
Oh girl I cry,cry.


After the two girls left I got my phone out and called Cheondung to get the other member to come to my house so we could talk about what just happened. They took about 15 minutes to all get here. So now we were sitting in a little meeting room I had in my house for when they can't have meetings anywhere else.

"Where is YoungMi," Was the first thing I heard from Cheondung.

"She went out with Hyolyn ah," I replied.

"Well I'm going to find her," He said and stud up.

"Sit your down I'm here to talk to you not for you go and scare the crap out of my best friend again. So sit the down," I mumbled through my teeth. He just looked at me and started to walk towards the door. I scoffed to myself and went and shut the door.

"You're not going anywhere till I talk to you," I growled. He sighed and went to sit back down. I went to the front and looked at everyone sitting there and looking at me.

"Leave YoungMi alone," I said dead serious. Everyone started to laughs and I got angry. I hit a small desk that was beside the table, but I hit it so hard that I snapped it in half.

"Your dead serious aren't you?" Bom mumbled.

"No I am. I'm not having her hurt like she was today. Hell, she doesn't even recognize you guys as the same people she saw this morning before everything happened," I said and looked dead into Bom's eyes.

"There is no way in hell I can do that. She is my best friend also did you forget that. G.Na you have no right to do this to us," Minzy said and stud up hitting the table.

"I don't care, Look at how she looked at everyone after you guys came out holding guns and knives and every weapon you guys had on you. She was terrified," I yelled. I was so upset and angry.

"She's my sister. I WILL NOT leave her side," Bom said shaking. I hit the table and walked. No way in hell am I letting them near her again. After I put my heels back on I walk out of the house leaving everyone staring at all the damage I just caused to my own house and called Hyolyn up to ask where they were.



After G.na Unnie called and said she was going to meet us at the cafe we waited. It took her about five or six minutes to get here and when she did she wasted no time in pulling us out of the small cafe and onto the streets.

"G.na Unnie are you alright," I asked her and looked up at her. She smiled back and 'pet' my hair.

"Of course I am," She looked forward and smiled into the distance before continuing, "I just had to talk to the others and tell them not to come near you at the moment. I don't want you to get hurt anymore." I frowned a little and nodded. That means she practically broke a few things and yelled a lot, I know my Unnie. When she is mad at someone and they don't listen to her she breaks things easily. I also know that Bom, Minzy, Mir, Cheondung and CL were NOT going to listen to her no matter what.


"Everyone calm the down NOW," I heard a faint voice yell to everyone in the room. My mind was all distant and messed up so I didn't really pay attention. I just stood there and looked around at all the damage that was done to the room. I slowly walked out of the little secret room and made my way toward the door ignoring all the yelling that was happening. I looked at the everything in the hall and wasn't to shocked to see everything thrown around. There was a hole in the wall, lamps were smashed, picture frames snapped in half, desks were broken and paper everywhere. I scoffed at myself and kept walking. G.na wasn't kidding when she said that we were not allowed to see YoungMi ah anymore because if she was there wouldn't be such a big mess and things would not have been broken. I shook my head and slipped my shoes on walking out of the house and onto the street. I didn't feel right not being around my friends so I texted YoungMi despite G.na's threats that were running through my head.

Minzy: Hey YoungMi I'm sorry. Can we please meet up...... No G.na No Hyolyn I need to talk to my best friend for a little while

YoungMi: Sure name a time and a place and I will be there Min Unnie

Minzy: (: Great...Hmm how about in an hour at the cafe around the corner of the school

YoungMi: Alright it gives me time to change and everything

Minzy: Can I bring someone with me

YoungMi: Depends

Minzy: Please Cheondung oppa is really upset

YoungMi: I can't face him right now

Minzy: I will be there

YoungMi: Fine

Minzy: Alright I will see you there

YoungMi: Ne Unnie

I sighed to myself and called Cheondung up and told him to meet me at our house so that he could come with me.




"I'm going to go home now," I mumbled to the other two who were talking.

"Huh why?" Hyolyn said.

"I just need some rest. I might just fly out of Korea for a while and go to Japan for a month or something. I need to clear my mind," I said and walked off heading towards my house so that I could change and get ready to meet Minzy Unnie and Cheondung Oppa. Once I changed I walked out of the house locking the door behind me and walked off. I got to the cafe about 35 minutes later and walked into the cafe that I always sit at with everyone. It seemed like a dream now that I know that no one is as they appear. Cheondung oppa and Minzy Unnie were already sitting in a booth. Cheondung oppa looked like the oppa I knew and loved and not that gang member. I walked up to them and slid into the booth.

"You're here," Cheondung oppa said and reached out to take my hand. I frowned and went to pull my hand away.

"YoungMi.....," He said and frowned.

"What do you want Cheondung Oppa?" I mumbled holding back tears.

"I'm sorry," He mumbled. I removed my hand from his and crossed them.

"Come on YoungMi, ah lighten up please," Minji unnie said and frowned.

"I asked what you guy wanted," I repeated feeling a little guilty for acting this way.

"We wanted to apologize," She said and looked at me.

"Why you guys were just being yourself. You know the people I didn't know you were. The people that you lied to me about," I said through tightened teeth. I started to cough a bit after that and frowned. Damn coughing I need to get that checked out. 

"Please listen to us YoungMi ah," Cheondung said and frowned, "Please." I started to tear up and looked out the window, letting a tear fall from my face.

"I know you're scared but please," Minzy said and frowned, a tear falling from her eyes.

"One more chance that's all you will get," I mumbled and stood up. After I stood up the others did too. Cheondung pulled me into a long needed hug and I stayed in the exact same spot not moving because I was afraid that if I moved that he would move also. I needed to stay like this for a little while longer. I needed to feel his warmth and love. But I was still scared...

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