A new week, a new day and a new dress. “It’s all thanked to cutie Minseok who made this pretty dress for me.”


I smiled happily while smell the blooming flowers at the garden. “It’s already spring and I love this season very much. Flowers are blooming prettily just like me.” I daydreaming like I’m a princess and suddenly someone interrupts me and poking on my cheek.


“Emm, little Yixing. I thought you’re that Kkamjong.” Yixing is wearing a white sport t-shirt and a black short pant with a pair of sport shoes.


“Ne, Yixing. Where do you want to go?” I look at him and without he says anything, he gives me a very long list.


“What this little Yixing?” I read the title on the above and it’s written ‘THE TASKS YOU MUST DO TO TAKE CARE OF SEHUN~’


“All of this~” My eyes open wide at little Yixing who nodded his head.


“I’ll go now.”


“W-what? Why? And Where are you going? Today is Saturday, right?” I manage to hold his arm like I am holding a prince’s arm. :P Stupid me stop dreaming already and by the way, he is a small kid.


“Today is the day for the marathon. All families should join the competition but you see all of them don’t want to join the competition and end up me as the representative to this family.” Yixing long explanation makes me more in love with him.


“Sorry I forgot you already told me last night. Then, have a good day and I hope you be the number one!” He smiles and bow to me. He is really polite and nice boy. I will support you no matter what my little Yixing.


“BUT! Don’t you make mistake on take care our little Sehunnie. I WARN YOU!” How I was shock when he said like that to me. Yixing is really firm person when come to Sehun. Of course, I will never make a mistake but not if there is Kkamjong.


“Okay, I’ll promise.” Finally I made a pinky promise with him and he smiles sweetly and once again I can see his little dimples. Aigoo~ why all of Lee-ssi children all good looking and perfect to be a human.


I wait and watch Yixing walks until I can’t see him anymore. Sometimes, I feel bad for him. Everyone all defend on him when come to this kind of situations. When I thought about it, he is the one who can do this kind of thing.


If Minseok…I don’t think so because he prefers sewing at home. Luhan is always playing like a little kid although he is the second oldest. Yifan who busy with his business?? Aishh, why that brat is like that?


 “I must do all my best like Yixing too.” I smile but suddenly I feel a very familiar dark aura behind me.


“What tasks you got this time? Should I help you complete them?” I know that I am very familiar with this voice.


“What are you doing here, Jongin? You should finish your breakfast first before…”


“Before I can complete your task too~” There are sparkles in Jongin eyes. He knows my weakness and makes me agree with him helping me in take care of Sehun.


Lee-ssi once told me although Sehun and Jongin are twins but they were totally different. Sehun growth was slower than Jongin and until now Sehun can’t talk properly and be independent himself while Jongin already can do all the things by himself.


“Why I stuck in this kind of thing?” I sigh and do my usual morning routine and finally wait for Sehun to wake up on 9:00 a.m.





I just do like Yixing written on the list and now I was inside their bedroom and wait for this little Sehunnie to wake up and right now I was with this little Kkamjong next to me.


“Doesn’t he is just cute like me?” Like hell but if you smile often I might say you cute, much cuter than a puppy, Lee Jongin.


“O-oh, he moves!” Even little Jongin surprises when the sleeping Sehun suddenly move and sit on the bed while rubbing his eyes with his little cute hands.


“So CUTE~” I screaming like a fangirl make the little Sehun shocks and he now is crying.


“You’re babo. Don’t afraid him like that.” Now this Kkamjong mad at me and he is comforting the little Sehun stop from crying. Actually, he is not bad either in take care of his own twin but…


“Ne, Sehunnie~ you should stop crying or else I put Monggu and Janggu on you.” Although, he voice was gentle but his words were beyond the gentle line. I take back what I said just now and thank you Jongin, your twin not crying anymore.



“Ducks?” Honestly, I never take Sehun to a bath and only Yixing does that. I should be carefully when comes to a slippery area.


“Sehun, let’s go and take bath.” I smiled sweetly as I can to not making him scared and cry. He raises his arms to me to lift him like usually baby does. How cute he is? I lifted him and go to the bathroom.




Inside the bathroom, all the task going nicely and that Kkamjong was also helping me too.



