A Slightly Normal day [Pt 2]

What Are You To Me


If you didn't read chapter 2, go and read it!!


During lunch, a person can find most of the students in either the cafeteria enjoying their lunch with their friends or in the library silently reading a book. That is, all except Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo normally spends his lunch time trapped in the handicapped stall of the boys bathroom or locked on top of the school roof. He never eats lunch. He doesn't have time for it. When he's not being beaten up by his tormentor Hyunsik, he is found in either of the two places hiding from Hyunsik and his followers. Today was no different.


Once the bell rang signaling it was lunch time, Kyungsoo sprang up out of his desk, making sure he was the first person to and out of the door. He immediately ran to the stairs leading to the roof, ignoring the stay out sign, and pushed through the doors. Once on the roof, he was able to release the breath he didn't know he was holding. Hyunsik didn't see him today. He wouldn't be beaten again today. At least, not until after school where again, Kyungsoo would run away as if his life depended upon it, and in some ways, it did.


While on the roof, Kyungsoo's mind began to drift towards the new kid in class today. He knew that Kai was a play boy, but he couldn't stop thinking about him. His blonde hair matched his sun-kissed skin perfectly, thought Kyungsoo. The boy was buff. Kyungsoo could tell through the boy's uniform that was tight across his chest. He had the face of a god. Perfectly sculpted and very suited to his body. Then his lips. Those cherry red lips. They looked very kissable and... Kyungsoo began to shake his head as if that could clear him of his thoughts of Kai. It seemed to work until Kyungsoo began to think of homework that he had so far, that then brought him back to the tan korean. Kyungsoo sighed as he leaned back to lay on the roof and face the sky. Thinking about a guy who probably found him disgusting was not going to help him. No, he needed to create a plan to get back to class safely and then after class, home safely. He could probably make it to class by running, but since he would need to pass the cafeteria in order to get to class, there was always the chance of meeting Hyunsik. Normally Hyunsik hanged around the courtyard outside with his gang during the lunch hour, but there have been times when he has surprised Kyungsoo by being in the cafeteria. Because of this, Kyungsoo always had to bee on guard and plan his way back to class everyday.


After ten minutes, Kyungsoo decided that he would leave the roof early and make his way to the classroom. Then he would wait in the bathroom, which was right next to his classroom, until the bell rang and then make his way in the classroom. This was a good plan because Hyunsik didn't like to use public bathrooms so he would never go near one. Also, Kyungsoo's next class was science and he had Mrs. Park who didn't take attendance until twenty minutes into class as to allow students who are late a chance to “be on time.” When Kyungsoo looked at his watch that he kept in his pocket so that Hyunsik wouldn't break it, he saw that there were only five minutes left of the lunch hour so he decided to put his plan into action.


Kyungsoo left the roof and gently closed to door to not draw attention to himself. That is the last thing he wanted. When he got to the bottom of the stairs, he quickly looked both ways to make sure no one was there and then went left on his way to class. Past the cafeteria and almost to the bathroom, Kyungsoo hears the one person he was aiming to avoid. Too shocked to continue to move, Kyungsoo turns around and faces his personal devil on earth.


“Hey Kyungsoo Baby! Did you miss me?” Hyunsik calls as he walks closer to where Kyungsoo is at. How would I miss you if I see you everyday? Kyungsoo thinks, but no reply comes out. He just stares at Hyunsik getting closer and closer, still unable to move.


“Well I missed you.” He claims as he reaches Kyungsoo and pulls him towards the latter. He slams Kyungsoo harshly into the lockers and forces the latter's chin so that Kyungsoo can to look up at him. “ I missed beating the out of you before lunch” he says as he smiles at Kyungsoo. “I missed you so much that I couldn't concentrate on my lunch and didn't get a chance to eat. Now what should I do as your punishment for making me miss you?” Hyunsik asks Kyungsoo who just stares at the larger boy in fear. After a moment of Kyungsoo staring and not replying, Hyunsik widens his grin and asks, “You're not going to respond? Well then I guess that means I can do whatever then right?”.


