
What Are You To Me

Kyungsoo awakes with a start. He looks around and quickly figures out where he is at. The nurse's office. It's not the first or even second time he has found himself in the care of their school's nurse Ms. Shim. Often during the week after his “meetings” with Hyunsik he would find himself in here. He dreads it every time. It's not that Kyungsoo hates Ms. Shim, he just hates being in the office. If he were to be there only a few times like a normal high schooler and not there every other day, he would be perfectly okay with being in the office. But then again, what about Kyungsoo's high school experience can be related to others as “normal”?

Kyungsoo sighs as he begins to lift himself up when he notices that something is preventing him from doing so. He tries again, but to no avail. Wondering what is binding him, he turns his head to meet the sleeping gaze of Kai. Kyungsoo gasps loudly before quickly covering his mouth with his hand in fear of waking Kai up. Attempting to get up again, Kyungsoo feels Kai's arm around him pull tighter, making it impossible to move. With an exasperate sigh, Kyungsoo pushes the arm away from him, successfully waking Kai up. As Kai begins to open his eyes and collect his surroundings, Kyungsoo sits as still as possible afraid to move. Kai finally realizes where is is when he looks over and sees Kyungsoo is behind him. Yelling out an “Oh”, he startles Kyungsoo which makes Kyungsoo lower himself further under the blanket over him. Kai, not wanting to startle Kyungsoo anymore, looks at Kyungsoo and smiles softly. “Hey” he says towards the bundle that is Kyungsoo.

“Who are you? What do you want from me?” Kyungsoo asks, still under the comfort of the blanket.

“Uhm...well I seen you pass out in the hallway earlier, so I thought it would be a good idea and bring you to the nurse..?” Kai responds not really sure of himself while rubbing the back of his neck.

“Oh...well thank you” Kyungsoo replies though still a little muffled. He didn't remember seeing anyone in the hallway when he was talking to Hyunsik.

After an awkward moment of neither knowing what to say to the other, Kai stands up. “Well I guess I should go now.... Oh yeah! The nurse told me to tell you to just take it light for the next day and that you could leave and go back to class whenever you woke up. But then again its the last period so I guess you can just go home?” Even after Kai's instructions from the nurse, Kyungsoo shows no movement under the blanket. “Well...see you tomorrow...” Kai finishes as he makes his way to the door to exit the room.

Even after the door has closed and Kyungsoo can't hear Kai's footsteps anymore, he stays under the cover too embarrassed to come out. He can't believe he passed out! Normally he would be able to suppress any form of pain until he got home. Maybe it's from the lack of sleep he's had the previous days.

After five minutes, Kyungsoo makes his way out of the nurse's office and to his locker. Kai was right, since it was the last hour there was no point in returning to class, so Kyungsoo decided to go home. Looking out for Hyunsik, Kyungsoo safely reaches his locker to grab his books needed to do his homework. On his way out of the school, Kyungsoo never once halter in his steps. He quickly scans the front yard of the school for any signs of Hyunsik or any of his goons. Once he announces the are as clear, he hastily walks out of the school and makes his way towards his apartment. Living so close to the school really helps Kyungsoo so he doesn't have to worry about catching a bus every morning. He only has a five to ten minute walk to his apartment from the school.






Once home, Kyungsoo sets his backpack down and heads to the bathroom. He decides to take a shower in order to remove the make-up from his face. While in the shower, Kyungsoo begins to sing. He specifically only sings in the shower. According to him, it is the only place where he can sing without being judged or criticized. After his shower, Kyungsoo puts on a pair of sweatpants and a pororo shirt. It's his favorite since it was given to him by his father before he died. Once he was dressed, Kyungsoo decided to cook since he hadn't eaten anything all day. Unable to decide if he could stomach anything from his morning beating, he decides to play it safe and make ramen. While eating his dinner, Kyungsoo makes his way to his couch to watch TV.

About an hour into Kyungsoo watching TV, there is a knock on the door. Well, actually it wasn't a knock but more of a pounding.

“Oh Kyungiiee~~ I know your in there. You mind as well open the door. Even if you don't I still have a key~” come the voice on the other side of the door. Frozen from fear and the shock of hearing that voice, Kyungsoo doesn't move from his position on the couch. After a moment Kyungsoo can hear the door being opened with a key, and inside steps his brother Heechul with a devilish smirk upon his face. “Kyungie my love, how dare you not open the door for your dear brother? Do you not want me in here?”

