Character Intro

What Are You To Me

The sunlight streams into the bedroom window illuminating the sleeping boy on the bed with its powerful beams of light. The boy rolls over groggily, eager to get away from the glowing light in his face. He gets up and makes his way to the bathroom across the room. He grabs his green toothbrush from its place on the sink and begins to brush his teeth. While doing this he begins to softly hum a song, until he looks up and catches his reflection in the mirror above the sink. The humming dies down as he rinses his mouth out and places the toothbrush back in its original spot. He looks back into the mirror to stare at his reflection. What used to be a boyish child-like face was now a face that was covered in bruises. On one of the big doe like eyes that used to glimmer as the boy talked was now swollen shut as a black eye. There were several unhealed cuts across his face going from his forehead to his chin. There was also a giant yellow blotchy bruise painting the boy's left cheek. The boy slowly reaches up to touch his cheek and flinches away when his cold finger tips grace it. He sighs as he bends to open up the drawer under the sink, bringing out his make-up. He grimaces as he gently applies the cold make-up to his injured face. It's just a part of an everyday routine for Do Kyungsoo.


Jongin wakes up abruptly in an unfamiliar room. He looks around until last night's events come back to him. He remembers being at his favorite night club drinking until he saw this really hot girl making winking faces at him. Normally he doesn't go for the girls who go after him first because they were too easy, but this girl was clearly there with someone already. He was all over her and Jongin was up for the challenge. He manages to take the girl away from the guy and the ended up in a cheap motel having drunken . As Jongin looks across the vacant bed, it dawns on him that he is a lone in the motel room. He searches the room in anger for the girl from last night. No one leaves Jongin. He was the player. He was the one that both girls and guys wanted. He was the idol of all envy. He was freaking Kim Jongin for God's sake!




Author's note

Hey guys! Here's a little introduction of the characters. I'm going to try and post atleast one chapter per week but that totally depend's on my school schedule. Sory don't yell at me >_< Anyway comment what you guys think :)

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Chapter 7: If I was Soo I will freaking choke the life of HyunSik before being nice XD but oww because HyunSik, KaiSoo met so you are save from now Hyunsik for bullying BabySoo :(
Chapter 6: Ohhhh~ please update soon!! Cx
About pool.. I think It should be less than 40 chapter... and new chapter quickly!! :D
Chapter 4: Nice.. Anyway.. Who is Hyungsik? I wonder which Hyungsik is this.. ? :)
Chapter 4: Ehuuu thay was quickly youre amazing!! And hyunsik do you love him baby? Well thats wierd way to show to yout love....I need new updateeeeee :D
aidodyo #6
Chapter 4: Hooo this is so good already dangit... man i love fics with such a concept i just-- i dont even know man. Cant wait for more, take the time you need tho. Fighting~
Chapter 3: Poor kyungie :/ update quickly~ and luhan go away dude
NevertheMaknae #8
Ooooo Hoobae, trying again? Good for you!
DO_squishy_SOO94 #9
Chapter 1: Wah~ already exited to read next update!
Chapter 1: Interesting.. Continue! ^~^ and gl since it's ur first story! ( I've had ideas but failed to go through with them b4 ;P)