Now, I’m with Kkamjong sit beside the bathtub while waiting for the little Sehunnie playing with the ducks.


“Don’t you feel bored? Why don’t we join with Sehunnie too?” I agreed with him but in join with the happily ever after Sehunnie, I don’t want too. He will be cry if we bothering him. But, it too late because that naughty Jongin already inside the bathtub together with Sehunnie.


“Wait, since when you took off your clothes?”


An hour already passed and now I know, why I found Yixing always this late when he takes Sehun to a bath. Is he never get tired or bored doing stuffs like this every day? Of course not because he loves Sehunnie.



“Sehun, let we go and today Minseok made a new clothes for you.” Once again, he lifted his arm to make me lift him. Aigoo~ can’t explain what I feel.


“Oii~ are you forget about me too?” Then, there is Kkamjong. I never forgot about this little Jongin even once.


“Wait here. I will comeback after this.”




After I done helping Sehun and this little Jongin wearing their clothes, I bring Sehunnie to have his breakfast downstairs.



“Sehun-ah, today Kyungsoo made a special breakfast for you. Do you want to eat?” Sehun nodded his head cutely and giggles when he looked how colourful his breakfast today. It’s all thank to Kyungsoo who helping me to cook Sehun breakfast.


“I’m hungry too~” OMG, now I forgot about this kid again.


“You’re already had your breakfast don’t you?” I poke Jongin’s cheek.


“But, I’m hungry again. Kyunggie-ah, I want to eat you~” WHAT?! He wants to eat Kyungsoo. How come this little knows about something like that?


“Yah, Jongin! Don’t make our Kyungsoo get tired. You already ate your breakfast just now.” Luhan comes and mad angrily while pouting. He crossed him arms like he was really angry. So cute~


“Oh, Lulu~ Then, I should eat you instead~” Jongin now already runs after Luhan who is running from the little monster Jongin.


“Don’t eat me~ MINSEOK-AHH~” Luhan tries his best running from Jongin and how come this little hungry monster become energetic all of sudden.


“Aishhh.” I sigh and suddenly I saw Sehun points his spoon with a small cut of carrot at my mouth. Is he wanted to feed me?


“Eat thith~” Oww, so sweet my little prince although you can’t speak properly and it all because of your lisp. Without hesitant, I eat the small carrot although I hate it for the god sake. I hate carrot~ pweeh~





“Let’s start with Minseok first. Sehunnie, don’t you want to meet with Minseok?” Sehun looks at me cutely and he became excited all of sudden.


“I want to meet with Mintheok-unnie~” Because of Luhan who wanted an older sister and they all end up calling Minseok-unnie instead of hyung.


Then, I bring him to meet with Minseok. Minseok is busy with his sewing and he immediately stop when he saw little Sehun come to him.


“Hello, how are you little Sehunnie?~” Minseok pecks Sehun on the cheek. Oww, how sweet they are?


“I’m fine. Are you thtill thewing?” Sehun points at the very beautiful apron Minseok was making.


“Yes, and this is for Kyungsoo’s new apron.” Minseok patted Sehun cute head and when Minsoek does that little Sehun was closing his eyes like he wanted to feel it.


“Thank you for making thehun new clotheth.” And once again Minseok give a peck to his little youngest brother and smiles to him which makes Sehun giggles happily.


“Let’s go Sehunnie~” Next I bring little Sehunnie to meet with Yifan.


“Yifannie~ Yifannie~” Sehun jumps on his small feet tries to get Yifan’s attention. He smiles when he saw Sehun and this is for my first time seeing him smiles like that. So, handsome and I totally forgot about his face. Yifan doesn’t talk anything instead he patted Sehun head warmly and of course the little Sehunie loves it very much.


Next, I bring him to meet with the guardian Joonmyun who is busy with his cactus trees.


“Joonmyunnie~” Sehun runs toward Joonmyun and he manages to catch the little Sehunnie from touching the cactus’s torn.


“Sehun-ah, don’t run like that. You will fall and this torn might hurt you.” Sehun pouted but smiles after Joonmyun patted his head.


“Please take care of him. Hwaiting!” Joonmyun gives me supportive words. Joonmyun-ah that why I loves you.


