Tell Them

Worlds Apart

“Tell Them” by Block B:





“Hey, HaNeul, can you help me with this problem?”

She turned around and stared at the boy with large spectacles, unattractive teeth, and a blush on his face.  Anyone from a mile away could see that this anonymous teenager was crushing and hard…

…Except for HaNeul.

“Oh, sure, which problem is it?” she asked oh-so-innocently while teasing the poor boy by moving her face closer in on his book, giving him a super close-up of her face.  He swallowed nervously and stuttered, unable to form words anymore.  When she wasn’t getting a response, HaNeul looked directly into her eyes and smiled at him in confusion.  He instantly died on the inside…

…and outside.

“EEP!” screeched HaNeul when the boy fell over on her.  “H-Help…someone!  I think he needs to go to the infirmary!”

“I think he just needs to get off of you,” JiHo informed, pulling the boy off of her causing him to fall backwards with a thud.  Kyung sighed and held her hand.

“HaNeul…you must be more careful…you forget how cute you are sometimes and guys take advantage of that…” He smiled kindly at her and continued.  “So just stick with Oppa and you’ll be-”

JiHo removed HaNeul from Kyung’s grasp and glared at him.

“You’re the biggest problem to her, Grease King.”

HaNeul laughed as JiHo and Kyung started bantering again.

“Yah, HaNeul!”

She turned around to see two girls glaring heatedly at her.  HaNeul just grinned.

“Can I help you with anything?” she asked kindly.

“Yeah, we’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t be so close to ALL the boys in the class!  We had dibs on them before you!” one of them stated with a scoff.  “Girl thinks she’s all that just because she has a pretty face…”

HaNeul laughed, “I’m sorry~ I didn’t even know I had a pretty face~”

“Are you making fun of us?!” another one yelled, pushing HaNeul’s shoulder a bit.  “We saw JiHo-oppa and Kyung-oppa long before you!”

HaNeul blinked a few times before smiling widely and clapping her hands together.  “Oh, I get it!  You girls want to be closer to those two!  Ah, they are cute, aren’t they?  But so not my type.  Hey, you want me to put a good word in for you?  Oh, oh, I know!  HOJI!  CUCUMBER!”

The girls glanced at each other with uncertainty and surprise.  This wasn’t going as they planned at all.  The two boys finally stopped fighting to complain about HaNeul’s odd choice of nicknames for them.  She just waved them off like she always does and introduced them to the two girls, who were giggling and smiling like two little school girls…oh wait, they are two little school girls…And the boys just acted like their old self…silly and crazy as always.

A tug on HaNeul’s sleeve caused her to turn around.

“Umm…HaNeul-sshi…could you help me with one of the guys I like…he never notices me…” another girl asked shyly looking down at the ground.

“Aw…really?  He’s missing out!” HaNeul cheered her up while they start gossiping.




“See, hyung?  She’s doing perfectly fine.  I don’t know why you were so worried,” MinHyuk said through the crack in the door as TaeIl peeked into the room with YooKwon.

“Yeah, HaNeul’s such a lively girl, I can’t imagine her NOT getting along with anyone,” YooKwon included with a certain nod.

“Yah, yah, YooKwon, don’t embarrass yourself.  You were just as worried,” JaeHyo laughed as YooKwon turned and pouted at him.

“I was worried the girls would bully her…but I’m glad that she seems to be getting along with everyone really well,” TaeIl noted with a sigh of relief.

YooKwon smiled proudly, “Yeah~ our little HaNeul seems to be doing just fine.”

“TaeIl, you should worry about yourself more than HaNeul,” JaeHyo informed, causing TaeIl to blush.



HaNeul waved to the bunch of girls as she exited the classroom.  She saw YooKwon walking down the hall toward her classroom with MinHyuk.  She immediately darted over and tackle-hugged YooKwon.

“KwOoNie-oPpAAAA~” she said in a drunken tone.

