Final Girl and Final Teaser.


:O It's the final girlll~
Are you guys anticipating? Well I am too. :O It was really hard to pick this one, idk why. You guys all did really good with your apps. I'm sorry I couldn't put every single one of you in it! T.T Well, here we go~ Again, I'm sorry I didn't choose some of you, don't take it personally. D:
Currently listening to: Love me - Yurima. This song is so soothing. It really matches this teaser too. You should listen to it too, while reading this. o.o
Info first~
Lee TaeJoo! ^^
Age: 20
The Variety Queen.

Best friend is Yuri and rival is Gyuri. :O Soooo, when should I post up the banner? ^^ Later, maybe. HERE WE GO! The teaser won't really fit the persona of The Variety Queen. o.o
[TaeJoo's POV]

I walked around town. The streets were completely empty, considering the fact that it's the middle of the night. I sat down on the cold, metal bench and looked up at the starry, night sky.

I sighed and closed my eyes. 'Omma, I miss you. I wish you could come back...' I thought to no one in particular.

I had no one to rely on. I lived by myself in my stuffy apartment. My father is an alchoholic and abused me when I was younger. He is currently in jail right now and I fight with myself everyday to forgive him. But I don't want to.

My mother died when I was 14. She was the only person I loved and always will. I kept my eyes on the night sky, but I felt hot tears run down my cheeks. I quickly wiped them away. I couldn't cry over omma again. She wouldn't like that.

But the tears wouldn't stop falling down. They were coming down one by one, and next thing you knew there were pouring down my face. I hugged my knees and just cried.

"Hey." I heard a voice say. I quickly wiped away my tears and looked over to the side. It was Yuri. My best friend. She was the only person I had left. She was my best friend since I was 4.

She didn't say anything else. She just sat by me and hugged me while I cried. She understood me so well. She just comforted me and rubbed my back.

I had finally calmed down and she was still holding on to me.

"TaeJoo-ah, don't cry anymore, okay? I worry about you everyday. You know I can't be by your side everyday." She said. She was too busy to be with me everyday, but I understood. I couldn't be mad at her. I loved her like she was my real unnie.

"I'm sorry, Unnie. It's just that I miss her so much. I want to do something that will make her happy. I just don't know what." I explained.

"You know, your omma told me she wanted you to be a singer. They're holding auditions my company. I know she would want you to audition, TaeJoo." She told me.

I thought about it. Would this make omma happy? I looked down at the necklace omma gave me before she died. I held it in my hands and looked up at the sky.

"Omma, I'm doing this for you. I hope this makes you happy."
Congrats to the final girl! ^^ I think this one is my favorite teaser. o.o Well, I got the teasers done this weekend because this week I'm super busy with dance rehersals, play rehersals and other things like that. So don't expect many updates this week. D: I'm sorry.
Anyways, thank you guys SOOO MUCCHHH for support this story! ^^ I can't thank you guys enough, really. This is one of my first stories ever~
Comments are amazing!

Oh, and I don't know when I'll start the actual story. I'm free this Tuesday, so probably then. Look out for it~ ^^

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lolisho #1
awesome sauce~ update soon please!^^
YoruxRuki #2
Seems like it's going to be an awesome story, judging by the teasers. Please update soon!
lolisho #3
Yay~ congrats to the girls so far! like the teasers!:)
hi! i applied as Mary Jo Clifford! i forgot my pass ..<br /><br />
-Love Joo Chan~
lolisho #5
Ooh~ yay! Siwon~:3 teehee I'm excited actually~~
i applied :DDD cant wait!!! goodluck and...<br />
HWAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^O^
lolisho #7
I applied! sounds interesting :3
I APPLIED!!!!! good luck! ^_^ fighting!!!!