
Oh girl I cry,cry.


Wait... I know this person... He is from B.A.P... Why is he here and why is he talking to YoungMi ah.

"Do you two know each other Oppa?" YoungMi ah questioned looking up at me with her beautiful Carmel like confused eyes.

"Sort of," I said and lightly scratched the back of my neck. I didn't want to lie to her so I had to tell her the truth... just not the whole truth. I can't just be like, 'oh yeah, of course, I know him. His gang tried to kill ours a few times, and you know tried to kill me a few times, and put you in danger more than a few times. You know the normal stuff people our age do' that would freak her out completely.

"Wah that's amazing, Zelo Ssi asked me to hang out with him for a while," She said all excited. I love it when she is excited but I don't like seeing him in the equation. She's been off for the last month and a half so as happy as she has been she's also been really sick.

"Yeah, why don't you come along, Cheondong Hyung?" He said slightly emphasizing the 'hyung' part.

"Sure," I stated back the same way. 'That way I can hurt you if you hurt her' I then thought to myself. 


Damn it I thought they were fighting, now my plains are ruined. Oh well, I just hope things go as smoothly as they can when you have two people who aren't even supposed to make eye contact together. 'Just try your best Zelo,' I mentally told myself as I walked away with the YoungMi and that boyfriend of hers. I then thought out a mental plain to make everything work. As much as I didn't want to even fight or bring YoungMi Ssi into this I didn't have a choice in the matter. Occupying my mind with thoughts we made our way to Han River where we were just going to sit around and talk about nothing in general. Once we were there we went into the small cafè there and got something to drink. Then we went over to a small playground that was there and sat down. 


As we sat and looked around I decided to observe the boys and see what was up between the two of them. They seem to not like each other that much... I hope they can get along because Zelo and I are going to be good friends I can tell. As I watched them -while pretending to look around- I noticed that they would glare at each other every so often and then look away. I decided that enough was enough and started to talk.

"So, how do you guys know each other?" I asked and propped my right elbow on my right knee and put my head down on my hand while I sipped at my bubble tea.

"Well, Um we met before I started dating you Mi ah. Maybe about two years before give or take," Oppa said and sipped his coffee.

"Yeah it was two years ago just before I moved, Cheondung Hyung, He helped me when I was getting beat up," Zelo said and smiled slightly probably remembering the moment.


It's the truth you know, how Cheondung and I met.


It was a hot spring day and I was sitting on the swing waiting for my girlfriend to show up so we could go on our date. I was waiting for about an hour when she finally showed up.

"Min Ah~," I said and opened my arms.

"Oppa-," She started but was cut off by a male voice.

"MinKyu Ah enough. Thank you for your loyalty and work," then I was hit over the head twice and I fell off the swing. I remember holding my head, in pain and for once in my life, afraid. They kept on kicking me and punching me until I watched one of them pull out a switchblade. They were going to kill me and I had no idea why up until then I thought I was as good as gone. The guy moved in and I had closed my eyes waiting for me to bleed out. A solid minute later nothing came and I dared myself to open my eyes. When I did I saw this male about a year older than me with two other males punching the guys that were pounding me. I was shocked and MinKyu just stood there with tears in her eyes. I remember asking, no begging why she didn't stop them and all she did was let the tears fall down her face. Then Cheondung walked over to me and helped me up. He asked me if I was alright and I just nodded my head yes. The other two were with him stood slightly in front of him so at the time I was guessing that he was the youngest of the two and I was right. At the time I thought that Cheondung and I would be friends and we were... Up until that one faithful encounter where both of our gangs met.

"Hyung why am I here? I'm still not allowed to use a gun," I asked leader hyung and he looked down at me. "

Don't worry they have a new member a year older than you who isn't allowed a gun yet either," He chuckled down at me laughing. I remember this because it was the first time that I was able to finally watch everyone in battle but that was also the time that I found out that Cheondung and I would never be friends again. I remember watching a group of five people walk up to us. One, in particular, stood out to me...

"H-Hyung," I mumbled out. At this point, my eyes went wide and I felt tears start to peak out. 

I remember that moment like the back of my hand. Leader hyung never let me talk to him again... He was my best friend at one point in my life but this stupid gang stuff ruined it. I was brought out of my thoughts when YoungMi tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey Oppa are you alright," She asked me. I nodded and smile.

"Yeah sorry about that, YoungMi ah," I chuckled and scratched the back of my neck. I must have really zoned out this time remembering everything, I'll have to be more careful from now on when I remember stuff. 


I still can't believe that YoungMi is friends with Zelo without getting to really know him. I wish I could tell her what was really happening but then she would be upset with me and would never talk to me again.

"YoungMi Ah don't we have a project to work on," I said and smiled softly patting her knee.

"Oh right, Sorry Zelo Ssi. I have to go know, text me later though," she said and smiled brightly.

"Alright YoungMi Ah, I will text you later. Text me when you get home so that I know you're safe," Zelo said and hugged her close while glaring at me. I can tell he is up to something...

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