“N-n-no! I-i mean th-thats not wh-why I didn't o-open the d-d-door. I-i was j-just putting my b-bowl down to come a-a-and open it for you!” Kyungsoo responds shakingly.

“Really? Are you sure Kyungie? You know how much I hate it when I'm lied to right?” Heechul says walking closer to Kyungsoo.

“Y-yes! I mean n-no I wasn't lying and y-yes I k-know how you h-hate it.” Kyungsoo says trying to back away from the approaching Heechul.

“Then why in the world are you backing away from me?” Heechul asks as he still approaches Kyungsoo.

“N-no reason”, Kyungsoo responds as he stops moving.

“YOU ING LIAR!!” Heechul screams as he grabs Kyungsoo by the neck and pulls him up to a standing position. “I really hate people like you” he sneers as he backs Kyungsoo into the wall. “Your spineless ing wimp. You know how much I hate liars. Why did you lie?” Kyungsoo doesn't respond and in return is punched in the stomach by Heechul's other hand. “So your not going to respond?” Still not showing any sign as a response, Kyungsoo is thrown to the floor by Heechul. Kyungsoo knows that he should respond to his brother's question, but he also knows that if he were to respond, the aftermath would only result in worse injuries than if he just stays silent.

Heechul sits straddling Kyungsoo, pinning his arms to the ground. “You know I ing hate you.” Kyungsoo can feel Heechul's breathe hitting his face and he smells how it is reeking of alcohol. Of course, Heechul had to be drunk. He wouldn't have even come over unless he was drunk. Sober Heechul doesn't even give Kyungsoo a second thought. Drunk Heechul on the other hand was dangerous. That's the time when Heechul can't hold in his hatred for his younger brother. That's the time when Kyungsoo's life can be in danger if he makes a wrong move.

“It's your fault. Everything is always your fault. It's your ing fault mom left. It's your ing fault dad died. IT'S ALL YOU ING FAULT!!” Heechul sneers and screams at Kyungsoo. Heechul suddenly takes out a knife from his back pocket and points it at Kyungsoo's chest as Kyungsoo's eyes widen in fear. “Maybe I should give you a scar on your chest to match the one I gave you on your back.” Heechul reaches down with one hand and begins to pull Kyungsoo's shirt up while the other holds both of Kyungsoo's arms over his head. Kyungsoo begins to struggle forcing Heechul to press down harder on Kyungsoo's wrists. Kyungsoo can feel bruises already forming from the hold. “Be still you little ” Heechul says as he slaps Kyungsoo across the face with the knife leaving a blooming cut under Kyungsoo's not blackened eye. The cut begins to bleed as Heechul laughs. “Look at how pitiful you look. It's such a becoming look for you” Heechul then moves the knife towards Kyungsoo's stomach again. Readying himself for the pain Kyungsoo shuts his eyes tight and bites his lip as Heechul brings the knife down towards Kyungsoo's stomach. As the knife reaches Kyungsoo's stomach, Heechul's phone rings, causing the knife to stop moving and hover over Kyungsoo.

“Hey, Heechul where are you man? You told me you were coming by tonight! Are you ditching me again?” The voice yells into Heechul's phone.

Heechul sighs, “No I'm not ditching you, you twit. Where are you at?”

“I 'm at Siwon's party! Bro, you've got to get her like right now! It's freaking crazy man!!” The voice screams into Heechul's ear.

“! I totally forgot his party was tonight! Okay, I'm making my way over there. Don't do anything stupid until I get there okay?” Heechul says as he begins to tuck the knife away back into his pants pocket.

“Oopsies, too late!” The voice on the line says as it hangs up the phone.”

“Goddammit Sungmin!” Heechul screams as he looks back down at the silent Kyungsoo. “Looks like our 'fun time' will have to wait.” He stands up and leaves Kyungsoo on the floor as he makes his way towards the door. “I had a good time. See ya Kyungie. Oh and next time, leave the door unlocked. You wouldn't want to anger me again now would you?” He says with a devilish smirk as he leaves the apartment.

Kyungsoo stays on the floor for a few more minutes. He gently brings his arms to to inspect his wrists. As he had assumed, there were purple bruises already formed in the shape of his brother's hands. He then reaches to touch the scar beneath his eye. It stings but nothing on his finger indicated that it has stopped bleeding already which means that it is a shallow cut. Kyungsoo can only sigh in relief that it probably won't scare. As Kyungsoo begins to pick himself up off of the floor, he can feel his hips protesting which is a sign that they probably have bruises from Heechul pushing his body down on them too hard. Too lazy to do anything else, Kyungsoo makes his way back to the couch to grab his bowl from his ramen and put it in the sink. He will wash it later. After the bowl is away, Kyungsoo makes his way to his bedroom to lazily crawl into the bed. Not even five minutes later Kyungsoo was fast asleep, exhausted from today's events.