“Ne, noona~ let’s meet with Jongdae-hyung~” Sehunnie tugging on my dress and I lifted him to bring him to meet with the family secret talented singer or chencing machine chenchen, yea that’s his nickname.


“Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee~” Jongdae’s voice can be heard from outside of his own KTV room. Yes, his father made the room especially for him.


“Gee? Gee? Gee?” Sehun tilted his head cutely because he was confused with what Jongdae was singing.


“Jongdae-ah, Sehunnie comes to see you.” He heard my voice and immediately switches of the off button. He opens his arms widely to welcome Sehunnie and hugs him for a moment. He also opens his wide for me but before I could hugs him he turns around and makes me fall on the hard floor. He is forever the trolling Jongdae. Now Sehun and Jongdae were laughing at me. How stupid I am for falling to his trick?


Next, I bring Sehunnie to meet with the playful and cheerful Baekhyun and Chanyeol who are watching Power Rangers episode on the TV. But, their attentions immediately turn to Sehun because of Sehun cute reaction when he sits beside them.


“Baekkie~ Chanyeollie~” Sehun called his brothers named cutely while put his hands under his chin.


“Sehunnie so cute~” Baekhyun and Chanyeol keep touching; poking and pinching their little cute brother, Sehunnie because of his cuteness over melt them. They end up watching the Power Rangers together.


It’s all going until the episode was end and Sehun look very tired and sleepy. OMG! I forgot it already passed 3:00p.m which I should feed him a bottle of milk on 2:30p.m. I immediately, bring him together to the kitchen and at the same time he can meet with Kyungsoo who already made Sehun’s milk.



“Here the milk. I know you forgot about it but I promise I won’t tell Yixing-hyung.” Kyungsoo patted Sehun head and kiss him.


“Thank you, Kyungthoo.” Sehun manages to say thank you to Kyungsoo although he feel very tired and sleepy. Without wasting my time, I bring him to the upstairs and put him to sleep. He sleeps really fast and now I can rest for a moment.


“Wait, where is that Kkamjong go?” Oh!


“Kyungsoo-ah, I think I never once saw Jongin drinking milk in a bottle.”


“It was because he hated it when Luhan and the beagle line triplets always make fun of him.” Kyungsoo explains and he also stays with me until Sehun fall asleep.





On 5:00p.m., Sehun already awake and he is the one who wakes up the sleeping me. He seems not scared of me anymore. Then, like Yixing was written on the lists I need to bring him walk outside at the garden and we meet with Tao there. He is always playing alone by himself. I pity him.


“Tao Tao~” Sehunnie runs toward Tao.


“Here~” Tao points a cute small bird in his hands.


“Wah, what ith thith?” Sehun still don’t know what kind of animal.


“It a bird. Do you want to hold him?” Tao wanted to give the bird to Sehun but he immediately shakes his head.


“He will eat me~” Sehun is very cute when he scared of something but please don’t scared of me.


After a few minutes, he and Tao playing with the cute little bird, Tao releases the bird right away.


“Why did you releathed the bird?” Sehun asks Tao even me wanted to know.


“Because, the bird also has a family who waiting for him.” Tao words make me fallen in love with him. He is very nice to people and animals too. That’s why he is the romantic panda.


 Finally, the last task I need to complete is bringing Sehunnie to meet up with his favourite hyung and that little Jongin. Wait, I already make a mistake here. I should bring him to meet with his brothers from the eldest to the youngest but I’m always mistaken Luhan for being the youngest. It’s all because of his baby face.


“Sehunnie, let’s go inside and meet with Luhan now.” Once again he becomes all excited after hearing Luhan’s name. Yeah, Luhan is his favourite hyung after all.


“Luhannie~ Luhannie~” Sehun happily call out for Luhan until we found Jongin was on top of Luhan while Luhan was struggling below him. Is he going to Luhan or what?


“Jongin can’t do like that to Luhannie~” Sehun looks like he wanted to cry but Jongin immediately get off of Luhan before he cry.


“Luhannie~” Sehunnie jumps on top of Luhan. But, what different is Sehun is smaller and lighter than Jongin.


