
I Want You Back






Jiyoung P.O.V

" Hello " I wonder who dare to call me when I just about to sleep . Where the heck this people get my number ? How ?? . TCH , What a pity day -,- 


" Hello , Are you Jiyong ? If yes , please come to the coffee shop tomorrow , the one that you always go to meet Min Ah . " I am about to ask who is he , Yes , its a ' he ' , but he just ends the call just like that . Seriously , Im irritated right now . Who the heck is he ? Why he wants to meet me ? AND HOW HE KNOWS ABOUT ME AND MIN AH ??? Ahhh , Jiyong just forget about it ! Now the important thing is that you should SLEEP ! My precious sleep , here I come ~ 

. . .. . . . . . . . . . .
 . . . .silence. .. . 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 

* sigh * I tried to close my eyes but I cant , I dont know why but I cant stop thinking about that stranger . Is that stranger have a relationship with Min Ah ? Or he is her best friend ? Or her 'cousin' that she said strolling with her ? Yes ! I bet MinAh told him about my attitude !! ! TCH Or her ' FRIEND ' ohh ,, you know what I mean ... what everr -,- Min Ah  why would you do this to me -,- Why you makes me confuse ? Ya Jiyong ! Now ! You ! Just ! Have ! A ! Rest ! A ! SLEEP ! . Not A Girl --"




 Already Morningggg ~~



Huh , I really hate that sound ! I dont know why I dont just get rid of that ANNOYING thing ! I get up and just like usual I will tidy my bed . HAHA Im a purifiers ! not like my hyung ! Dont know anything about how to clean , all he know is LOVE ! L.O.V.E ! Well Me ........ dont know about LOVE -,- Okay , fair enough .


I quickly take my bath . After Im done , I wear a black skinny jeans and my favourite one of a kind hoodie . I ran downstairs and straight to the kitchen . I'm too hungry because last night I dont even eat anything . Maybe because Im tired , but heck I cant sleep ! I just have a slice of bread with a strawberry jam . I really hope that there is any vanilla jam ! That stupid hyung !! How dare he ate my last drop of vanilla jam ! Now , I just have to meet that stranger at the coffee shop .


As I out from my house , the calm scenery of a morning met my eyes . I close my eyes and take a deep breath . I open my eyes back and see an old couple walk together, pass by me . They are so lucky to live happily until their old days . I sing a song , Coffee Shop that I heard on the radio yesterday on my way to the coffee shop . 


I open my eyes to the morning sunlight, I look at the time on my phone
I put on the clothes I laid out last night and I hurry out the door
 By myself, I hum along to the song I like to listen to everyday
By myself, I walk in between these familiar buildings

 Monday, Tuesday, everyday, I get by and I am well
I meet up with a lot of friends, these days, a lot of things make me laugh
 Summer, winter, spring and fall, time goes so fast
Why I am at the same place waiting for you?

 The coffee shop that we used to go to, our coffee shop
 I’m blankly sitting here, where I can smell your scent oh
 I still can’t forget you our memories still remain
So without knowing, like a habit, I came here



At Coffee Shop 

As I reached , I see many people , especially mostly they are couples ! Why every time I see a couple I feel jealous . Aishhh , Min Ah maybe I should forgive you . I went to the counter and order some drink , AMERICANO ! I dont know why suddenly I want drink americano -,- not like always I will order strawberry milkshake with two scoop of vanilla icecream on the top ! Yeah ! Vanilla ! I walk toward the empty table next to the glass mirror . 


I dont know how that stranger face , so I just wait like a crazy people , lonely , all alone . Okay , now I feel weird . What is this guy want from me ? . 

1 MINUTES ...... 2 MINUTES..... 3 MINUTES ..... 4 MINUTES ...... 5 MINUTES ...... 6 MINUTES ..... 7 MINUTES ..... 8 MINUTES ..... 9 MINUTES ... 10 MINUTES .

11 MINUTES ...............................................15 MINUTES ...................................................20 MINUTES 

After 20 minutes , no one approach me yet . Well , since he know me , I assume that he know my handsome face . Suddenly I got a call , wait it's from that stranger ! YA ! NEO ! STRANGER ! I quickly PUNCH the answer button . 


" Hello , Im sorry but I cannot come . And please forget my presence and words and everything . Sorry ya ! " YOUUUUUU ! IT'S ING TWENTY MINUTES YOU ING STRANGER !!


" Hey you ! I just want to know who are you ! And how you- " that stranger end the call -,- I couldnt even finish my words ! I'm trying to be calm right now . REALLY .


