
Tiny Tokki

For awhile Minho could tell himself that Jinki was just sleeping somewhere. Wrapped up in his sock all nice and warm somewhere in his room that he couldn't see, and that he would pop out any time soon demanding a bath. He could sit on his bed and tell himself over and over again that the little guy was just playing a game with him; getting back at him for not staying home with him today, but even his lies to himself couldn't last for long.


As night settled the realization that Jinki was indeed gone hit him and that's when he freaked out. It was a good dozen degrees below freezing, and by the looks of things the only things missing were Jinki and his sock. 


Jinki was tiny, and adorable and... he needed to be protected. Minho hated himself for allowing him to stay home alone. Now he was out there in freezing weather with only his pajamas on. When the clock stuck 7 Minho was tired of waiting, finally realizing that maybe Jinki hadn't gone out on his own. The window had been open, and when he looked down there were footprints in the snow way too big to be Jinki's. 


When his phone rang he didn't even think to answer it. He had to find Jinki because where ever he was, he wasn't safe and that thought scared Minho to no end. The little squish ball may be annoying sometimes, but the boy couldn't lie to you and say that he didn't love every moment with him. 


He was supposed to be wrapped up in his favorite turtle pajamas, his stuffed cat hugged tightly to his chest and Minho gently blew his freshly washed hair dry. Not god knows where, probably freezing and hungry.


Where are you Jinki? Minho found himself thinking as he stared up at his ceiling.


"Minho Minho Minho!" Said boy groaned as he felt the tiny thing climbing up his hair. 


"What are you doing?" His reply was muffled though, since his face was planted straight into his pillow. He moved his face a little to the side, just enough so one eye and his nose were not smothered with pillow. 


Jinki hung his head just at Minho's eye and gently lifted it with his tiny hand. "Minhoooo! Are you awake?" 


Minho's eyes snapped open as he turned his head, which caused Jinki to lose his balance and tumble onto the bed in a heap of ears and fluff. "I am now." 


As Jinki came to a stop he opened his eyes and just looked up at Minho with his body still sprawled out. He huffed. "Did ya have to move?"


Minho just wrinkled his nose as he reached over and picked the tiny thing up and placed him on his chest. "Did ya have to wake me up?" 


Jinki stuck his tongue out as he plopped down. He wiggled his toes against Minho's chin and giggled. "Lookie! I made socks.... with toes in them!"  


Minho just smiled and reached up to grab each foot in a hand. He shook them gently as Jinki continued to giggled. "I see." 


"Stop that!" Though the order was covered with a million giggles so it really wasn't possible to take serious. Minho gently blew on them and started to giggle himself as Jinki began to paw at his face with his tiny hands. And then he sneezed and the boy almost lost it. It had to be the cutest sound Jinki had ever made. The tiny rabbit boy frowned. "Are you laughing at me?" 


"No. With you." He blew once again before picking Jinki up and placing him on the bed. The tiny thing glared at him as Minho swung himself out of bed, but quickly smiled when the hand was lain on the bed for him. He rushed to it, climbing up Minho's arm up to his shoulder, where he plopped down and held onto the boy's long hair. 


"I think I want cake for breakfast." Jinki almost squealed as Minho made his way into the bathroom.


Minho just looked at him as he brushed his teeth. He then shook his head, which resulted in a tiny scream and Jinki holding onto his shirt for dear life because his grip on the boy's hair was ruined. Minho gently spit into the sink and gave an apologetic smile. "My bad Jinx."


"What would you have done if I had went flying hmm?" Jinki glared but it was too cute to be in any way menacing.


"Mend your wounds and make you fluffy with skittles."


Jinki seemed to think about that, and he asked with wide eyes. "Really?"


Minho just chuckled silently as he rinsed the toothpaste out of his mouth. After wiping his mouth he replied. "Don't I already do that?"


Jinki slapped him.


Minho smiled as he felt the small tug on his pants, and the familiar feeling of Jinki climbing up. One he got to the boy's knee, Jinki reached up and pulled himself onto the desk. Minho just returned to sowing the tiny fluff ball on the top of the hat.


"Is that for me?" Jinki asked softly as he leaned against the cup of juice Minho had brought up for him from the kitchen. 


Minho smiled as he tied the knot and poked the needle back into the ball before softly pulling the hat over Jinki's head. "Of course it's for you." 


The bunny boy lifted his hand and a huge smile broke out on his face as he grazed the big white puff ball that was on top of the hat. "It's just like mine!" He stood up and turned a little, using his other hand to fluff his own tail as his wiggled. "I have two puff balls! Yay!" 


