A Slightly Normal Day [pt 1]

What Are You To Me

Kyungsoo arrives to school half an hour earlier than everyone else so as to not be in the middle of everyone rushing to class. It's not like he has any friends to walk to class with. In fact, he doesn't have any friends at all. Those he did consider his friends turned their back on him a long time ago. Even before everything happened to him. Kyungsoo goes to his classroom and finds his seat in the back right corner of the class, farthest away from the door that any seat could get, but at least it's next to a window that he can look out when the teacher's lectures become uninteresting.

Once Kyungsoo sits in his seat, he pulls out the small compact mirror that he carries around in his backpack. He double checks his make-up to make sure that nothing is showing. He then shifts his focus in the mirror to his eye and sighs. There is no way that he can cover that up. Normally his bruises are where they won't show, or where they can be easily covered such as the one on his left cheek. This is the first time that he cannot not cover it. Although he doesn't care what other people will say about it, he does care that his boss Junmyeon will question him about it at work tonight. As if he doesn't already give Junmyeon enough to feel worried about. Kyungsoo closes the mirror with a final sigh and begins to put it away and take out last night's homework.

By this time, there are other students arriving to class. One of them being his seat partner Luhan. He looks over when the boy sits down. Luhan is almost as small as Kyungsoo himself, but he is still taller than the other. He has doe like eyes and pale pink hair. Kyungsoo thinks that the boy looks like a girl, but he knows not to voice his opinion based on the rumors from the boys who did. The rumors say that Luhan kidnapped and tortured those who said he resembles a girl. No one knows if they are true or not, but Kyungsoo doesn't want to find out.

As Luhan sits, he barely glances towards Kyungsoo until, out of the corner of his eye, he notices that Kyungsoo is doing last night's homework, which Luhan also did not finish. He tries to secretly glance over at Kyungsoo's homework, only to realize that he read what Kyungsoo is writing due to Kyungsoo's tiny handwriting and the distance between the two. To see better, Luhan attempts to lean in his chair, only to fall off with a loud “OOF” and to have Kyungsoo look over to him.

Kyungsoo hears the sound of Luhan falling and turns to see what happened. He notices Luhan on the ground and thinks about whether he should try and help or not. In the end, he offers his outstretched hand to help Luhan, who gladly accepts it, up off of the floor. Luhan turns to face Kyungsoo and begins to express his thanks when he notices Kyungsoo's eye and ends up just staring at the latter with an open mouth. At first, Kyungsoo is confused as to what Luhan was trying to say, until he notices where Luhan's gaze is directed. He immediately turns around in his seat as a mean of avoiding the other. Luhan, who can now hear others coming into the room, decide to go back to his seat and question the other through note. That way other do not have to see him associating with the latter. It's not that Luhan does not like Kyungsoo. In fact, Luhan has always found something about the boy mysterious and Luhan has longed to befriend the boy. It's just that the boy is considered an outcast in the school since he has no friends and Luhan, being a popular athlete, cannot be seen socializing with someone that other do not approve of. Luhan, himself, could care less about what those students think of him, it's just that his friends would begin to think badly of him, and that is something that Luhan cannot have. Especially since he knows how it feels to be lonely. Maybe that is why he feels a connection to Kyungsoo. They can understand each other, if only the other would let him.

Kyungsoo looks up as the bell rings and the teacher walks into the classroom. Kyungsoo is always at war with himself about this class. He really like the teacher, Mr. Choi, who is kind and has a really good sense of humor, but he really hates what the latter teaches, which just so happens to be Kyungsoo's worst subject, History. Kyungsoo is really good at studying, when he gets a chance to, but he is also naturally smart in most subjects. Actually, all subjects....except history. For some reason he just cannot remember the dates and people throughout history like he can any other subject. If Kyungsoo could wish for one thing, it'd be to be able to pass history.

Mr. Choi walks in and stands in front of the class to make an announcement. “Now class settle down. It seems that we have a new student who will be with us for now on. I know it's late in the year, but he is new so be kind to him.” He looks over and eyeballs the group of girls in the back who weren't paying attention. He then looks over to the door, “You may come in now Mr. Kim.”

When he says this, a tanned blond boy walks into the room. Kyungsoo stares at the boy with wide eyes. The boy is the most beautiful creature that Kyungsoo has laid eyes on. The boy stands with such posture that Kyungsoo can tell, unlike himself, this boy comes from a rich background. His blond hair matches perfectly with his sun-kissed skin. It makes the boy seem as if he is glowing. And his smile. It is the type of smile that lets Kyungsoo know that this boy is a dangerous playboy. He is especially reminded of this fact when the girls in the back of the class start giggling and making cute, which appears to Kyungsoo as disgusting, faces at the boy. The boy at the front of the room then begins to talk, as Kyungsoo puts his head down, realizing he was staring.

“Hello. I am Kim Jongin, but everyone calls me Kai. I'm new to this town so please take care of me”, the boy says as he bows. Mr. Choi then proceeds to place the boy in the only empty seat in the classroom, which just so happens to be right behind Kyungsoo and Luhan's seat. Unlike Kyungsoo, Luhan turns around to get a better glimpse at the new student, whistling his appreciation at the student's looks. This does not help to settle Kyungsoo at all. He also wants to turn around and admire the new student, but he knows his stare will be unwelcomed by not only Kai, but the rest of the class. Because of this, he keeps his head down for the rest of the class, even when he feels the new student and Luhan's stare on him.


Hello Everyone ^.^ It's been quite a while hasn't it? I am so very sorry. School has been having me really busy and to make matters worse, it's almost time for finals which will make writting even harder. Not to mention once school lets out im going to be gone for a 6 week internship D: I promise to try and update as often as possible before that happens though :) Also, I spilt this chapter into two parts so you guys can have an update rather than wait 80 years for me to upload one chapter. So...here you guys go. Enjoy <3

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Chapter 7: If I was Soo I will freaking choke the life of HyunSik before being nice XD but oww because HyunSik, KaiSoo met so you are save from now Hyunsik for bullying BabySoo :(
Chapter 6: Ohhhh~ please update soon!! Cx
About pool.. I think It should be less than 40 chapter... and new chapter quickly!! :D
Chapter 4: Nice.. Anyway.. Who is Hyungsik? I wonder which Hyungsik is this.. ? :)
Chapter 4: Ehuuu thay was quickly youre amazing!! And hyunsik do you love him baby? Well thats wierd way to show to yout love....I need new updateeeeee :D
aidodyo #6
Chapter 4: Hooo this is so good already dangit... man i love fics with such a concept i just-- i dont even know man. Cant wait for more, take the time you need tho. Fighting~
Chapter 3: Poor kyungie :/ update quickly~ and luhan go away dude
NevertheMaknae #8
Ooooo Hoobae, trying again? Good for you!
DO_squishy_SOO94 #9
Chapter 1: Wah~ already exited to read next update!
Chapter 1: Interesting.. Continue! ^~^ and gl since it's ur first story! ( I've had ideas but failed to go through with them b4 ;P)