I've decided that I'll out after I finish my americano , I just think that I should not angry that stranger . Maybe that stranger have a problem that not allow he to come to see me . Who knowS ? When I stand to go out I heard a coffee shop bell make a soft sound , I look and there is a couple , They look so sweet , A girl hug a boy with a bright smile and the boy looks so cool , yes he makes a cool face .Wait , wait , wait ! I've been wondering actually . And IT IS true ! That girl and the boy ! I think I have saw them go out together ! That girl her face very similar with Min Ah face ! That boy too , his face very similar with Min Ah's cousin  !


I'm determined . I walk toward that couple . I look at the girl and she looks very shock . Yes that's Min Ah and a boy her 'cousin' .


" Ohayo(?) Mister . Are you her cousin ? Min Ah's cousin ?  " 


" Who are you ? Why you say Im her cousin ? Ya Im her boyfriend okay ! "


" Min Ah , is it true what that guy say ? He is your boyfriend right ? So who am I for you ? Why would yo do this to me ? Why that guy say he is your boyfriend while you said you love me? Are you happy cheating on me ? Fooling me ?? Having two boyfriends ??? No , YOU ONLY HAVE ONE BOYFRIEND RIGHT NOW ! I WANT BREAK UP ! . I don know if you have more than two boyfriends at a time . Right now , you and me , we dont know each other ! Forget me ! What I know , there is no woman named MIN AH in my life ! ty girl ! Remember ! " I think I want to cry right now ! I cannot believe this  would happen to me . I really regret to ever know a girl  like Min Ah ! 


" Oppa ! A-a-a-a niya ! Dont leave me ! You know I   L . O . V " 


" No , I dont know you love me ! I never know you love me ! so pleaseee cut it ! And for you information , I never love you ! I accept with you because you are cute not because I love you AND YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL BECAUSE I ACCEPT YOUR SILLY CONFESSIONS AND TREAT YOU WELL BUT YOURE NOT ! NOW OFF AND ENJOY YOUR UNBLESSED LIFE ! And you dude , You better be with me than this girl . I can treat you well than her . If she cheats on you , kiss my feet !! Goodluck bro . Prayers for you   " 


I quickly out from the cafe and what I think I is stupid . I go to the place where I would always go if I'm in a sorrowful or depressed condition , the hill near at the country side , I dont know what's name but It always calm me down .

As I reach my PRIVATE BENCH ( lol ) I savour the city scenery . I scream loudly , and open my eyes . I dont know it is real , but I see two persons , a boy and a girl , look very happy . They look at each other and the girl is smiling ... SO BEAUTIFUL ! I think they are siblings , well , since the boy looks younger that the girl . Suddenly , the girl comes to me . Huh I dont know but my heart go fast . haishh 



what the hell ?





" Ermmm , hello , c-can you help us ? Please take a picture of me and my brother :DDDDD here the camera ^^ " 


" O-Ouh , Of course :DDDD " 


" Kamsahamida ! Gomawo ! Here ! " The girl smiles ~ really ~ beautiful ~ She looks very cute :3 she stand next her brother and I think her brother so cute too..
If I cant get the sister , I will seduce the brother. NGAHAHAHAHAHA .


" Okay , One ! Two ! Threee ! Smiless~ ! " 
Maybe the God's pity me and give me another girl ( or boy ) ?? That is better than MinAh as soon as I broke up with her . HAHAHAHAHA .

" Okay thank you !! Yah !! DDung , say Thank You !! " aaaaaahhh , Shes so adorable !!

" N-Neh .. Thank you ... " OMO , HIS BROTHER IS SHYYY !!! OTOKEEEHHH *Q* .









Halla , Hollo , Holli Everyone ! Thank You Soo Much For Reading My Story ! This Time I've managed to make a longer chapter so I hope uollsss enjoy reading ! Sorry for everything ! I LOVE YOU !  



Ollo ~~ Sorry for the cursing words , I put them in xD xD
Thanks and Sorry for everythings !!
Enjoy your readings !! =]
Today's Favourite Sentence :

" Why Didnt I Know The Shadow That Casted Over My Face , Was Created By A Light Called ' You ' ? "

From GD's Black . Okay , Im in angst mode .. -,- bye Readers . <3 

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wenkie0414 #1
Chapter 11: next button plsss
Chapter 9: ngaawh.., i like it i like it <3 :D
Chapter 5: Please update soon author-nim ... palli palli
wowowow yeppie yow ! yeppie yay ! xD