Minho just gently tugged on his tail and smiled. "And I have one ball of fluff."


The bunny boy giggled for a moment, and smiled brightly, because if he was anyone's ball of fluff he was indeed Minho's.


"Do I have to stay here?" 


Minho looked down at the sad bunny and frowned. "I have to go play soccer, and I can't have you bobbing all around in my pocket. You'd probably get sick and not to mention squished." 


"But.. I don't wanna have to stay here. I want to watch you play!" 


Minho thought for a moment on how or where he could put Jinki so that he could watch him play. Then the idea hit him. "Do you promise to stay where I put you and to not make a sound?" 


"It's not like people will hear me over the crowd." Minho gave him a pointed look, causing him to raise his tiny hands in defeat. "Fine fine. I promise." 


Minho held out his hand. "Then come on."


Jinki smiled and jumped onto the palm. "I'm not going to be put into your stinky gym bag am I?"


He indeed was.



"So how about dinner?" 


"I have a lot of homework Taemin." 


"Oh come now. Just a little dinner with me. I'll even pay." 


Jinki sat in his pocket, looking up at the boy as he nibbled on the baby carrot Minho had given to him at lunch. " Maybe some other time Taemin."


Jinki heard the huff of annoyance from this Taemin person, and he frowned when he noticed the annoyed expression on Minho's face. He didn't like it when the boy wasn't smiling and laughing, because he deserved to be happy all the time. 


"Whoever is making you say no, they are making you be a moron." Jinki heard this Taemin stomp away, and felt the sigh of relief that came from Minho. 


"What was all that about hmm? What's a date?" Jinki asked quietly after they were saftely sitting in the back of the library on one of the bean bags. 


"It's when you go out to eat, or a money or just spend time with someone. Romantically." Minho replied as he held the carrot up to Jinki's mouth for him as the bunny boy played with his tiny bell. 


"Then why didn't you do that with Taemin?"


"Because I don't like him like that." Minho replied with a smile as Jinki finished the last bit of the carrot. He wiped up the crumbs with his finger. "Besides, I have you to look after." 


Jinki giggled as he held up his bell. "Ring ding. Ringa dinga." 


Minho laughed, and almost died of it when Jinki lost his balance and went rolling onto the floor with a tiny scream. "Think I should start calling you Rolli Polli." The bunny boy just looked up at him with a huff of annoyance, and that only made Minho laugh even harder.


"Hey don't turn the page yet!" Jinki whined from his spot against Minho's neck.


"Why not?" 


After a moment Jinki allowed his ear to graze the boy. "Okay now." 


Minho just chuckled and flipped the page. "You should read faster." He commented.


"Some of these words are longer than my eyes, so excuse me if it takes me a minute to read them." 


"I offered to read it to you."


"Shhh!" Jinki pushed off him and stood up. Walking up to the book that was bigger than he was and began to read the words. His tail wiggled, his ears laid softly against his back as he read the new chapter of Percy Jackson. 


"Now I can't see anything." 


Jinki grabbed the nearest thing, which was his tiny sock, and launched in at the boy's face. "I said shh! I have to find out what Percy is going to say next." 


Minho just shook his head and quietly chuckled to himself. Sometimes Jinki just killed him.



Minho gazed over at the House of Hades, the book that they were only 3 chapters into, and he frowned. It had been 2 weeks since Jinki had disappeared, and it was getting harder and harder for him to tell Kibum he was wrong when he told him that the bunny boy was probably already long gone.


"Where are you Jinki?" He mumbled to himself and he wiped his tear and closed his fist around Jinki's small red hat. 


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toastedbrownrice #1
Chapter 13: This was so soft and cute, so healing to read. And wow, this was written 7 years ago but the members are still as baby and bright as ever, it was too easy imagining them the way you wrote them. Thank you for writing!!
BreyBrey #2
Chapter 13: Adorable and cute... Wish the story is longer. Would like to read more of their times together.
n_silver89 #3
Chapter 13: Ooooo...cute
Chapter 13: adorable ><
reading this makes me felt so happy
jinki and jonghyun are so adorable
minho is so sweet and always ensure jinki and jonghyun are safe and happy
flrite #5
Chapter 13: I love this story so much. I really hope the bad guys get punished and locked away forever so that jinki and jonghyun no longer have to worry about anything
oconje #6
Chapter 13: Omg, so darn cute but well written!
Chapter 13: This has to be one of the cutest stories I have ever read. I just love it so much. I like all your stories as well.
Chapter 13: Aweeee. It woulda been cute tho if they did turn into humans tho
Krisyeolsdaughter #9
Chapter 13: Minho feed me skittles please.