YooKwon swung her around in a circle due to the momentum of her running straight at him before putting her back down.  He laughed and patted her on the head.  She giggled and smiled.

“How was your day, HaNeul?” MinHyuk laughed.  In the few weeks that she had been here, the Block B boys had become attached to her especially YooKwon.  They were like the same person born opposite genders.  Really, they were probably long-lost siblings separated from birth.

“Ah, it was good, Chic-oppa~ Oh, did you know~ there’s a girl that likes you in my class, but she’s too scared to approach you because you look so cold.  Can you believe it?” HaNeul laughed.

MinHyuk stopped walking and stared incredulously at HaNeul, “…Chic-oppa…?”

“Oh, HaNeulie is also very popular in our classroom…everyone is talking about how cute you are,” YooKwon complimented as MinHyuk was left to ponder over his new nickname by himself.  HaNeul jumped on MinHyuk’s back demanding a piggyback ride on a whim.  YooKwon pointed and cackled as MinHyuk complained that HaNeul was really heavy, earning him a playful smack on the shoulder.  They passed by some girls that commented about how jealous they were of HaNeul being able to act so naturally around MinHyuk and how cute they look together.

“Ah, Kwonnie-oppa!  New episode of ‘One Piece’ is coming out today!” HaNeul informed from her spot on MinHyuk’s back.

“Awesome, so you’re coming over to watch?” YooKwon hoped.  It was nice having someone sharing his obsession for once.  HaNeul pouted with an apologetic face as she put her chin on MinHyuk’s shoulder.

“Sorry, Kwonnie-oppa…I promised some girls I would go to the movies with them…”

YooKwon’s face immediately fell.

“But…you promised to watch the new episodes with me when they come out…” he mumbled with a puppy dog pout.  HaNeul jumped off MinHyuk causing him to groan and pound his shoulders while stretching his back.  She grabbed both of YooKwon’s hands and smiled sadly.

“Please don’t give me that face, Kwonnie-oppa…I’m just getting to know the girls in my class so I didn’t want to turn them down.  We can watch it tomorrow, okay?” she offered with pursed lips.  And how can he say no to that face?  So he smiled naturally and nodded.

“Ah, but you can’t watch it before me!” HaNeul yelled suddenly, jokingly poking his nose.  YooKwon laughed and swung her arms back and forth.


“Aish…you guys are disgusting…” MinHyuk tsked, shaking his head.




After a few weeks, HaNeul became involved with a lot of groups because she had a hard time saying no when they begged her to join.  She was part of the student council, the dance club, the volunteer club, and the knitting club.  With all her activities and homework, she barely had time to breathe and would usually collapse once she gets home.  TaeIl tried to convince her to just quit one or two of the clubs since being part of the student council took up most of her time to begin with.  But one unhappy look from HaNeul and he gave up the argument.  The HaNeul that used to be a constant presence in Blockbuster faded to the point that only JiHo and Kyung could catch her on a regular basis in class.  With exams coming up, the boys were worried she might work herself to death.

“Okay, let’s take it from the top,” JiHo led as he restarted the song.

“5, 6, 7, 8!”

Just as they were about to start, the door to their practice room banged open.

“Oppa!  HaNeul fainted in the middle of dance practice!” one of the girls that was holding HaNeul up screamed.

They immediately stopped the music and ran over.

“Yah, HaNeul!  HaNeul!” TaeIl panicked as he took her from the two girls.

“Why didn’t you girls take her to the infirmary?” JaeHyo asked.

“The infirmary is on the other side of the school and we don’t have the strength to-”

Without another word, YooKwon picked HaNeul bridal style and ran as fast as he could to the infirmary.

“We’ll take care of things from here.  You girls go back to practice,” Kyung told the girls softly, trying to calm them down.

“Will she be okay…”

“We’ll make sure she is, so don’t worry,” he smiled reassuringly at them.  They nodded in response and went back to their own practice room as the rest of the boys darted after YooKwon one by one.




