Inspector T.D.S

I Want You Back


This Is Inspector T.D.S ( T.O.P , Daesung , Seungri xD ) it's what they called themselves lol xD .


No One P.O.V


The scenery inside his room is horror . Its like the world War III had happened in there but less did he care . All he thinks are how the things will be going , what ifs , what nots . His head is a mess , he cant think straight right now . He is nervous as hell . Well , he will be going on a date with his girlfriend in about two hours , but he cant find the right sentence to start with to ask his girlfriend about the truth . 


There he lays , splayed on the queen sized bed . All the pillows and the layers of blaket had been thrown out of the bed a few hours ago . He stared straight to the ceiling above him like it is the most interesting thing since then . 


" Aishh ! Jjinjja ! Why must me that experienced these things . What did I did in the past ? " He speak up after a long silence that he barely notice with a loud sigh . " T.O.P hyung do help it but , it's me ! Im too afraid , the worst , to a girl ! " There he goes , another loud sigh can be heard . 


After one hour babling to himself , he finally gathered all his courage and started to dress . He decided to ask her bluntly and coldly so she wouldnt lie . He wears a pair of black skinny jeans with a plain black T-shirt and matched them with a checkered black-and-red hoodie . He made his hair that took less that 10 minutes ( well , being a chic guy he is and all :3 ) and heads toward his house's entrance after he took his sling bag . He slipped a plain heart-red snikers that was given to him by Youngbae a few months ago and started to walk out of his house . 


It had been twenty minutes already from when he had arrived at the coffee shop . His iced vanilla latte had been drank half way . During that time , he kept on thinks again and again about his plans . Until finally , the boringness (?) hit him .


" Aaisshh this girl ! She really should learn to come on time from Youngjae or Jongup . If not them , Junhong also okay ~ psh " He released a long sigh for the umpteenth time that day . He stands up and decided to buy some strawberry shortcake with some vanilla flavoured ice cream in it since he feels like it . 




When he was about to put the perfect spoonful of the straberry with vanilla ice cream shortcake , a very very  annoying voice interrupt him .


" Oppa ! Anneyoung ~ Mianhe , Im late . My umma asked me to buy her some kitchen needs at the nearby store ~ and- Whoa ~ Why would you eat first ?! " She reasoned and asked .


" Whatever and Im starving . Now wait . "

And with that , he started eating the shortcake , savouring the magic , completely ignoring the irritating girl that sits opposite him . Less did he care . It is a part of his plans , though . 


After what felt like eternity, he finally finished his cake . As he finished it , the waiter comes to give the girl in front of him the brief that she'd ordered . He sees his opportunity , so he quickly speaks .


" You know what ? You are too lazy . Dont you know that the only waiter in here didnt work just for you ? " He cant believe he said that . He practically dancing in his mind right now . 


" What is it with you oopa ? did you just insult me ? " She said , quite offended . The other just shrug it off and start to do his investigation .



- back at his house -


The living room is now occupied with three hyper boys . It is really noisy and erdrum-breaking as they squealing and screaming like a school girl that sees their crush . 


" Is that mean , Inspectors T.D.S will be operating once again ?!! " Seungri shouted , Doesnt care about the neighbours' irritated demands . 


" Yeah , sure . Why are you so excited huh ? psh ~ " T.O.P replied , annoyed . Not that he care .


" How come we wouldnt be excited ? It has been three freaking years since the last time ! " The blond , Daesung is practically tearing right now . 


" Alright alright . We will start operating after my lovely cute bubly chic handsome dear brother , Jiyong tell me about that MinAh's answers " Yup , if you dont know where they know about MinAh , they are the most great stalkers . They are the ace when it come to things like this .


" YesSir ! " The other two shouted in unison . With that , they started to discuss their plans . 





Author's : 

This time , I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to my co-author(Ygmaniac) because write this chapter ! I hope you guys enjoy this stories :3



Co-Author's :

Ollo ! Im the one who wrote this chap this time . Im sorry for the WRONG GRAMMARS ,TYPOS , and a BORING CHAP  . Thank you for reading ! :)))


#prayforMH370 .

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wenkie0414 #1
Chapter 11: next button plsss
Chapter 9: ngaawh.., i like it i like it <3 :D
Chapter 5: Please update soon author-nim ... palli palli
wowowow yeppie yow ! yeppie yay ! xD