//C H A P T E R 2: P A R T O N E


//C H A P T E R 2: S T A R T O F S O M E T H I N G N E W (PART ONE)

Side notes: Oh my gawddd. D: I have so much stuff to do. I have rehersals until Thursday, so I'll update a WHOLE BUNCH during the weekend.
I promise! ^^ But I feel so bad cause I can update as quickly as I can. :[ I'M SO SORRY GUYS!
Currently listening to: Marry U - Super Junior.

//S O O J I N ' S P O V

So, instead of going to pack up my things for the dorm, I decided to go explore the huge building of SM entertainment. I was extremely lost
even though I had a map of where everything was. I flipped the map upside down, on its side, and turned it in every direction. Nothing helped. Being
too into the map, I didn't watch where I was walking. I bumped into a familiar face and caused the other person to fall down.

"OH! Chesonghamnida!" I said and I looked down at the person.

'Oh. My. God.' I thought to myself and my eyes nearly bulged out of the sockets. You wouldn't believe who it was. It was Kim Jonghyun of SHINee.

"CHESONGHAMNIDA! REALLY!" I almost yelled and helped him up.

"Ah, it's fine!" He said with a smile. "And you are?"

"Me?" I said looking around a little confused. Was KIM JONGHYUN asking who I was? Just a couple of DAYS ago I was just like one of the fan girls.

"Yes, you." He said with a little grin.

"Oh! I'm DYNAMITE6's maknae, Lee SooJin!" I said and bowed at my sunbae. I can't believe he's actually my SUNBAE now. I really felt honored.

"So you're in that new girl group that hasn't debuted yet?" He asked.

"Nae!" I gave him a little smile.

"Well, welcome to the entertainment company!" He held out his hand. I hesitated for a little, but grabbed his hand and shook it anyways. Inside, secretly, I was
screaming like a fangirl.

"No matter what your age is, call me oppa!" He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. "I will be your sunbae, aswell."

"Nae, oppa!" I gave him one of my cute smiles, but I knew it wasn't going to do anything to him. I bet he's seen prettier girls than me...

"Good luck with your debut!" He said. "But I've got to finish this schedule, so we should hangout sometimes... Like tomorrow? I'll treat you and your members to dinner." He said and smiled.

'#$%^&*^%$%^&%$#%^&%$#' I was screaming so loud in my head, and I was honestly freaking out. Did KIM JONGHYUN of SHINee just ask me to dinner?

"T-that'd be great! Kamsamnida for the invitation!" I stuttered a bit, hoping he didn't notice that my heart was seriously about to pound out of my chest.

"It's just something I'd do for my hoobaes." And he walked off.

I had to take in deep breaths and pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming or anything like that. I took in a lot of air.

Please, tomorrow, come sooner!

//A E R I N ' S P O V

I sighed, and sat down on a random bench that looked down on the beautiful view of the crystal blue ocean. I had nothing to do, and I really didn't want to do anything here. I wanted to
go back home and just do the normal. And I also didn't have anywhere to sleep for the night. What was I going to do?

I places my elbows on my knees and cupped my face into my hands. Why did I ever agree to Jay? I should have never done this stupid girl group or whatever. This is a waste of my time.

"Hey." I heard someone say from behind. I didn't feel like looking behind, so I just ignored it.

"AeRin?" She came infront of me to make sure, and I just gave her a cold stare.

"I'm Yuni, remember? From you know..." Her voice trailed off. She sat down next to me and just looked at me.

"Yeah, what do you want?" I asked coldly and just stared at the beautiful ocean. This was one thing that kept me calm and emptied my mind.

"Uh, well, I was just driving by for an errand and I saw you sitting here. I thought you looked kind of lonely, and-"

"I'm not lonely." I cut her off and kept my eyes on the ocean.

"Oh, well, I'm sorry for bothering you, then." And she got up and started to walk away. I honestly felt bad for her in some sort of way, I just didn't know how. She wasn't like anyone else, and I didn't
want to treat her like everyone else. Did I... Actually want to be friends with Yuni? No. No I don't. I don't care about "friends" anymore.

But I guess, something from inside me came out. "Wait, don't leave." I said and got up from the bench.

She just turned around and stared at me a little.

"Mianhe for being so cold to you." I apologized. I was a little shocked at myself. I never, EVER, apologized to anyone since I've decided not to care anymore.

"Oh, It's okay Unnie!" She gave me a smile, but I just kept a expressionless face. It turned sad in a second.

"No, it's not okay." I grabbed her hand and sat us both back down on the bench.

And I told her everything. My past, my parents, my brother. Everything.

//H Y U N A E ' S P O V

Having nothing else to do, I've decided to visit Donghae in his dorms with his other members. I had nowhere to sleep for the night, so I was going to ask him
if I could stay here. But then again, what if fangirls found out? Oh, I'd be so dead. I'm not even kidding. So, I was scared to ask too.

I rang the little doorbell thing and waved at the security camera. "Who is it?" The voice asked.

"Uh, Lee HyunAe!" I said, but I knew the other members didn't know about me, Lee Donghae's dongsaeng, CAUSE HE NEVER BOTHERED TO TELL HIM ABOUT ME.

"Umm..." The voice trailed off and I was left standing there.

"AH! THAT'S MY DONGSAENG!" I heard Donghae scream in the background. I saw the door open and Donghae came up to me and put his arm around me.

"EVERYONE! This is my dongsaeng, HyunAe! HyunAe-ah, don't be rude! Greet your oppa!" Donghae said with a smile. 5 years after your debut, NOW you've decided
to introduce me to your members?!

"Annyeongsaeyo, I'm Lee HyunAe." And I bowed polietly.

"DONGHAE'S DONGSAENG?" I heard most of them exclaim. I smiled nervously, since I was actually a fan of Super Junior myself.

Donghae led me inside to the dorm and I felt like my breath had been knocked out of me. I was FINALLY meeting some of my favorite idols, that Donghae never bothered
to introduce to me, like 5 years ago.

I'm sorry for the short chapter guys! D: I've decided to split this chapter into 2 parts because I want to update to you guys
as soon as I can! :D Cause I LOOOVVVEEE you all.<3 Seriously. :3
Hope you enjoyed part one of the chapter, I am currently working on part two! ^^
So hold onto your seats and anticipate part two, it will be longer and better. :3 Maybe you'll run into
your lover? Hmm? Who knows! xD
Oh and btw guys, I'm only 13. o.o I think I honestly, not conceited or anything, write pretty good for
someone my age. Like, writing is one of my talents. :O LOL. Not really, but I really like writing stories.<3
And I also plan to do an apply for a one-shot thing later... But I PROMISE I won't neglect this story.
This story is my main story right now. :O Other ones are just side projects, backups, etc.
I talk too much.

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lolisho #1
awesome sauce~ update soon please!^^
YoruxRuki #2
Seems like it's going to be an awesome story, judging by the teasers. Please update soon!
lolisho #3
Yay~ congrats to the girls so far! like the teasers!:)
hi! i applied as Mary Jo Clifford! i forgot my pass ..<br />
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:2YqAvrt2VFy3HM:http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/3146/whoareyou2aw6.jpg&t=1<br />
-Love Joo Chan~
lolisho #5
Ooh~ yay! Siwon~:3 teehee I'm excited actually~~
i applied :DDD cant wait!!! goodluck and...<br />
HWAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^O^
lolisho #7
I applied! sounds interesting :3
I APPLIED!!!!! good luck! ^_^ fighting!!!!