Mission: Cheer up jinyoung appa!

B1A4 appa ?

"hyeong?" sandeul said to jinyoung. "..." he didn't say anything. I guess, he was shocked.. "hmm? whats wrong?" baro, gongchan and cnu said who just came back. "no.. nothing." jinyoung said. Well, no one would believe that if you have the 'sad puppy' look. After that, they went home to their dorm preparing for 2 days 1 night tomorrow.

"hyeong, are you ok?" gongchan said to jinyoung who was silent all this time. "ah... i''m fine" jinyoung said. Everyone was so worried. Its rare to see him this depressed. He's even trying to hide it from the members, which is not working because they are B1A4. They are 1 group which means it is easy for them to know each others feelings and such. But leader's depression is really easy to see. What is he depressed about? About having a child? About not knowing about it? or about the girlfriend? Looks like he has alot on his mind. "you~" jinyoung hummed. He started to write something on a piece of paper.

"hyeong, whats that?" Baro said. "new song..." said Jinyoung. "really? do you want me to help you?" continued Baro. "no.. its ok..." said jinyoungie while writing the notes of the songs.

After 20 minutes,

"ok... what should we do about Jinyoung hyeong?" said Gongchan. "Well... though he is my age..  i dont really know how to deal with it.." cnu said. "guys did you hear the song jinyoung hyeong made???"  Baro who just got back from the recording room said. "I did. It's beautiful.. and so sad..." Sandeul said. Everyone was getting interested. Then *light bulb on* "why dont we make a song for Jinyoung?" said cnu. "ooooh~" gongchan said while being impressed. "ok~" said excited Baro. "So, to make granpa leader cheer up, we will make a song of our own!" said Sandeul. "yeah~!" everyone said. "mission cheer up jinyoung hyeong start~!"



sorry for the slow and short update... been busy lately.... i'm really sorry, and thank you for reading ^^

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MeAdmiring286 #1
thanks for reading :D
new reader here :D
HanSang #3
OF COURSE I WANT!!!!<br />
It's good, you know? :DD
MapleDumplings #4
Sure, why not? ^_^
ghiseop #6
seuquel! i love sequels!! :))
MapleDumplings #7
She appears!
MeAdmiring286 #8
thanks for reading ^^
New reader<3<br />
Chapter 1's awesome! I saw SHINee and SNSd. Cameo<3<br />
Hoho, Baro's hungry!<3<br />
Shall read chap2<3
MapleDumplings #10
Jihwannie is always so cute ^_^