oh God. 
What did I do?! 


I searched the room for my clothes still swearing repeatedly. 



Damn it. 


I go around and searched everywhere except under the bed. 
Damn it. 
It wouldn't make sense for my clothes to be under the bed. 
But I got down on my knees to look anyway. 


And the door opened. 


I froze. 


Are you ing kidding me?! 


I look behind me. 


And saw Ji standing there. 


He's frozen like me. 



Major major !!


Ofcourse he had to find me like this! 

Down on my knees with my in the air. 


I'm really gonna die!! 


But I'll kill him first. 



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Chapter 7: Authornim!!! Come back!! Please! Please! please!!!!! T_T
kpopavid17 #2
Are you abandoning this story? Please don't
smittenbykecik #3
Chapter 7: Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please UPDATE! Ugh. ASAP. Juseyo.
kpopavid17 #4
Chapter 7: Please update
Chapter 7: i hate it when dara curses. im not used to dara cursing (a not so dara).
but its a good story, poor jiyong though. please do finish this authornim
Chapter 7: This is my 4th time rereading this I think. Always cracks me up. Wah! But it's not finished... Any chance you'll finish it for us? :)
wenkie0414 #7
Chapter 7: the warfreak DARA i love it hahaha a new image from being sweet submissive kind and nice one hahaha update please
chen_free #8
Chapter 7: I enjoyed all the craziness! Thank you.
kpopavid17 #9
When are you gonna update this please don't tell me you forgot about this..... plus update I love your story