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Tiny Tokki

Taking Jinki to school continued for a couple months. His arm healed, his speaking got a lot better, and Minho started to find out a lot more about the little guy. How he really loved skittles, but just the red ones, and how he did like carrots but not like Minho had thought he would. He learned that Jinki really loved warm baths, and he loved rubber ducks but never had one for himself.


Learning that fact Minho had gone to the nearest store and told the tiny thing to pick out any rubber duck he wanted. Jinki had looked up at him with wide eyes with a huge smile on his face, unbelieveing that he'd finally get a rubber duck. He chose a blue one with a fish on it's tail feather. It was just big enough that he could sit on it without it sinking, which Minho found highly amusing when he rode it during his bath every night.


Jinki didn't know much about his past, or what exactly he was, but Minho really didn't care about all that. Whatever he was, it was adorable, and Minho loved every moment he got to spend with the little guy.  Jinki did tell him of the couple of months before he had been found of continuous moving and trying to not get eaten. About the orange house cat that found him fasinating, and the cool nights hiding under leaves. Minho had frowned when the itsy bitsy tears had fallen from those chubby cheeks. Jinki had then looked up at him and asked him if he could cuddle with him, and Minho hadn't even thought to refuse.


Minho tapped his pen on the cool page of his Physics textbook when Jinki popped his head up. He had of course seen the boy's ears before his smile, but he just grinned as he glanced up from his problems. Jinki shuffled over the book and looked at the problem with his and tail up in the air.


"What is this?"


"Physics." Minho surpressed the laughter as Jinki began to wiggle his .


When Minho gently tugged on the white fluffy thing the bunny boy squealed. "Hey! That's mine!" He tugged again softly and Jinki smacked his finger with his tiny hand. "Stop!"


"What if I don't want to?" Minho asked teasingly.


Jinki pouted, his ears coming down to frame his face as he crossed his arms across his chest. "Then no tickles later."


"But you love tickles too!"


Jinki stuck his tongue out. "It's a sacrifice I must make." He then glanced at the problem once again before jumping off the book and bouncing a couple times on the bed. He laid on his back and brought his feet up, giggling. " My feet are so pudgy."


Minho looked over with amusement. " You're pudgy everywhere."


Jinki stopped wiggling his feet, and looked through his spread thighs at the boy. "Are you calling me fat?"


Minho just reached over and pinched the bunny boy's thigh softly with a laugh. "No. Pudgy. Soft."


Jinki wanted to glare at him some more, but when Minho poked his stomach gently his desire to glare was replaced with him giggling. The boy continued to poke him in the tummy, and Jinki couldn't stop laughing. "I said no tickles!"


"This is poker Jinx."  Jinki grabbed Minho's finger and nibbled on it gently. Hard enough to get the boys attention but soft enough that it didn't leave a mark. "Hey!"


Jinki just giggled and ran across the bed, his tail bouncing behind him. He flashed a smile before jumping his way down to the floor. "Catch me!"


Minho stiffled a chuckle as he watched the little thing run; his flimsy pajama bottoms Minho had made last night whipping around his frame. "You are making doing my Physics homework very difficult."


Jinki stopped. He was at the door, looking back. He knew that they were alone in the house, and because of that he had the entire building to run and investigate. " The answer is 45 Newtons at 49 degrees South of East. Now come get me."


He disappeared around the corner. Minho followed shortly after, only after he had checked the answer to the problem. Jinki had been right.  "You know playing hide and seek with you is kind of unfair!"


"I know!" Came the far away, small reply.


"Ducky!" Jinki squealed as Minho poured the warm water in around him and gently laid the rubbed duck into the water. The tiny bunny boy wrapped his arms around the ducks short neck and smiled up at him. " Squeek squeek!"


Minho just lathered a little bit of the strawberry shampoo Jinki just had to have onto the bunny boy's soft brown locks with his finger. "You really are too much you know that."


Jinki looked back up at him with wide eyes. "I'm the size of an apple. I'm not capable of being too much."


Minho just stuck his tongue out and poured a little cup of water over his hear. Once finished he sat back and watched Jinki play with his rubber duck. His gleeful smile, and chubby cheeks, and he found himself grateful for the little bundle of cuteness. Because he finally wasn't alone.




Later that night Minho finished pulling on his pajamas and turned to see Jinki curled up on his pillow, his fluffy sock pulled up around him.  He smiled as he moved into the bed, careful not to wake the bunny boy, but Jinki still opened his eyes slightly. He waited until Minho's breathing slowed, and his eyes closed. A small smile formed on his face as he crawled out of his sock and walked onto Minho's chest dragging it behind him. He tossed in a little and turned toward the boy's face.


He kissed Minho's cheek as he softly slept. "Thank you for finding me. You're my hero." He placed his tiny palm flat against Minho's cheek. "I finally feel loved. Love." He kissed him once more before smiling softly. He then brought his sock up and crawled into it. He rubbed his cheek against the warmth that was Minho's neck and softly closed his eyes. Not aware that the boy was awake, and had heard every word he had said.


"I finally feel loved too." Minho whispered as he brought his hand up to touch the bunny boy's ears.


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toastedbrownrice #1
Chapter 13: This was so soft and cute, so healing to read. And wow, this was written 7 years ago but the members are still as baby and bright as ever, it was too easy imagining them the way you wrote them. Thank you for writing!!
BreyBrey #2
Chapter 13: Adorable and cute... Wish the story is longer. Would like to read more of their times together.
n_silver89 #3
Chapter 13: Ooooo...cute
Chapter 13: adorable ><
reading this makes me felt so happy
jinki and jonghyun are so adorable
minho is so sweet and always ensure jinki and jonghyun are safe and happy
flrite #5
Chapter 13: I love this story so much. I really hope the bad guys get punished and locked away forever so that jinki and jonghyun no longer have to worry about anything
oconje #6
Chapter 13: Omg, so darn cute but well written!
Chapter 13: This has to be one of the cutest stories I have ever read. I just love it so much. I like all your stories as well.
Chapter 13: Aweeee. It woulda been cute tho if they did turn into humans tho
Krisyeolsdaughter #9
Chapter 13: Minho feed me skittles please.