The coincidence

The Promise

Chapter 4: Coincidence.


Kris' POV.

Distracted, I stood at the corner of the ring when the fight ended, watching the crowd slowly subside. I browsed through my phone and saw a text from Hyeri came during the fight.


“Call me if you’re bored. We’ll have a good time like we always do ;) xoxo”


Giggles could be heard from down the arena and I realized that I was still shirtless and my body glistened from the perspiration from the fight earlier. Some girls walked by looking over at me shyly and I decided to give my trademark wink, sending them into fits of fangirl screams. I smiled to myself and having absolutely 100% confidence in my body, I made a mental note: dayummmm am I doing this well or what.


Baekhyun approached me and passed me my winnings as usual. Casually peeking into the envelop, I let out a small satisfied smile to Baekhyun and gave him a small nod to express my gratitude.



Luhan, my house mate, subsequently ran into the ring and handed me a towel to wipe my sweat drenched self and a shirt to put over when I was done.


Landing a soft punch on my bare chest, Luhan said, "Good job, hyung! But are you okay?"


"Huh? Why would you ask that?"


"It's nothing. I guess I was being paranoid. Even though it was a good fight, you seemed a little distracted today."


Kris was surprised his friend could tell, he thought he was doing a good job focusing on the fight. Kris began to explain, "Well, I think I met Eunmi at the main building's entrance today. You know? The girl I've been trying to find? She didn't seem to want to acknowledge that she knew me. I don't know why though…” and he trailed off.


Luhan was trying his best to empathize with his hyung’s situation. He only knew that Eunmi was the reason that Kris was getting from his parents and the reason why he got into the fighting scene. Finding it difficult to really fully grasp the whole situation, Luhan thought that Kris needed a good distraction. A mischievous thought crept into his mind and a sheepish grin spread across his face. “Hyung, let’s just go blow some of that winnings of yours. C’mon it’s Friday, let’s go to a club and get you a big fat cup of distraction.”


Kris lighted up at the idea and nodded in agreement.



Eunmi’s POV



Standing at the car park area near the arena, Krystal and I stood outside the car to catch a little fresh air after being in the stale compound for longer than what we liked. We were fanning ourselves with our hands in attempt to cool down a little.


“That was one hell of a fight! Did you see how he avoided that chunky guy?!” Krystal exclaimed as she tried to mimic Kris’ movement. Her excitement hadn’t died down since the end of the fight. Influenced by her sheer excitement I couldn’t help but feel a little impressed by Kris as well and managed a shrug.


At this moment, Krystal seemed to recognize some people from some distance. “Isn’t that Luhan oppa? And isn’t that Kris! Omona, look at Kris, he looks so tall!” I spun around to look as well, but I could only see one thing – that blonde hair belonged to Kris.


“LUHANNNNIIEEEE OPPA!!!!” Krystal screamed and waved frantically to catch the attention of the two males. I subconsciously straightened my skirt and hair before I caught myself and inwardly scolded myself for doing that. What was wrong with me? Why does his opinion matter anyway?


Kris’ POV


Looking over at the end of the car park, there was a girl frantically screaming Luhan’s name out loud. I squinted and realized that Eunmi was standing right there. I shot Luhan with a questioning look and muttered under my breath “You’re friends with that girl? She’s standing beside Eunmi right now.”


“Yeah, we share a complicated past. Heh. If they’re friends, this is gonna make things even more fun.” And he stuck out a tongue cutely.


Closing the distance between Eunmi and myself, I managed, for the first time, to take a closer look at Eunmi. Even with beads of sweat on her forehead, her skin looked radiant with a pinkish glow. She didn’t wear excessive makeup like the other girls I was used to. Her eyes were too big for her small, dainty face, adding an element of innocence to her features. She was all grown up from being that clumsy girl who always had snot on her face because she perpetually crying all the time to this. She is ing beautiful.


“Yah, Krystal! Come and give oppa a hug!” Luhan teased and Krystal leap forward excitedly. I took a step back to avoid colliding into them.


“It’s been so long, Oppa! Appa has been asking me why your family hasn’t been visiting us lately!” Krystal pouted at that thought.


Oh, so that’s the girl that Luhan’s parents had been pushing for him to get “acquainted” with.


“Yah yah, oppa is a busy man, send your appa my regards please though. Yehet. And who is that friend of yours?” Luhan asked, and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.


I scowled at Luhan for his audacity.


“Oh her? This is my bestie, Eunmi! Eunmi, this is Luhan oppa!”


I knew it, it was her.


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Oooh I'm looking forward to this. Yes. <3
katiedoll565 #2
Chapter 4: Awesome story!
luhan and krystal would make a good couple.
please update soon