Aigoo! Daragon~

Not-too-loud music in a not-too-crowded and dimly-lit bar somewhere in town.
Two girls huddled over a table. A bottle of vodka (with the highest alcohol content possible) between them. 


Halfway thru the bottle..


"Why are we getting drunk again?" 
"We're not getting drunk, I'm getting you drunk." Bom says as she hand me another shot.
"Why do I need to get drunk exactly?" My face feels numb from too much alcohol already but I took the drink anyway. 
"You'll need it. The label says you'll have instant courage and a loose tongue. Here, have another shot." 
I tipped my head back and poured the drink down my throat. "My tongue feels numb." And I'm slurring my words.
"That's good. Another one?" 
"I don't know why I'm even listening to you." I whined but downed the shot in an instant. 
"I'm your bestfriend." Bom quickly refills the glass and hands it over. 
"You're turning me into an alcoholic. Why are we friends again?" I drink. 
"We both have drinking problems." 
"Ahh." It kinda makes sense. "I think I'm drunk, or is there an earthquake?"
"Definitely drunk. So now talk. Pretend that I'm Kwon." 
"Okay.." I looked at her and imagined that she's Ji, just like she asked. "Ji, why are you wearing your hair so long these days?"
She hit me on the head. "Aw!"
"C'mon! Be serious about it!" Bom complained. 
"I just wanna lighten the mood. Why so serious?!"
"We've talked about this! You have some things to say and you gotta say it to his face! And since you're not much of a talker - you need to practice." 
"Fine, fine. You're right." My head still hurts though. 
"Here, drink this and let's try again." 
I do as she asked and downed another glass. I wiped my mouth before speaking. 
"Now, imagine I'm Kwon." 
Inhale. "Welcome back, Ji."




"What the hell is that!? That's so lame!" 
"I know, damn it. This is hard you know!"
We bickered for awhile. 




The bottle's almost empty.


"You know, if Ji's standing in front of me right now, I bet he'll be glaring at me." 
"Then let's try it." Bom started glaring at me. 
"I'm angry too so I'm gonna glare back---"
"Fine fine. Just get on with it."
Inhale. "There's so many things that I wanna say, but to sum it all up --- Ji. I love you but you are a major pain in the !" Exhale.
Bom smirked. "That's more like it." 
"I don't think he'll be happy when I say that to his face though."  
"Are you kidding?! He'll definitely not be happy!" Giggle. "I think you should add to that pain in the thing."
"Fine." Inhale. "As I was saying.. You're a pain in my behind!" Bom giggled again as I go on with my litany. "You're domineering.  You're always jealous. You always want things your way. And you nag too much.. Like Bommie!" 
"Just sayin'.."
"Drink this last shot. And say something else!" 
"Uhm.."  I downed the shot as I rack my brains for the things that I wanna say. "I understand that you're frustrated that YG sent you away. But your negativity just eats me up as it adds up to mine. Every damn time we talk on the phone, you're angry about something and it's like every little thing I did upsets you. And I always end up apologizing - it's really irritating." My eyes feel heavy. "You're irritating. You piss me off. You make me angry. And it's just so--"
"Exactly-- and you know what else? He wears PINK! And I HATE PINK!" 
Bom laughed out loud. "What was that last part!" 
"I just really hate pink, damn it." 
Bom's smiling like a proud mother, she seems really happy about something. 
"Why are you so happy when I'm miserable and drunk right here?" I asked as I blinked slow, slow blinks. It's getting really hard to open my eyes. 
"I'm just happy to see you like this. You are absolutely and utterly drunk!" 
"I'm depressed and you're happy? I'm really wondering why we're friends."I bent over the table laying down my head on my arms. The room keeps spinning around so I closed my eyes. 
"Poor Darong. Sleepy?"
"Just close your eyes. I'll take care of everything." 

Darong - Off to la la land. 




Dara's out. 
But Bom's perfectly at ease. 


It's not like she have to carry Darong out of here. 
Someone else can do that. 


"Kwon. Welcome back." She smiled at the man who's actually been standing behind Dara for quite some time now. 
"Did you have to get her this drunk?" He sounds a little pissed but concerned. 
"Yes actually. Good thing you happen to be here, you stalker. I'm sure you heard everything?" 
"Good. I really don't think she'll do a repeat performance especially in front of you."
Guilt written on his face. "Was she really depressed..?"
"And it's because of me.. It's my fault.. And she got sick.. I can't believe I'm so--"
"Stupid. I already know that. But what's important is, you're here now. What are you gonna do about it?" 




And then he reached out for Dara. 


"Err.. Can you take care of her car for me?"
"It's done." She had Dara's keys in her bag. "Where are you taking her?"
"First, I'm taking her out of here."
"Great. And then what?"
"And then.. I'll take care of her. Thanks for your help by the way."
"You don't need to thank me. Tomorrow, if she asks me what happened, I'll tell her you dragged her away." 
"Still, I owe you one." 
They nod at each other goodbye. 

Darong - still in la la land. 

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Chapter 7: Authornim!!! Come back!! Please! Please! please!!!!! T_T
kpopavid17 #2
Are you abandoning this story? Please don't
smittenbykecik #3
Chapter 7: Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please UPDATE! Ugh. ASAP. Juseyo.
kpopavid17 #4
Chapter 7: Please update
Chapter 7: i hate it when dara curses. im not used to dara cursing (a not so dara).
but its a good story, poor jiyong though. please do finish this authornim
Chapter 7: This is my 4th time rereading this I think. Always cracks me up. Wah! But it's not finished... Any chance you'll finish it for us? :)
wenkie0414 #7
Chapter 7: the warfreak DARA i love it hahaha a new image from being sweet submissive kind and nice one hahaha update please
chen_free #8
Chapter 7: I enjoyed all the craziness! Thank you.
kpopavid17 #9
When are you gonna update this please don't tell me you forgot about this..... plus update I love your story