Personal Message

our mission is to bring the yness back. and write amazing stories at the same time. or try to:) hahaha

About Me

mistypup01 and blueducttape are sharing this account. we're best buddies and working together because we have different strengths in writing and helps us to get better in the long run.


I love to dance! that's darn cliche but I'm hot so it doesn't matter. Actually, I'm not conceited, hahha, I was kidding. Who's really hot is 2PM. hecks yeah. I write for fun, so writing 'Till Death Do Us Part' probably is gonna give me the willies. hahahah, it's chill though, since mistypup01 (ehehehehheh that name makes me giggle) is helping me out. sooo that's it. Oh yeah, and I'm sorta y, so learn to deal:D

MISTYPUPO1- I love to swimm and to dance also T.T...... I have hundreds of ideas for fanfics so I'm happy I can start writing them! i know "Till death do us part sounds" alittle sad but i have alot of funn ideas for this fanfic!!! :D