Attack of the Bluegrass Banjos

Block B's Big Road Trip Flop [hiatus]

"Have you ever heard of bluegrass?" Jiho asked his bandmates one morning. Everyone had been in a particularly good mood since escaping from the endless fields of that old West ian farm. 

"Bluegrass is a genre of country music popular here in Kentucky. Why might you ask?" Taeil questioned, reading a dictionary. Yukwon had suggested the older pick up a new hobby from fish-rearing, and Taeil had chosen reading. 

"Why do I feel like something horrible is going to happen?" Jaehyo wailed, cooking some of his famous chocolate chip pancakes. 

"Maybe because something bad always does happen. Especially with him around." Minhyuk grumbled, jerking a finger towards Kyung. The rapper in question shrugged nonchalantly and went back to doodling in his sketchbook. 

"Stop interrupting my narrative! Anyways, there's a free bluegrass concert! Free!" Jiho wailed, hopping onto the RV's feeble excuse for "dinner table". The table in question was a foldable plastic beach table that had seen better days decades ago, and was somehow miraculously holding Jiho. All of the boys in the RV rolled their eyes simultaneously, some chuckling at Jiho's whack-job scheme. Jiho half glared, half stared at his fellow bandmates, practically pleading with his eyes for someone, anyone to go with him to the concert, because how could someone pass up on free music, no matter how bad? 

 Nonetheless, it was a mystery to all when Kyung agreed go with Jiho. Jihoon immediately yelled "Treason!" and claimed Kyung was a robot. Taeil snickered and mumbled something about Zikyung under his breath. Yukwon handed Minhyuk ten bucks, dumbfounded on how he somehow miraculously lost the bet. Jaehyo screamed, because he burnt the pancakes. Kyung rolled his eyes at the various reactions of the males in the RV, and walked over a still-screaming Jihoon to drag Jiho out of the dorm. 

"Jiho, don't trust him! He's a robot! A robo--"

"Be quiet Jihoon, or one of your precious aloe plants gets it." Kyung growled, drawing a finger across his throat. Jihoon nodded in fear, more than a little shaken up. Kyung opened the RV and hopped out, looking at Jiho with expectant eyes. Jiho followed after and the two walked away into the woods. 

"Who the hell even holds a concert in the middle of the ing woods?" Kyung asked, gliding over a branch with the slightest of ease. Jiho frowned, remembering that he had tumbled over the same branch a split second ago. Jiho shrugged, unsure of how to answer and let the elder lead the path through the woods. The duo waded through an ocean tall grasses and low branches, looking for some semblance of a trail or path. 

"It's pretty hard to get through to the concert." Jiho grumbled, flailing as he fell over another log. It was if the universe just wanted to laugh and make him mess up. It didn't exactly help that his crush best friend was going to watch him fall over and use it for blackmail later on. That's what friends are for though, Jiho thought to himself as he flew forward again, furiously flailing and flapping his arms in a failed attempt to fly/land softly. 

"It better be worth it." Kyung frowned, picking Jiho up. The younger's heart soared as he felt Kyung help him up, only to come crashing back down as Kyung playfully pushed him straight into a tree trunk. He could hear the elder's maniacal laugher as he fell over again. Jiho frowned, picking himself up and ramming Kyung into a tree. Kyung fell backwards into a tree and the large tree shook, releasing a banjo from the top of it's canopy. 

"NO, BANJOS! NOT THE BANJOS! ANYTHING BUT THE BAN--" Jiho felt a familiar hand clamp over his mouth and saw Kyung staring suspiciously at the offending tree. The elder's suspicion was confirmed when a drum set, guitar, viola and other instruments rained down from the large tree. The instruments were quickly followed by their owners, a bluegrass band. Jiho shrank back, pulling out his phone to dial Jaehyo's number and asked for some back up. 

 Meanwhile, things seemed to have took a turn for the worst. The large tree began to sprout arms and legs, and had taken on a sinisterly humanoid look. Kyung frowned, looking for something to use as a weapon. Jiho put down his phone and looked up in terror, nearly letting out a girlish extremely manly scream at the terrifying sight before them. 

"YOU." The tree queen screamed in a surprisingly thick Kentuckian accent. "YOU HATE BANJOS. HOW DARE YOU?! THEY ARE THE PREFERRED MUSIC OF MY PEOPLE!" the tree queen flailed her branches in rage, banjos flying down like daggers. Jiho gulped nervously, trying to figure out a scenario where he would escape un scathed physically and mentally. 

"Run!" Kyung screeched, dragging Jiho through the grass as he broke into a breakneck run. The duo would dash in one direction, only to be cut off. After multiple attempts, the two stood there, shaking in fear of being impaled by a banjo. 

"Never fear, Block B is here! We will rescue you-- mpfff!" Jihoon, who was roaring from his perch on top of the RV, was cut off by a large banjo slamming into his stomach. Jihoon flew backwards into a tree, groaning. "Ohhhhh, my spleen...." 

"Whatever you do, just don't use my bb cream as a weapon again." Jaehyo screamed angrily, parallel parking by two large blackberry bushes. Minhyuk began rummaging through the RV, looking for something usable as a weapon. Eventually he stumbled upon a baseball bat, and flew out of the vehicle swinging the bat wildly. Yukwon had taken a completely different route, and was running forward with a kitchen knife. Kyung was scaling up one of the Forest Queen's arms. 