As I opened my blurry eyes, everything was white.

I can’t remember what happened.  All I know is that my head hurts a lot…

Coughing, I to my back so I could breathe more easily.

There was someone next to me but I couldn’t make them out.  My eyes were too blurry.

What happened…

Where am I…

I coughed some more and rolled over again when I heard someone open a door.

It was the last thing I heard before I out again.





“I think she’s waking up.”

“Give her some space, boys.”

“Hey, HaNeul…if you can hear me, squeeze my hand.”

Weakly, she did as she was told.  There was a sigh of relief.

“Oh, thank goodness…”

“She’ll be fine once she’s fully awake.  She’s just stressed out and overworking her body.  Be sure to take her home after this.”

“Neh, thank you very much,” TaeIl bowed respectfully at the nurse.

“Yah, you scared the out of us, you little punk,” JiHo told her, sounding upset.

“Noona…I was about to cry when I saw you so motionless…” sniffled JiHoon as he wiped away any tears that were threatening to fall.  “You almost looked dead…”

“I’m sorry…” she apologized.  HaNeul noticed someone holding each of her hands.  When she traced them back to their owners, she found one of them belonging to TaeIl and the other belonging to JiHoon.  She looked around and saw the rest of the boys standing around her bed…except for YooKwon and MinHyuk.

“Where did…Kwon-oppa and Min-oppa go…” she whispered, still not fully awake.

“They went to get you something warm to drink for when you wake up.  They’ll be back soon,” JaeHyo told her as he patted her on the head.  When she tried to sit up, JaeHyo helped her up while Kyung put some pillows behind her so it was more comfortable for her.  She thanked both of them, looked around the room and smiled softly before looking down.

“I’m sorry…for making you guys worry…but I’m really thankful…for all of you being here…”

TaeIl sat next to her in the bed and hugged her tightly.

“Don’t scare me like that…and please promise me you’ll at least pause in your club activities now that exams are coming up…”

HaNeul hugged him back guiltily.




The whole trip to the store was completely silent as MinHyuk and YooKwon went to buy drinks.  MinHyuk looked over at YooKwon as he stood in front of the array of drinks.  They’ve known each other since they were kids.  He was staring at the drinks with a blank expression.

“Kwon-ah…HaNeul prefers tea over coffee,” MinHyuk reminded when YooKwon didn’t move.  He didn’t respond, so MinHyuk put a hand on his shoulder.  He felt YooKwon jump a bit and glance over at him.

“She’ll be okay…there’s nothing any of us could have done about this,” MinHyuk commented, knowing what YooKwon was mulling over.

“She never thinks about herself,” YooKwon complained as he filled a cup of hot water and threw a tea bag into it.  MinHyuk grabbed some bottles of water for the rest of the boys.  They paid and made their way out.  “All she keeps talking about is she HAS to help one of her friends with this or that.  What does she think she is, a superhero?!”

YooKwon suddenly screamed loudly in frustration causing a few people to look over at him.  MinHyuk just sighed and took the cup of tea from him.  He noticed that YooKwon’s arms were shaking from carrying HaNeul across the school completely while sprinting.  Even though HaNeul isn’t heavy, it was such a long distance, anyone would be tired.

“Let’s go before the tea gets cold.”

“Why does she think it’s okay to be like this…why does she think we won’t worry about her?” YooKwon questioned as he stared at his trembling hands.

MinHyuk just smiled.

“She’s just hates to disappoint people…”

They stopped at the door.

“I don’t think I can face her right now without yelling at her, Hyung…” YooKwon said sadly.  He wanted to see her but he was really upset that she let this happen to herself.

“She’ll be sad if you aren’t there,” MinHyuk convinced, turning the doorknob and scoffed.  “Yah, yah, look at you, getting pampered like a princess.”

