A new beginning

What Are You To Me

When Jongin got home, he found his father waiting in his office for him. Not only would he not look up at Jongin, but Jongin could tell from his father's posture that he was visibly not happy. Jongin walked in and stood directly in front of his father, waiting to see what he was summoned for. For the life of Jongin, he could not think of anything he's done wrong that is worthy of a lecture from his father.


“Jongin.” The latter gulps as his father still has not even glanced in his direction. “Where were you last night?”


“I....” Jongin starts to say but is suddenly cut off by his father.


“If I remember correctly, I told you yesterday morning to not go out and to come home by 5 since we were to attend a party. Did I not tell you this?” His father looks up for the first time and Jongin is rendered speechless. “Now, since I had told you before hand, I expected you to cancel your plans and to be home on time. Now did you? No. You stayed out all night and are just now getting home. What do you think I am supposed to say to this?” Jongin could only hang his head down at the amount of disappointment and anger in his fathers voice. “I have had enough of your reckless parting. I allowed you to do as you please as long as you listened when I needed you to and this is the third time that this has happened. Do you want my image to be ruined?”


“No Sir” was all Jongin could reply.


“Good. Now go get dressed. Your new uniform is on your bed.” His father says as he waves the latter away.


“WAIT!” Jongin screams at his father but stops when his father looks up at him. “New uniform? Why do I need that? I already have one.”


“You need a new one because you are going to be attending a new school.” His father says very calmly to make sure Jongin understands this.


“NEW SCHOOL?!?” Jongin screeches.


“Yes. A new school. Your papers have already been transferred by my secretary and when you arrive at school you can receive your schedule. This is for your own good. If you plan on taking over the company after me, I expect you to straighten up and that is what this new school is for. If I find that nothing has changed, then I will find someone else to give the company to. Now go.” His father said in such a way that there was to be no further argument.


“Yes Father.” Jongin mumbles as he begins to leave.


“Oh and Jongin” His father says as the latter turns to look, “Be home by 5. That is all.”


Jongin leaves and sighs as he makes his way upstairs to take a shower.




When Jongin arrives at school, he can see the many students making their way into the front doors. Jongin decides to follow them hoping he will find his way to the office somehow. On his way in, he ends up bumping into someone kid with rainbow colored hair. The kid turns around to look at him with a blank stare. Jongin thinks he doesn't look like a kid who belongs around other people. He kid offers his hand to help Jongin up, which Jongin takes.


“You must be the new kid everyone is talking about” The kid says as a statement rather than a question. Jongin notices that he has a slight lisp but decides not to point it out in case he offends the boy.


“Yes I am” is all Jongin replies, which proves the rumors the kid heard about him as being a full of himself rich boy.


“The names Sehun. Where are you headed?” The kid decides that he could possibly like the boy and decides to help him.


“Jongin, but call me Kai. I was on my way to the office.” The boy says while looking around the both of them for any sign of the office.


“I'm on my way there too. Come on I'll take you” Sehun lies. This just gave him an excuse to be late to class. Not like he was going to be on time anyway, but with this he can save a lecture from the Ms. Song his teacher.


As they walk to the office, girls at their lockers begin to laugh and giggle with each other about the new kid. They argue about who is hotter between Kai and Sehun. Some guys even join in, to the girls dismay since everyone knows that Sehun is openly Bi and there are rumors of Kai being gay. The boys, however, ignore them all as they find their way to the office.


At the office Sehun points Jongin in the direction of the secretary, but ends up walking him over there anyway. Behind the secretary desk there was a boy who was on the shorter side and woe a lot of eyeliner. Normally, Jongin doesn't approve of guys wearing make-up, but it really seemed to work for this guy. It made him appear sassy, and from what Jongin could tell by the look the latter was giving Sehun, he was right.


“Well look at this! It looks like little Sehunnie found a new friend! I knew you could do it Sehun. All you have to do is put yourself out there and you'll make some friends” The latter exclaimed. Yup. Jongin thought. He was right about this guy being sassy.


“Shut Up Bacon! I have friends....” Sehun retorts with emphasis on the name Bacon. Jongin could see that the boy behind the desk was boiling from the nickname.


“HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU?!? IT'S BAEKHYUN NOT BACON!!!” The little one shouted at Sehun while Jongin just stared in shock at the loudness of the boy name Baekhyun's voice.


“Whatever. Can we just get this guy his schedule?” Sehun said angered while Jongin was a little bit taken aback. He did have a name, which Sehun knew. A little not to use it don't you think?


“Oooooohhhh, and so the lisp comes out” Baekhyun mocks as Sehun glares. “Fine, fine. Kim Jongin right?” Baekhyun looks at the latter to see him nod his head. Baekhyun this goes to the printer and then comes back to hand Jongin his schedule. “There you go. And you can have Sehunnie here show you the way to class. It's the least he can do”


Without retorting, Sehun just walked away expecting Jongin to follow him. When he turned he saw that Baekhyun was talking to Kai. “Well are you coming or not?” he says with irritation as Jongin realizes he was being left behind. He quickly waves bye to Baekhyun and makes his way towards Sehun. On their way to the classroom, the passed the cafeteria and other classrooms which Sehun pointed out to Jongin so no one will have to do it later. When they arrive at the classroom, Sehun tells Jongin to wait in the hall as he goes to alert his new teacher, Mr. Choi, of Jongin's arrival. When Sehun walks back out he tells Jongin to wait until Mr. Choi calls him in and then makes his way to his own classroom which was down the hall.


After about two minutes, Jongin can hear Mr. Choi telling him to come inside the classroom. Jongin walks in and stands in front of the class. From here he can see everyone's faces, especially the girls in the back of the classroom giggling to themselves. “Hello. I am Kim Jongin, but everyone calls me Kai. I'm new to this town so please take care of me” Jongin says as he bows. When he looks up, he can see some of the girls blushing, but he also see's a kid with their head down. He begins to think of how rude that kid is not paying attention to him, Kim Jongin, but is cut off when Mr. Choi him to his seat. As he is walking there he can hear girls giggling getting louder which he chooses to ignore. Once he sits, he realizes that his seat just so happens to behind the boy who is already rude to him. As he is staring, the boy beside the latter turns around, looks at Jongin and whistles appreciatively. Jongin just smirks and nods his head to the light pink headed boy. When the boy turns back around, Jongin continues to stare examine the rude one. He is short with short brown hair. Jongin cannot see his face so he just continues to stare at his stature. Since the boy is leaning forward onto his desk, his shirt is raised a little in the back and Jongin can see the beginning of what looks like a nasty scar going up his back. Jongin shudders as he realizes the pink haired boy is also staring at the latter. They are both still staring at the latter when the bell rings.



Hello World! It seems that I have been gone FOREVER!! Well, heres a new chapter for you guys :) Thanks for all the support! I have 3 days left before i leave for six weeks. I should be packing but i had to update for you lovely readers. Comment and let me know what you think. my tumblr ask is always open too! it's maybecliche. until next time <3

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Chapter 7: If I was Soo I will freaking choke the life of HyunSik before being nice XD but oww because HyunSik, KaiSoo met so you are save from now Hyunsik for bullying BabySoo :(
Chapter 6: Ohhhh~ please update soon!! Cx
About pool.. I think It should be less than 40 chapter... and new chapter quickly!! :D
Chapter 4: Nice.. Anyway.. Who is Hyungsik? I wonder which Hyungsik is this.. ? :)
Chapter 4: Ehuuu thay was quickly youre amazing!! And hyunsik do you love him baby? Well thats wierd way to show to yout love....I need new updateeeeee :D
aidodyo #6
Chapter 4: Hooo this is so good already dangit... man i love fics with such a concept i just-- i dont even know man. Cant wait for more, take the time you need tho. Fighting~
Chapter 3: Poor kyungie :/ update quickly~ and luhan go away dude
NevertheMaknae #8
Ooooo Hoobae, trying again? Good for you!
DO_squishy_SOO94 #9
Chapter 1: Wah~ already exited to read next update!
Chapter 1: Interesting.. Continue! ^~^ and gl since it's ur first story! ( I've had ideas but failed to go through with them b4 ;P)