Fill Blood

I've Fallen in Love With a Ghost [DISCONTINUED]
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as if on cue, there was a clap of thunder, the sky quickly turned dark, and rain started pouring heavily.

"aren't I pretty?" Jiyoung asked. she pulled out a flower from nowhere and stuck it in the corpse's hair.

Baekhyun continued to gape at it in horror.

"I haven't opened my coffin in a long time." Jiyoung said, almost to herself. she lightly put a finger on her body's right eyelid and lifted it up, revealing an eye like a dead fish underneath.

this was the exact replica of the Jiyoung who was behind Jongin in the cafeteria.

"you-you're a ghost!" Baekhyun pointed his finger at Jiyoung. Jiyoung looked him in the eye, not impressed.

"about time you realized." she sighed, and let go of her eyelid, which stayed open.

Baekhyun then remembered the way she and other students acted.


"she is a popular student." her voice was clear, but to Baekhuyn, it seemed to echo a bit


"um, hello-" he stopped walking.

she was gone.


"what-?" he looked around to find that the girl was gone.


"JIYOUNG DOESN'T EXIST!!!" Youkyoung hollered.

Baekhyun's eyes widened. "what? yes she does."



"Baekhyun," Jiyoung said. Baekhyun looked at her. "what if I tell you I'm a ghost?" she asked.

Baekhyun's eyes widened. his swing completely stopped moving.

"how would you react?" asked Jiyoung.


It didn't take him long to spot one particular name, which was the nastiest color of all.

 초이 지영


"Yeah," Baekhyun admitted. "But howcome you weren't in there?"

Jiyoung glanced at the book, then back at him. "I was gone by that time." she replied and started touching the books on the shelf.


"Baekhyun? What's wrong?" she asked. Baekhyun grew confused.

"Huh? what do you mean?" he asked.

the girl gave him a wierd look. "you were talking to no one. I got worried" she said.

no one?

Baekhyun looked around to discover that Jiyoung was gone.


"b-but...but isn't she dea-?" Another boy came over and slapped a hand over his mouth.

"We don't speak of that." He told him as he dragged him away.


Jiyoung frowned. "Ghosts don't have appetites." she said.

Baekhyun's smile dropped. "Huh?"

Jiyoung let out a breath. "I never get hungry." She rephrased.

Baekhyun, who was oblivious of the fact that the whole class was staring at him, leaned towards Jiyoung. "You gotta be kidding, all living things need food."

Jiyoung gave him an 'I'm-not-kidding' look. she leaned back in her chair. "Baekhyun,"


"everyone's watching." she told him.

Baekhyun looked around the classroom. And as Jiyoung said, the whole class was staring at him in silence. they gave him terrified looks and scooted their chairs as far away from him as possible, including Jongin and Luhan.


"and what's with all this Jiyoung stuff?" asked Baekhyun. at the name Jiyoung, Sehun started choking on his water.


"Hm?" Jongin spun his head around. Jiyoung disappeared just in time. Jongin furrowed his eyebrows when he saw that no one was

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Chapter 16: Oh finally you update a chapter after 1234563882638118 days lolzzz
Update soon
Chapter 16: Kai act strange… Does he is the fake that they're talking about?
Why does Mr. Song had to hung himself right a day before the trip?
Why did Ms. Lee had those lighter?
I've so many question spinning in my head.
Aww man! This story is something! ><
mishabaekhyun #3
Chapter 15: Good story but you must finish it. Good luck eonni hwaiting :-):-):-):-):-):-)
DenaAnanda #4
Chapter 8: Woww terrible O_O aaa eonni i like your story , you made me creeps and swoon =D
Chapter 15: Wowow...i think kai is something...
Oh and jiyoung finally..XD
Update soon
Chapter 15: Kai is suspicious.....
Just found this awhile ago and I really like it.
The idea of this story were good and everything packed up, almost perfectly.

But, what's with Jiyoung that spirit?! Why do she have to go around and kill people that have nothing to do with her?! I mean, come on! I know she'd been murdered but that doesn't gave her the rights to just pick one or two people out like picking a banana and then killing them like their life were nothing. I understand if she killed those who involved with her death like the one who killed her, the one that saw her got killed but do nothing to help, and so on. But what she've done is unacceptable. I know maybe it'd something to do with those Fake creature. But no matter what, you can't sacrifice many lifes just to cure yourself.
Just a reminder to that ghost however...
Main cast or not, touch the boy and I am gonna hunt you down, rip you apart, and kill you for the second time. (LoL XD okay I am the one who sounds creepy now... But what can I do? I just too drown into this story XD)
Great shot author-nim! Keep go on ;)
Chapter 14: I am finding like this kind of story-!
I love it a lot....
Update soon^^
Chapter 14: O_O don't kill Exo members..!!!
Update soon....
Chapter 14: Oh my she going to kill baekhyun too?