“I love Luhannie~” Little Sehunnie was kissing Luhan on the cheek. Luhan patted his back and his head cutely.


Suddenly, I notices Jongin expression he seems jealous with little Sehun. He then asks little Sehun to come to him. Without I notice, he put his Monggu’s belt around Sehun’s neck and forces Sehun to crawl like a puppy.


“Walk little a puppy Sehunnie~” I and together with Luhan become panic and tries to stop Jongin from making our cute little Sehunnie like that. If Yixing know about this I will be died by tonight.


“Jongin, you don’t have to make our Sehunnie like that~” Luhan angry with Jongin but being bitten by him instead.


“Why you always bite me?” Luhan is crying because it’s all Jongin fault. I should stop Luhan from crying or else Sehun will cry too but I was wrong Sehun who is the one stop Luhan from crying. He keeps patting Luhan head and say, “Pleathe don’t cry. I and noona were here with Luhan-hyung~”


“I’m glad he stopped. Jongin I’m begging you please don’t do anything until Yixing back.” I plead to Jongin and this is the second time I do this.


“No. Yixing-hyung would never come back!” Jongin-ah, why you have to shout Yixing’s name loudly in front of Sehun?


“Opps, I said Yixing-hyung’s name. Hwaiting on make him stop crying. Let’s go Lulu~” He pull Luhan with him and leaving me with the confused little Sehun. He looks around the house and finally at me.


“Where ith Yixing-hyung?” He started to tear up and what should I do? How dare you Kkamjong? You mention Yixing’s name.


“Why I don’t see Yixing-hyung?” He is tugging onto my dress tightly.


“I want Yixing-hyung!!!” Finally, he burst out of tears and no one can stop the crying Sehun. Minseok, Yifan, Joonmyun, Jongdae, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo and Tao all of them look at me like I’m the one who make him cry. They try to comfort Sehun but fail.


"The only one who can stop Sehunnie is his own guardian, Yixing-hyung~" Baekhyun and Chanyeol also patted Sehunnie head and tried their best to comfort the little Sehunnie and even our Jongdae tries to comfort him with his jokes.


Suddenly, “I’m home~” Sehun immediately stopped from crying when he heard the familiar voice. There are sparkles in his eyes after he saw Yixing.


 “Yixing-hyung~” Jump onto Yixing and Sehun fall asleep right after Yixing lifted him. Sehun cutely put his arms around Yixing’s neck tightly like he doesn’t want Yixing to go.


"How sweet they are~" Baekhyun and Chanyeol watching those two while the other already go and do their usual routine. What about Kkamjong? Maybe, he already hide somewhere with Luhan. How dare he leave me like that?


 “I’m safe~” Finally, I thrown myself on the hard floor and close my eyes. At that time, I prefer Jongin more than Sehun…




At the middle of night, I heard someone knocking on my room door and it was little Yixing. I thought there was a ghost. :P


“Here and take this. This is my gift for taking our little Sehunnie and you did well~” Then, he left before I could reply him. Maybe, he doesn’t want leave Sehun alone although he sleep together with his other siblings.


“A hair clip? Oh, so sweet~ But, why a unicorn?”



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zezezeze #1
I'm sorry...
zezezeze #2
Chapter 6: Yah!!! What with.that? Why it feels like you always bully tao?
zezezeze #3
Chapter 4: Poor little tao
Pandaphanie #4
Chapter 6: I`m sorry but I just want to kidnap these twelve babies because I want them to be mine. Can someone please shrink the real Exo into baby size? They are too adorable that I feel like exploding.
Chapter 6: oh my 12 lil babies >< plss update soon jebal >< ths is so cute xD happy big family x) yixing is so .... thehun kyeopta . i cant .. omg i need air . byee
RapHyunJoel #6
Chapter 6: kyaaaaaa!!! I want a sons like TheHun!!! he make me says "omo,kyeopta!" in every chapter that TheHun in there!! he just too cute&adorable..please keep update author-nim!! *cheers for you*
Update please author-nim!!
Chapter 6: I wanna kiss your cheek baby jongin!!! Muahhh
Chapter 5: aaa~poor baekkie n tao~that troll jongin..kkk~
Chapter 4: this is cute happy family <3