"RARGHHHHH! DIE!" Minhyuk screamed, slamming the bat into the Forest Queen's ankle. She roared with laughter at the dancer's feeble attempt to attack. She shot the band a look that practically screamed "Really, you puny mortals?". Jaehyo chose to combat her glares with his own special brand of face. It seemed to be ineffective, as the Forest Queen just rolled her eyes and swung her arm right above the vehicle for a warning sign. 

 Meanwhile, Zico had crawled into the RV to hide, and preferably cower in fear of a banjo-filled doom. Who knew that hating a certain genre of music could end your life? Taeil had gone completely ballistic, throwing absolutely everything in the RV that was possible to be used as a weapon. Yukwon was stabbing the Forest Queen's knees, and it seemed to do a minimal amount of damage. Yukwon's attack was definitely more effective than Kyung's, which was hitting the tree-lady with whatever he could get his hands on. However, with the feeble excuse of an attack coming from the band, the end was near. It was up to one man to save the day. And that man was Lee Taeil. 

Taeil , in desperation, had come upon Jihoon's Aloe Vera collection. Running out of ammo, he had no choice but to launch the semi-spiky baby plants at the Forest Queen. One landed in her palm and her eyes magnified at the sight of the adorable plant in a tiny knitted sweater. Taeil hoped her wooden heart was warming up to the tiny thing, and lucky for them, he was right. 

"Oh my grape vine, it's adorable!" the Forest Queen squeaked, clutching the tiny plant close to her chest. She had completely forgotten about the banjo-hatred and had moved on, turning a new leaf. She quickly shrunk down into her original tree form, the aloe plant nestlings against one of her branches. Yukwon, Minhyuk and Kyung fell out of her branches, leaving Block b to admire Yukwon's handiwork. He had carved the cheesiest thing he could, a heart with a Yukwon + Sunhye inside. 

"Is it over?" Jiho asked, peering over the edge of one of the RV's windows.

"MY BABIES! How could you?" Jihoon groaned, dropping to his knees. 


 Author's note

 Wow, I'm sorry you had to read through that crappy chapter. I've been focusing on a crack oneshot or two. One of them is about snoop dogg and it's completed (and utterly weird). Anywho, I'm sorry if the last few chapters were unsatisfactory, I swear I'll make the next one way more epic. Also, thank you so much for the 600+ views. Really, it means so much to me. Thank you <3. 

 I hate to advertise, but if you want to win some karma, then head on over to my writing contest. I would really love some more entries. 

 Time for the question of the week! What is your favorite variety show? Please answer down in the comments below. More comments mean more chapters that are updated faster. I love to hear your thoughts on my work and variety shows that you loved (or hated).

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Chapter twelve is up. Go check it out~


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Elsa_Veigaa #1
Chapter 13: Update soon plz author nim its awsome
Chapter 12: Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahahahahdhshagaga
*wipes tears and puts thumbs up*
It's Very Very Gooooood
writingwiener #3
feversend1112 #4
Chapter 10: I love Jiho and Jaehyo's character XD
Chapter 10: Was seriously not expecting that but I loved it~! and kyung wow kyung just the ending... I keep thinking 'yes this is one of my biases, yes this seems so legit' hahahahaha. I love how you write the guys ^_^ and just the kind of randomess that happens yet they go along with it like it's normal because... what is normal to Block B? hahah awesome
Chapter 9: Oh Jihoon baby when will you learn you an't trust Kyunggie... hahaha I love how fast Jaehyo gets the RV going. Just what is going on hahaha so worried to read what is going to happen lol.
Yup I was right to be hahhaaha omh did she just KNOW to give Jaehyo the hairdryer-like one... did Yukwon just--- I'm not going there omh and baby jihoonie no~~ wait wh--- ahahahahah why are they always running away from things?!? Jeez they can't ever make friends. So funny as usual ^_^

hmmmm hairy legs... I don't understand it but to each their own *shrugs* definitely wasn't expecting it in the chapter haha. I should just learn to expect anything.
Chapter 8: dhgldgi;b SO FUNNY! ugh i don't even know where to start but i just love how evil you make Kyung haha and how badass Tail is yet he knits hahahha. Omg catfish wrangling seriously I can't even hahaha that was too much lol. Waahhh i'd say more but I actually have to go to class! But I'm glad I had time to read this ^_^

AH! THE QUESTION! I don't like fish as pets because it's... eh but I don't mind looking at them. I also don't like eating seafood hahaha but I'm living in japan right now... yeah hahah Do you like seafood?
Chapter 7: AGAIN I missed an update!! doubting taeil's position is what made me laugh first but then Jihoon and his sewing.. I was like... everyone is treating this normal... ummm okay WAIT WHAT?! And I started laughing at what he was sewing GENIUS!!!
Kyung is the king of lying in Block B poor baby Jihoonie but WOW that is some damn strong love 0.o stronger than Jaehyo's love of BB Cream... wow
Seriously Jiho vs. banjo player oh my goodness that boy haahaha. Stopped giving Kyung attention because of it hahaha
There is so much here that i'm laughing at I literally can't write it all here or I'd be writing your whole chapter again.
[yukwon and sunhye will forever and always be one of the funniest things to me.]
Another great story Author-nim!!

hmmm my favorite fruit?? Probably Pineapples or Mangoes :D
Also summers in California can get up to about 104 and I feel like i'll die so I can't even imagine 110+!!! That is crazy!!! D: how do you survive...
Musicislife1295 #9
Chapter 7: This is actually extremely funny! OMG I can't stop laughing. Jaehyo is the best thing since sliced bread! My favorite fruit with probably either a peach or a mango :)