

Minae's POV:

Stretching my arms into the air, I yawned and ruffled the back of my hair. Rubbing my eyes, I tried to keep my eyelids open as I took a peek at Sehun, who was currently busy serving a girl, one that had obviously taken an interest in him. He slowly turned around and met my sleepy gaze, smirking at me before walking over.

"Didn't get much sleep last night?"

I shook my head.

"Not really. I had a load of homework last night."

"Are you sure your mind wasn't just too occupied with that guy from last night?"

Feeling the heat rising to my cheeks, I turned my face away from him. He only laughed and grabbed my chin with a hand, making me face him.

"I mean, there's also that possibility that you were too occupied with thoughts of me too."

Rolling my eyes, I hit his hand away and jabbed his side with a finger. Letting out a small yelp, he pouted at me.

"Geez. You know you're really mean sometimes?"

"Yea well, I'm only mean when I have to be. Now hurry up and go get that girl her order. She might just walk up here and shoot daggers at me."

"Jealous, are we?"

"What's there to be jealous of?"

Giggling as he stared at me in defeat, I shoved the cup of coffee in front of him and he slowly made his way over.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

Looking up at the familiar voice, my face widened as I realized I had come face-to-face with Kai. Taking a step back, I gulped and tried to avoid his gaze, something that was inevitable with those deep brown eyes of his.

"You didn't answer my question."

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be dancing or something?"

"And shouldn't you be at school?"

"I don't have any classes today."

"Well neither do I."

We stared at each other for a few moments, just letting the silence fall upon our shoulders. I slowly rocked back and forth between my feet, not knowing what to do.

Honestly, when Sehun had told me that Kai would return today, I believed it with my whole heart. Of course Sehun knew what Kai would do. They were just like one another, except for the fact that Sehun didn't sleep around with just any girl. Sure, he was the type to frequently get a new girlfriend, something that had made me resent him in the beginning. But after one bottle of alcohol, I had soon found out that he couldn't seem to find the right girl for him, the one that made his heart pound like he was falling in love for the first time all over again.

However, the one thing that did throw me off about Kai's appearance was his timing. Being so used to the way he appeared after hours, the thought of him showing up during the day slipped my mind.

Feeling an arm wrap around my shoulders, I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up to see Sehun smiling down at me. I sent him a look of help and he seemed to receive it.

"Nice to see you again, sir."

He gestured for Kai to sit down at the stool in front of the counter. As Kai took his seat, Sehun handed him the warm cup of espresso currently in my hands and handed it to him.

"It's on the house."

He winked at me and began to head in another direction, probably to yell at Baekhyun for fooling around with the female customers. Baekhyun was the newest employee around here, one that Sehun had hired about a week ago. With his talented talking skills and his flirty ways, he was able to attract many customers here. But he did tend to forget about his job when he was in the zone.

"So is he?"

"Is he what?"

"You're boyfriend."

I shrugged, trying to irk him as best as I could. He only scoffed and looked away, taking a sip while he was at it.

"And you said you would choose coffee over love."

"I said I would choose coffee if I had to. If I don't have to make a decision between the two, why wouldn't I keep both?"

"So then he is your boyfriend."

"I never said that."

Smirking at the fustration in his face, I watched he lightly slammed his fist down onto the counter, attracting the attention of some of the customers with the rattling of the coffee cup. He quickly recollected himself and shot the others a chic smile before turning back around to face me.

"Are you playing with me Kang Minae?"

"It's not playing if there's nothing to play with in the first place."

"Do you even know who I am?"

"You're you."

Expecting his facial expression to turn sour, my eyes widened as he broke out into a grin.

"You're really different, you know that?"

"Thanks, I guess."

"No girl has ever been so sassy with me."

"I wouldn't really call it sass. Maybe keeping it professional?"


"Just so that you know your boundaries. You can have all the fun you want, but just know that I'm not available for the kind of you play with your other girls."

Walking away from the counter, I headed into the bathroom to catch my breath. I honestly had no idea where that skill to talk came from, but I was definitely glad I didn't just stand there frozen like an idiot.

Taking a peek out of the window, I watched as Kai simply smirked to himself and swirled his coffee around.

Well that definitely wasn't the reaction I had been searching for.


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the_exotic_angel #1
Chapter 16: Omg i forgot thats how it ended. Still really good tho
Chapter 9: Why did she lied?? Is she afraid that he'll play with her feelings??
Chapter 5: woah woah her sassy attitude is so different from the first time kai talked to her
Chapter 9: Why sehun didnt back up MINAE!!!?
Moonlight_23 #5
Chapter 8: I ship her with sehun
Moonlight_23 #6
Chapter 2: SO THEY KISS ON THE SECOND MEET THAT IS JUST SO WOW . though i am surprised that she actually respond to that kiss although she aware that she is not the only girl that kai respond that way (?) It must be thw physical attraction right??
Chapter 16: love this espresso story~ You story make me want to reread and play "Let Me Go" by Hailee Steinfeld and "Older" by Sasha Sloan. Great story author!
Chapter 16: Truthfully, i'm glad that Minae doesn't end up with Jongin. It may sound heartless to some people. But personally, i think that just happens in fairy tale or movie and certainly not in real life. I also like that you made Jongin look realy mature with his decision of letting Minae go. Because when you truly love someone you don't want to be the person who's holding the other from growing.
Chapter 14: guess who's crying at 1:40AM? me.

literally crying. no joke. this story is so well-written and so... how do i say this? “into reality” and showed us that some things can't be together even if it seems like they're meant to be together.

i'm sad how they didn't end up together. esp when kai was there with a bouquet, probably ready to do everything he can to get minae back. but he was too late.

i'm hoping for an epilogue? like, where they meet again? as successful people? the angst was really too much and it got me hysterically crying @ 1AM BUT YEAH whatever suits you. i really love this fic!

cause yknow, fics that literally makes you cry are the best ones bc yknow they have a big impact heh thank you for writing this! it's beautiful
Chapter 16: Aw.. It hurts to face reality.. Cuz we cant have all the things that we want in life.. U portrait the ugly real life in a most beautiful way.. I love it.. Thank u ^^