Her past

5,439 miles

Your POV:


It has been only about 12 hours and I was starting to miss Korea terribly.

Life in Cali isn't the same as life in Seoul. There's no midnight ddukbokki stand, and no Ahjumma's Kimbap store.

I still remember the time when I found out that I have leukemia. Chanyeol took me to Ahjumma's Kimbap store and ordered all of my favorite food there. He told me that eating always help him forget bad things that had happened. 

And of course I can't forget that time when I fainted all of the sudden at EXO's practice room. Chanyeol carried me all the way to the hospital. He also stayed there the whole night with me. Since I don't have any parents in Seoul, Chanyeol was my family. 

My mom and unnie (older sister) lived in Cali. I don't have a dad since I was 5. He dumped my mom and married a doctor. I used to cried all the times whenever I see a homeless child. 

My family, consisted of my mom, my sister, and I used to lived on the street for about a week. My dad took back everything when he left us, not giving us even a house to stay at. 

We had to start everything over again from scratch. My unnie was about 15 at that time, and she had to work in fast food restaurants, gas station, anywhere. I was still young at that time, so I couldn't work. Instead, I stayed at home and cook. 

Although I cannot cook large meals like the ones at restaurants, I can boil eggs, cook the rice, and etc. Life was hard, but we never stop trying. 

Right now, we own the largest hotels in Los Angeles, Seoul, Tokyo, Beijing, and Sai Gon (Ho Chi Minh). 

But life fell apart again when I had leukemia. My mom and unnie cried for days. Chanyeol couldn't sleep well. I lost weight because I didn't eat. 

Chanyeol was the one who took care of me, comforted me, and cried with me. I changed from being a happy-me to a desperate-me. I was grumpy most of the times, but Chanyeol didn't complain. I appreciated that side of him very much. 

There's too much good memories of me and him. I felt terribly melancholy when I left Seoul. I only had a few friends in Seoul, due to the fact that I rarely go outside. But still, they were good friends, friends who stayed and did not leave me. Most of my so-called "friends" left because apparently I am going to "die." 

True that, but hey, everyone have hope. That includes me. The hope of fighting off cancer, the hope of living. 

I sighed. My heart starts to hurt at the memories. I searched through my suitcase, digging through piles of clothings to find one object. A book. The book's called The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. It's an inspiration book, I tell you. The protagonist, Hazel Grace, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Thyroid cancer. She meet this boy named Augustus Waters in a Cancer Support Group. 

Their relationship reminds me of Chanyeol and I. Except the fact that we're Koreans of course. 

I flipped to page one and start rereading it for the nth time. When I finished the book, crying as always, it was time for me to drink my daily medicine. 

How I hate drinking these things. They always tires me out, not that I don't get tired often. Leukemia makes me feel worn out a lot. I also have to be careful because I also get bruises easily and bleed often. 

I sighed again. Depression is overtaking me today. Too much mixed feelings. 

"Burn all the scars that you've exchanged for that love." -Part of translated lyrics of Baby Don't Cry. 

Yes, I should burn all the scars. If I could. 


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Chapter 6: Even it's short but it make me cry :'( why did she have to go ? Poor Chanyeol :(
Chapter 6: *le sobs* Short, yet sweet. I loved it.
Chapter 5: What!? She died? NO! Pls bring her back to lofe! Hehehehe... Random much. Anyway, Update soon! :D
Sun_Moon #4
Chapter 4: NOOOO!!! She's going to die :'(
seulsung #5
Chapter 3: I was a little teary eyed when I finished this chapter ;; I love it! ♡
Chapter 2: Update soon! :D
Chapter 1: Aww this is so sad! Why they're breaking up? ;__; Yah, Chanyeol-ah! Screw showtime and go after her! >< orz lol looking forward for the next chapter :)