Kyungsoo is startled awake in the middle of the night by pounding on the door. He tries to ignore it, but the pounding continues on for several minutes, making it impossible to go back to sleep. Afraid and not wanting to wake his neighbors, Kyungsoo goes to open the door. Because there is no peek hole, Kyungsoo has no reason to pause so he continues to open the door, only to find Hyunsik standing behind it. Kyungsoo sighs in relief thankful that it was not his brother before he realizes who is at the door in his brother's stead. Before Kyungsoo even has a chance to close the door, Hyunsik pushes his foot in between the door and the frame. He looks down smiling at Kyungsoo. “May I spend the night here?” he asks.

No”, Kyungsoo replies without a second thought.

Aww come on babe. Don’t be like that” Hyunsik answers only to be ignored by Kyungsoo.

How do you even know where I live?” Kyungsoo asks exasperated.

Oh darling. I have my ways of getting what I want” Hyunsik continues to smile at Kyungsoo. “but seriously...can I stay here?” He finishes by looking at Kyungsoo pleadingly.

“Why should I Hyunsik?” Kyungsoo asks while having an internal battle with himself. He is not the type of person to turn someone away when they need help, but then again this is Hyunsik. Kyungsoo's own personal tormentor beside his older brother. What should he do?

“I really have no where else to go. I don't trust any of my friends well enough to go and stay with them...” He says while looking down at the floor.

Kyungsoo while still battling himself “and you trust me?”

“Not really but more than them. Forreal though, can I spend the night here? I promise I won't bother you or anything!” Hyunsik asks again looking at Kyungsoo for an answer.

“Fine, but you have to sleep on the couch. I only have one bed” Kyungsoo says giving up his internal struggle with a sigh.

“Thanks a lot Kyungsoo!” Hyunsik says happily.

Kyungsoo turns to let Hyunsik in the door while wondering where his bully went. This wasn't like Hyunsik to act nice. Deciding not to trust Hyunsik just yet, Kyungsoo closes the door behind Hyunsik and shows him to the couch. “Wait one moment an I'll be right back” Kyungsoo says to Hyunsik as he leaves towards his room. Two minutes later Kyungsoo comes back with a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt. “These were the largest clothes I could find so I hope they fit” feeling self-conscious all of a sudden, he continues “I-i mean y-you don't have to w-wear them if you don't w-want to. I just t-thought th-that you might l-like something else t-to sleep in...” he finishes trailing off. Noticing how awkward Kyungsoo feels, Hyunsik take the clothes from Kyungsoo with a smile. “Thanks Kyungsoo.”

“Y-yeah” Kyungsoo says dazed by Hyunsik's smile. He had never seen him smile so sincere before. “Have a g-good night” He rushes to say as he run back into his room before Hyunsik can respond. As Kyungsoo lays in bed, he wonders what happened to Have Hyunsik come and ask for help. He thinking about Hyunsik until he falls asleep.




Oh my god you guys! I wrote such a long chapter :O Well I promised to update and hear it is. Tell me how you guys feel about it :)

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Chapter 7: If I was Soo I will freaking choke the life of HyunSik before being nice XD but oww because HyunSik, KaiSoo met so you are save from now Hyunsik for bullying BabySoo :(
Chapter 6: Ohhhh~ please update soon!! Cx
About pool.. I think It should be less than 40 chapter... and new chapter quickly!! :D
Chapter 4: Nice.. Anyway.. Who is Hyungsik? I wonder which Hyungsik is this.. ? :)
Chapter 4: Ehuuu thay was quickly youre amazing!! And hyunsik do you love him baby? Well thats wierd way to show to yout love....I need new updateeeeee :D
aidodyo #6
Chapter 4: Hooo this is so good already dangit... man i love fics with such a concept i just-- i dont even know man. Cant wait for more, take the time you need tho. Fighting~
Chapter 3: Poor kyungie :/ update quickly~ and luhan go away dude
NevertheMaknae #8
Ooooo Hoobae, trying again? Good for you!
DO_squishy_SOO94 #9
Chapter 1: Wah~ already exited to read next update!
Chapter 1: Interesting.. Continue! ^~^ and gl since it's ur first story! ( I've had ideas but failed to go through with them b4 ;P)