Suddenly Kyungsoo is on the ground clutching his stomach and gasping for air. He looks up as Hyunsik begins to kick the latter in is sides repeatedly. “This is your punishment. I couldn't eat and now you will not be able to stomach any food. Seems fair right?” The elder says as he continues to kick Kyungsoo. He then pulls Kyungsoo into a standing position as the bell rings. He slams Kyungsoo into the lockers again and says, “Next time you hide from me, I'll punish you even worse. Don't forget who gave you this little beauty mark upon your hideous face” He then kisses Kyungsoo's black eye and walks away, leaving Kyungsoo to slowly fall to the floor. Laying on the floor losing consciousness, the last thing Kyungsoo see's if a pair of feet running towards him. Then everything fades to black.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jongin is making his way to class after lunch when he realizes that he is lost. During lunch he sat with Sehun and Baekhyun along with the pink headed boy in his history class, whom he learned had the name of Luhan, and their group of friends. Baekhyun asked Jongin if he would need any help to find his next class, but being the prideful person that he is, Jongin declined saying he could find the classroom himself. Boy was he wrong and deeply regretting not taking the latter's offer of help.


While walking around the school, he walked pass a group of guys who were definitely not where they were supposed to be. The one who seemed to be the leader was laughing at something one of the other guys said when one suddenly exclaimed, “I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU KISSED HIM!” Instead of getting angry or upset, the leader just simply looked at the other and deadpanned, “Why not? I mean he is mine to touch.” And continued walking with the others following.


Jongin would have liked to know who they were talking about and what exactly happened when he looked down the opposite hall (which really is the hall he should be going to but doesn't know) and see's a boy falling slowly onto the floor. Jongin does not know what came over him, but the next thing he knows is that he is running towards the falling boy. He wants to shout are you okay but can clearly see for himself that the boy is not. When Jongin reaches the boy, he can see that his uniform is all wrinkled and has what looks like shoe imprints upon it. Ignoring the uniform, Jongin looks to the boys face to see an angel. He is rendered speechless looking at the unconscious boy. He has a beautiful and chubby face that really suits his body. Jongin thinks he is fluffy and he shall call him fluffy until he learns the angel's name. The boy has gorgeous plump pink lips that Jongin could just kiss right now. He leans down as if to kiss the latter when he notices that said boy has a black eye. Who would injure this angel's face? Jongin thinks as he begins to pick the boy up to take him to to the nurse's office.


As Jongin picks up the boy, he cannot helped but be shocked at how light the boy is. Jongin thinks to himself that he has kissed girls who weigh more than the boy in his arms do. Jongin sighs as he continues to make his way to the nurse's office. Only getting three times (which to Jongin is an accomplishment) he opens the nurse's door to find no one there. Instead of leaving, he continues his way into the room and lays the unconscious boy down on one of the beds. Looking at the time on the clock hanging on the wall, Jongin see's that there is only ten minutes left of the hour and decides it would be a waste to leave now and takes a seat in the chair next to the boy on the bed.


Bored out of his mind, Jongin looks out of the window waiting for the boy to wake up. What he didn't expect to hear, however, was whimpers coming from the bed. Jongin turned to face the boy to see that he was still asleep, but now he was crying and whimpering. It was as if the boy was having a nightmare. Not knowing what to do, Jongin reaches over and wipes away the tears of the boy. That seemed to make the boy stop crying but he was still whimpering in is sleep. Jongin wasn't very good at comforting so when he took his hand and started stoking the crying boy's hair, it was a little awkward to Jongin. However awkward it may be, it seemed to reduce the boys whimpering until finally, he was sleeping soundly again. Still the boys hair and wondering what could have possibly happened for the boy to be in such a state, Jongin slowly drifted to sleep.


* * * * * * * *

Hello lovelies :) I was in a very good mood today so I decided to give you guys a double update *sigh* i really should begin packing. I just have no motivation to do it :( Anywayy~~ Thank you guys for reading <3


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Chapter 7: If I was Soo I will freaking choke the life of HyunSik before being nice XD but oww because HyunSik, KaiSoo met so you are save from now Hyunsik for bullying BabySoo :(
Chapter 6: Ohhhh~ please update soon!! Cx
About pool.. I think It should be less than 40 chapter... and new chapter quickly!! :D
Chapter 4: Nice.. Anyway.. Who is Hyungsik? I wonder which Hyungsik is this.. ? :)
Chapter 4: Ehuuu thay was quickly youre amazing!! And hyunsik do you love him baby? Well thats wierd way to show to yout love....I need new updateeeeee :D
aidodyo #6
Chapter 4: Hooo this is so good already dangit... man i love fics with such a concept i just-- i dont even know man. Cant wait for more, take the time you need tho. Fighting~
Chapter 3: Poor kyungie :/ update quickly~ and luhan go away dude
NevertheMaknae #8
Ooooo Hoobae, trying again? Good for you!
DO_squishy_SOO94 #9
Chapter 1: Wah~ already exited to read next update!
Chapter 1: Interesting.. Continue! ^~^ and gl since it's ur first story! ( I've had ideas but failed to go through with them b4 ;P)