“MinHyuk-oppa…” HaNeul greeted softly and looked behind him, trying to see if YooKwon was there.  “…Kwonnie-oppa…?”

YooKwon finally walked in but refused to make eye contact.  The gesture made HaNeul look down sadly; of course he was upset at her.  She hadn’t seen the boys much lately, and the one time she does, she’s in the infirmary.

MinHyuk sighed, giving YooKwon a sideways glance before handing him the cup of tea.  He gave his hyung a blank look as MinHyuk nudged his head toward HaNeul.

When he finally looked at her, he felt culpable; it wasn’t as if she meant to hurt them and now he was making her feel worse.  With his best front, he smiled and gave the drink of HaNeul.  “Careful, it’s hot.”

“T-Thank you…” she mumbled, not daring to look up and taking a small sip.  It was hotter than she thought though and winced with a small squeak.  She stuck out her tongue to cool off.  YooKwon chuckled causing HaNeul to look up.  One look into her eyes and his anger dissipated.  He ruffled her hair and teasing stared at her eye level with a pout.

“What’s the matter?  Cat got your tongue?” he joked with a laugh.  HaNeul immediately smiled with her tongue still sticking out.  Hearing his laugh made her feel light inside because it meant everything was okay.

“Yeah, KittyKwon burned my tongue,” she pouted, pretending to be upset at him.  He ruffled her hair again, laughing.

“Pull something like this again and we’ll have your head,” MinHyuk threatening, pointing his thumb at his neck and pulling it across for added effect.




Even after that incident, HaNeul still did not give on the work load she had.  What was worse was that the president of the student council was out sick and the vice president begged HaNeul to help with the paperwork.  Just as they got down to beginning to go through the stacks and stacks of paperwork, one of the students came in saying the principal wanted to see the vice president.  She turned to HaNeul with guilt written all over her face.  HaNeul could only smile.

“Go ahead, I’ll finish up over here.”

“Are you sure?  HaNeul, you’re a lifesaver!  I promise to treat you to dinner one day!”

“Neh~” giggled HaNeul as the vice president left.  Her smile fell immediately as she sighed in defeat.  “This is going to take hours…”


Her face brightened up at the voice.  YooKwon walked in with a smile, only for it to be wiped in a second.  His jaw dropped at the stacks of paperwork on the desk.

“I was told to come fetch you…but…”

HaNeul pouted and plopped her head on the table.

“YooKwonnie-oppa~” she whined.  “HaNeulie has so much paperwork!  What to do?  I don’t think I can watch your dress rehearsal before the show…at this rate, I might miss the show tomorrow…”

YooKwon looked over at HaNeul’s fake real tired expression for a bit before smiling widely and giggling.  HaNeul blinked a few times and stared up at YooKwon suspiciously.

“…Kwonnie…whatever you’re planning…it better not be illegal…” HaNeul warned.  Instead of responding, he ruffled HaNeul’s hair and ran out the door yelling something along the lines of be back.  She could hear the echoes of his laughter as he ran down the hall.

She shook her head and laughed, “Crazy kid…”

Feeling energized by YooKwon’s visit, HaNeul stretched her arms before starting.




Halfway through her paperwork…

“Text message~” announces HaNeul’s phone.

“Open… the…window?” HaNeul read in confusion.  Out of curiosity, she did as instructed.  Just as she did, she heard music.

“Boys and girls, it’s the B.B.  Don’t fool yourself.  I got your back!  Ha ha ha~”

HaNeul looked down to see the boys on the field and was shocked to see them completely dressed with microphones and all, singing and dancing while smiling up at her.  She smiled happily and laughed as she cheered like a fangirl.

“BLOCK B!  BLOCK B!  BLOCK B!” yelled the exuberant fangirl in her with her hands around .  Then, she proceeded to chant all their names.  Each member made sure to shoot HaNeul a special gesture whenever they had their solos.

When they finished, HaNeul applauded and hooted while pumping her fist.

