Sneak Peak

What Are You To Me

Kyungsoo is startled awake in the middle of the night by pounding on the door. He tries to ignore it, but the pounding continues on for several minutes, making it impossible to go back to sleep. Afraid and not wanting to wake his neighbors, Kyungsoo goes to open the door. Because there is no peek hole, Kyungsoo has no reason to pause so he continues to open the door, only to find Hyunsik standing behind it. Before Kyungsoo even has a chance to close the door, Hyunsik pushes his foot in between the door and the frame. He looks down smiling at Kyungsoo. “May I spend the night here?” he asks.

“No”, Kyungsoo replies without a second thought.

“Aww come on babe. Don’t be like that” Hyunsik answers only to be ignored by Kyungsoo.

“How do you know where I live?”

“Oh darling. I have my ways og getting what I want” Hyunsik continues to smile at Kyungsoo. “but seriously...can I stay here?”






I am a horrible person. I have't updated in like 500 years. HOW CAN YOU GUYS EVEN DEAL WITH ME?!? (but forreal, thank you for those of you all who do). As the grat Chris Brown would say "No excuses, No apologies" thus i will not give you reasons as to why I haven't updated. I will let you know however that I am back (forreal this time) and I promise to update at least once every two weeks. Is that ressonable?


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Chapter 7: If I was Soo I will freaking choke the life of HyunSik before being nice XD but oww because HyunSik, KaiSoo met so you are save from now Hyunsik for bullying BabySoo :(
Chapter 6: Ohhhh~ please update soon!! Cx
About pool.. I think It should be less than 40 chapter... and new chapter quickly!! :D
Chapter 4: Nice.. Anyway.. Who is Hyungsik? I wonder which Hyungsik is this.. ? :)
Chapter 4: Ehuuu thay was quickly youre amazing!! And hyunsik do you love him baby? Well thats wierd way to show to yout love....I need new updateeeeee :D
aidodyo #6
Chapter 4: Hooo this is so good already dangit... man i love fics with such a concept i just-- i dont even know man. Cant wait for more, take the time you need tho. Fighting~
Chapter 3: Poor kyungie :/ update quickly~ and luhan go away dude
NevertheMaknae #8
Ooooo Hoobae, trying again? Good for you!
DO_squishy_SOO94 #9
Chapter 1: Wah~ already exited to read next update!
Chapter 1: Interesting.. Continue! ^~^ and gl since it's ur first story! ( I've had ideas but failed to go through with them b4 ;P)