Shape Face

I've Fallen in Love With a Ghost [DISCONTINUED]
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Baekhyun crawled all over the sandy area to find any buried things when he spotted a lump. He went over to it and dug it up.

he felt his heart skip a beat when he picked up a limp hand. 

"OHMYGOD!" He let go of it right away and fell on his .

Suddenly Chen came from under the sand. He pointed at Baekhyun and started laughing. Apparently, the hand was his.

"hahaha, you got scared." He teased.

Baekhyun growled. You troll... He rose up from the ground. "Come here!" Chen stood up and ran away to the ocean with an angry Baekhyun chasing after him. 

"You'll never get me-" With great force, Baekhyun cut Chen off by jumping him from behind. They both went underwater, then came back up, laughing their asses off.

"That was hilarious, the others should've seen it!" Chen leaned back and fell into the water again. Baekhyun shook his head and returned to land. 

 Luhan was sitting in the sand with part of his legs buried under it. He had a sad look on his face.

Like the caring person he is, Baekhyun ran over to him.

"why the long face?" He sat beside Luhan. Luhan gave a weak smile and shook his head.

"nothing." He replied.

Baekhyun frowned and nudged him. "Doesn't look like nothing," he faced forward to be greeted by the beautiful face of the setting sun. It was almost night. "Pretty, isn't it?" He asked, which Luhan nodded to.

"Now tell me, what's the matter?" He asked again.

Luhan looked hesitant. "So I like this girl..." He started fidgeting. Baekhyun lit up.

"you like someone?! Congratulations! Who is she~?" He leaned in as if Luhan was telling him a secret.

"K-Ka...Kang..." Luhan tried to say a name, but failed.

Baekhyun smiled. "so it's Kamgmi, huh?" 

Luhan nodded like a kid. "She's so friendly and playful....but I'm too shy to talk to her face to face..." He looked away from Baekhyun.

Baekhyun began watching Kangmi play with Eunjoo, Junhee, Sehun, and Chen. Her smile was stuck on her face like someone super-glued it on. Her eye-smile is adorable. Her hair moved slowly as if in slow motion. Her laugh was super cute too. He could see why Luhan likes her.

"I'll help you out." Baekhyun said. 

Luhan looked at him. "How?"

Baekhyun smiled at him. "You'll see." 

"CAMPFIRE!!!" Jongin's holler split through the air. Baekhyun tilted his head to one side in confusion.

" guys never mentioned camping..." Baekhyun pointed a weak finger at Jongin with the group of people gathering around him.

Luhan's eyes widened. "Oh right! We'll be staying here for one night and one day...sorry for not telling you." He then looked apologetic.

Baekhyun held both his hands in front of him as he shook his head furiously. "Oh no no no! I just...didn't...bring...a tent,

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Chapter 16: Oh finally you update a chapter after 1234563882638118 days lolzzz
Update soon
Chapter 16: Kai act strange… Does he is the fake that they're talking about?
Why does Mr. Song had to hung himself right a day before the trip?
Why did Ms. Lee had those lighter?
I've so many question spinning in my head.
Aww man! This story is something! ><
mishabaekhyun #3
Chapter 15: Good story but you must finish it. Good luck eonni hwaiting :-):-):-):-):-):-)
DenaAnanda #4
Chapter 8: Woww terrible O_O aaa eonni i like your story , you made me creeps and swoon =D
Chapter 15: Wowow...i think kai is something...
Oh and jiyoung finally..XD
Update soon
Chapter 15: Kai is suspicious.....
Just found this awhile ago and I really like it.
The idea of this story were good and everything packed up, almost perfectly.

But, what's with Jiyoung that spirit?! Why do she have to go around and kill people that have nothing to do with her?! I mean, come on! I know she'd been murdered but that doesn't gave her the rights to just pick one or two people out like picking a banana and then killing them like their life were nothing. I understand if she killed those who involved with her death like the one who killed her, the one that saw her got killed but do nothing to help, and so on. But what she've done is unacceptable. I know maybe it'd something to do with those Fake creature. But no matter what, you can't sacrifice many lifes just to cure yourself.
Just a reminder to that ghost however...
Main cast or not, touch the boy and I am gonna hunt you down, rip you apart, and kill you for the second time. (LoL XD okay I am the one who sounds creepy now... But what can I do? I just too drown into this story XD)
Great shot author-nim! Keep go on ;)
Chapter 14: I am finding like this kind of story-!
I love it a lot....
Update soon^^
Chapter 14: O_O don't kill Exo members..!!!
Update soon....
Chapter 14: Oh my she going to kill baekhyun too?