“We’re Blockbuster!” they yelled up at her.

“BLOCK B, BLOCK B, BLOCK B!” she chanted, pumping her fist every time followed by a fit of giggles.

“1…2…HANEUL HWAITING!” they yelled back in unison.

“THANK YOU!” she yelled back with a warm smile.

Suddenly, they heard chanting.  HaNeul looked around and saw a bunch of people hanging out the windows chanting, “Block B.”  Then, some other students were gathering around the boys complimenting them on a job well done and asking when they’ll be performing tomorrow.  HaNeul’s smile widened with pride.  She folded her arms and leaned against the edge of the window as the boys looked almost lost at all the attention they were getting.  When HaNeul saw TaeIl blushing like mad when a girl grabbed his arm and gushed about how great of a voice he had, she couldn’t help but giggle.  As the boys were mobbed by their fans, HaNeul decided it was probably best she got back to getting her work done.  But just before she did, she noticed YooKwon looking up at her and waving with a bright smile.  HaNeul waved back and admired his thoughtful deed for a bit before closing the window.  With a revived motivation, she finished the rest of her paperwork in no time.




Looooong chapter~ hopefully you guys got through it without falling asleep.

Did anyone watch the U-Bomb dance battle…so good…oh man…I don’t even.  They have a bit of improving to do but still.  *__*

I hope you guys enjoy the happiness.  This is what we call the calm before the storm.  Kekekeke…

Thanks for all my new subscribers and comments!  Subscriptions and comments make Kira happy!  :3

Oh yes, and please leave me some comments~  I like comments.  :3


...I'll give you a cookie.  .__.

Updated: 08/27/11

~Kira :3

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qinyin1023 #1
Chapter 16: update soon~ ^^
Chapter 15: Wahhhhhhh!!!!!!
Finished catching up to this story last night!
And i have to say, i love it~~ :D
It's interesting and there were some parts where I got confused, but I think I caught up with everything after reading all the chapters! :D Such a total twist in the whole story. Tbh, I got scared at some parts.. lol.. IDky though.. I just did.. hahaha..
But I have a feeling that she doesnt like Kwonnie at all and that by the end of the story, she will end up with BBomb? idk.

But omg.
are you ever gonna conitnue this story??
It says that the last time you updated this story was like a year ago.. lol. you should totally update some time soon again.. :) I really enjoyed reading this story.. ^^
Geez~ you did make dongjun a significant character xD
So...Haneul doesn't love Kwonnie? D:
But that was...
unexpected O-o
Can't wait for next chapter :D
ShadowYin - In due time it will be revealed...I'm glad you enjoy Kwoneul~ :D They are very cute and cuddly...Ch 16 will have super cuddly makes you want to barf cute and cuddly Kwoneul. :P
hahaha~ So curious as to what happened that no one wants to tell her about it D:
Kwonnie and Haneul are really cute together~ kekeke ^__^
Awesomeness unnie~ update soon :)
ShadowYin - Yeah..."Heart for 2" is such a wtf chapter in general...>>
LOL! All the way xD!!!
Chapter 12 was awesome xD so random though, and yes, confusing!!! ><!!!
RinDesign - Yeah, his explanation was a bit fast because he just wants to tell her the parts of their meeting that he thinks left the biggest impression on her to trigger her memories.<br />
ShadowYin - Yesh, that was the point. XD She's supposed to be very different from how she was first portrayed. :) I'm glad you enjoy this chapter. ^ ^
Ohh, well it's interesting! It took me a little while to realize who was who in this chapter since the point of view changed but I figured out it was Kwonnie telling her the story in 1st person. It's a bit weird, it all went kinda fast, I mean the explaining of how they met and all that, but I get it, well at least I think so, haha.
Awesomeness chapter :P<br />
Haneul seems so different from how she was portrayed before O-o <br />
But it's cool~<br />
update soon~~ ^_^<br />