Aigoo! Daragon~

I'm back and ready to take on more work.

But YG --
"Welcome back. Take some time off for now. Goodbye."

I swear there's something wrong with that old man. 

Great. I got nothing to do, right when I really need something to do. 

I went home to my parents' house planning to stay for a week. 
But then, after a few days, my mother suddenly came to me --
"Go back to your apartment. Why are you boring yourself here? You should go out and have some fun while you're on a break."

She threw me out, I don't believe it.
I had no choice but to go back to my apartment. 

I got nothing to do, again. 

I tried calling the other members to see where they are and what they're up to. 
Maybe they wanna grab some drinks or something. 

"Can't. I'm with my family." --YB
"Can't. I'm with my family." --Top
"Can't. I'm with my family." --Dae
Did they plan this or something?
I tried Seungri. "Why are you even calling me? Just call her already!" 
I shouldn't have called him. 

I'll just sleep. 

But I've done nothing but sleep these past few days. An hour later I'm still wide awake, tossing and turning, staring at the wall, at the ceiling. 
My mind keeps on wandering and wondering about--


I need a ing drink. 

I took a quick shower before heading out, off to find some bar where I can grab a few drinks. 
In peace. 
It's pretty late, there's not a lot of people on the streets. I rolled my windows down. The night air feels nice and I forgot about the drink and just kept on driving. 
I didn't even notice where I was heading -liar- til I was there.

What am I even doing here?
I'm acting like a damn creep, I should just drive away but I stayed anyway. 
Just for a little while. 
I'll go after this one stick of cigarette.


Three sticks after and I'm still there. 
Why am I doing this? 
She can't not know that I'm back but she haven't even called. 
Not that I called, but still.. 
It doesn't matter, remember?

Yeah, yeah. It doesn't. I don't care.
I better leave. 
I'm leaving. 
I started the car and was about to pull away when I spot a car -her car- coming out of the building's parking. 
That was definitely her car. 

Really? At this hour?! Where the hell is she going? 
What's wrong with her going out this late? 
I'm angry and worried and I'm not supposed to care anymore. 
But here I am anyway, following her.

Where's she driving off to?
Hey wait a minute--
She pulled over. 
I pulled over. 
Isn't this--?

My heart.
It beats. 

She drove to my place. 



She still wants me. (right?)
But why isn't she coming out of the damn car?

Baby come to me what are you waiting for? 
Should I call her? No. She'll just bolt again. If she wants me she'll come to me. 

But why--
Why is she driving away again?!
Damn it, she's driving me insane!
Where's she off to now?! 


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Chapter 7: Authornim!!! Come back!! Please! Please! please!!!!! T_T
kpopavid17 #2
Are you abandoning this story? Please don't
smittenbykecik #3
Chapter 7: Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please UPDATE! Ugh. ASAP. Juseyo.
kpopavid17 #4
Chapter 7: Please update
Chapter 7: i hate it when dara curses. im not used to dara cursing (a not so dara).
but its a good story, poor jiyong though. please do finish this authornim
Chapter 7: This is my 4th time rereading this I think. Always cracks me up. Wah! But it's not finished... Any chance you'll finish it for us? :)
wenkie0414 #7
Chapter 7: the warfreak DARA i love it hahaha a new image from being sweet submissive kind and nice one hahaha update please
chen_free #8
Chapter 7: I enjoyed all the craziness! Thank you.
kpopavid17 #9
When are you gonna update this please don't tell me you forgot about this..... plus update I love your story