First Meeting

Missing Piece

The class was noisy with students chatting within their own clique of friends as usual. Luhan and the others were the usual ones with girls surrounding them, wanting to be in their good books. And there was Kyung Ri sitting in the corner of the class with her head buried in a storybook with ears plugged in, engrossed in her own world. Everyone sat wuth their best friends or clique of friends, except for Kyung Ri. She was that girl nobody knew or wanted to be close to. 

" Class! " Mrs Jung cleared . " Attention please. " The class began to quieten down and focus on Miss Jung.

" Come on in. Don't be shy! " She gestured someone at the door to enter. 

A boy with jet black messy hair with backpack slung over his shoulders, entered the class. This new stranger aroused the attention of girls in the class and some were already swooning over him. 

" Hush class. " She turned to the boy. " Go on and introduce yourself. " 

" I'm Kai. " 

" Hi Kai. I'm glad to have you here today with us and for the rest of the year. Class, you must be nice to Kai, understand? " She tried to be stern to the class. " Hmm...we don't have much seats left. Why don't you go and seat next to Kyung Ri over there? " She pointed to the only unoccupied seat in class. 

Luhan took a glance and could not care less about the addition of new classmate. I mean Luhan is the guy that swept most of the girls off their feet in Jusang and how can guy beat her right. Well at least that was what he thought. No matter how confident he felt about himself, he still felt a little threatened by this new guy. 

" Lu ge, this guy has a evil aura. I can feel it. " Xiumin frowned. 

" What evil aura Xiu? Are you sure its not happening because you're hungry? " Chanyeol beamed and ruffled Xiumin's hair. 

" No! I can feel it...its grumbling...tehee" 

As Kai walked towards his seat, he can't help but notice the unflattering girl sitting beside the windows. She did not even look up at him and to be honest, Kai was a little disappointed. 

" Alright class, settle down. Please take out your notes from previous lecture. I'm going to continue..." Mrs Jung voice was drowned out by the usual loud chatters.

Seeing Kyung Ri still have her ears plugged in, Kai knocked her table. Kyung Ri was startled by the sudden invasion of 'privacy' and she finally took a good look at him. Isn't he the guy who saved me today? He pointed towards Mrs Jung and Kyung Ri understood almost immediately. She quickly took out her ear piece and focused on what Mrs Jung was talking about. Kai looked at her and can't help but feel a little amazed at how she could still focus at that rate of noise level. 

I wonder if she still remember me. How can she forget me in such a short time right...

The two hours tutorial finally ended and everyone left the class and headed towards the cafeteria to enjoy their well deserved break. As usual, Kyung Ri was either the last to leave or she would just stay back in class. She didn't like squeezing with the rest, neither did she like being seen together with Dara. She just didn't like attention. 

" Kyung Ri ah~" A petite head popped in between the class doors. 

" Hmm? " 

" So... how is the new guy? Is he hot? Is he good looking? Is he..." Dara shot her questions like a machine gun.

" Hey hey, slow down alright. Well, he is kinda okay. I mean i didn't pay attention to him. " Kyung Ri confessed. 

" Ugh that was so expected. Please tell me the least you did was to remember his name. " 

" Yea yea Kai. His name is Kai. " 

" Oooo so Kai huh..." Dara smirked.

" Am i your criminal now? Why does this feel like an interrogating session. " 

" Thanks my love~ So as to thank you for your corporation, I'm going to buy you lunch only if you agree to have it with me in the cafeteria. " Dara was obviously pleased with herself for finding a way to make her best friend dine with her. 

" Dara, you know i  don't like going crowded places. I'll pass your kind offer then. " 

" Fine. " she pouted. " I'll bring your lunch up later. See ya~ " She bade goodbye and left towards the cafeteria. 



As the six beauties step foot into the cafeteria, tons and tons of girls were already crowding around them. As they were walking towards their usual spot, a petite girl suddenly stood in front Luhan, blocking his way. Everyone stood aside and made way for them because they could already guess what was going to happen. Even though this happen to Luhan everyday, he still can't help but feel a little awkward everytime someone confesses to him. 

" Um... Luhan oppa..." The girl's cheeks flushed pink. " I have something to give you. " She reached into her jacket and pulled out a pink envelope. The envelope was carefully decorated with red roses and a gold ribbon, from a look and one could tell it was made with lots of effort. She pushed the envelope towards Luhan , " I know you have been rejecting most of the girls who have confessed. But i hope you will accept mine. " She trailed. " I really like you and i hope you will go out with me! " 

Everyone could have guessed what will Luhan's answer be. That's right, a no. 

" *sigh* If you know that i have been rejecting all the girls that have been confessing to me, then why did you even try why you knew what would be my answer? " Cocky Luhan was acting up again. 

" I had to try because my heart told me so. I'll regret if i never get the chance to confess to you. " The girl was on the verge of tears. 

" I...I hate to break any girl's heart but you know i will reject you. I want to focus on my studies now more than all these confusing relationships. Thank you for your courage and i appreciate your love towards me. " Luhan patted her shoulders and left. She could not hold back her tears anymore and it flowed down her rosy cheeks. 

" Seriously, who does she think she is. As if Luhan oppa will accept her. " Amber commented. 

" Oh my god, she have got to be kidding me. She should look into a mirror. Ew gross. " Krystal rolled her eyes.  


" Wow Luhan that have got to be one of the best way to reject a girl. Teach me someday, Shifu " Chen cupped his left fist and right palm together and did a dramatic bow. 

" Of course. I mean i don't want to be tied down to commitments. " Luhan reasoned. " Its not time yet. " 

" But you've been single for so long. If now is not the time, when? " Kris asked.

Luhan shrugged and brushed off the topic. 

I just want to love the right girl at the right time. When is that girl ever gonna appear? 


Na eureureong eureureong eureureong dae x3 Kai was into dancing ever since he was young. He always practice his dance steps whenever he has the free time. Kai had finished his practice and was making his way to the cafeteria when he passed by class and saw Kyung Ri sitting inside alone. 

What is she doing inside? Doesn't she have to eat?

Kai pushed open the classroom doors and was walking towards his seat when suddenly Kyung Ri shouted, " Dara, is my lunch finally here?! I'm so hungry! " Kai was startled by her shouts and replied, " I'm not Dara obviously. " 

She's so quiet in class and this is how she acts when there is no one around? Is she the same person i knew 5 years ago?

Noticing it was someone else, Kyung Ri quickly raised her head to see who else was there with her. " Oh its you. I'm sorry! I mistook you for someone else. " Her cheeks was red with embarassement and she couldn't wait to dig a hole and hide. She quickly pulled out a book to read to excuse herself from the awkward situation. 

Dara was on her way to Kyung Ri class as she saw Kai left the class. " Hey are you new here or something? I heven't seen you around before. " She asked, wanting to strike a conversaation with the new boy. 

" Do i know you? " he asked barely with any emotions. 

" Ah you don't know me and i don't know you. So after today, we'll be friends! " She chirped. 

" No thanks. " Kai answered and walked past Dara without even looking at her in the eyes.

" Someday i'll make you regret not knowing me. " She murmured. 










Tehee here comes chapter 2~ Enjoy while i rack my brains for ideas for the upcoming chapters~ Cheers



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