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Chanyeol's POV:


My phone almost dropped to the ground. 

"C-can you please repeat that?" I asked anxiously. 

"She don't have much time to live, Chanyeol-ah. I went to the doctor with her after she came to Cali," Her unnie sighed. 

I couldn't believe my ears. I slumped down on the couch, burried my face into my palms. 

"Chanyeol? Are you still there?" My shaky hand picked up the phone and put it bext to my ears again.

"Yes, noona," I answered. "Can you come to LA? Please, just this time, Yeol. She needs you. She won't listen to me or umma." 

I sighed and nodded. "Sure, I'll come." I can hear noona's cheer at the other end. 


Now I just have to convince my manager and SM. I sighed heavily as I packed my stuffs. Baekhyun, Sehun, and Kai just stood by the door, watching me. 

"Are you really leaving?" Baekhyun asked, his voice filled with sadness. 

I nodded mind-absently. "Just for a week." When I finished packing, I sat on my bed and stared at them. Their droopy eyes melt my heart. 

"We'll help you convince manager hyung," Kai added. I smiled at him, silently thanking all of them. 

"Hwaghting hyung! Go get her back!" Sehun yelled. I ruffled his hair and grinned. My derpy smile had make its return. 

"Yayayaya~ hyung finally smile again~" They cooed altogether. 

After awhile, they left my room. I stood up and grabbed a photo frame. I grinned at it, recalling the memories. 

It was taken a year ago when she found out she had leukemia. We were at Ahjumma's Kimbap, and I sneakily took a photo of her, eating happily. 

Her smile washed all of my pains away. It was like rays of sunshine. Everything about her spelled perfect. Too perfect to be fit into framework of language. 

I have to be there for her, she needed me. 

"Wait for me, I'm coming," I mumbled. 


~ ~ ~ 


"Please put on your safety seatbelts. The safety guidelines are infront of you already, along with the magazines. If you have any questions, please ask one of our staffs. Thank you for flying with Korean Airlines, and enjoy your trip!" 

The attendant's voice goes off. I closed my eyes to rest for awhile. 

I took out my iPod and played our song, Baby Don't Cry. 

"Please don't hesitate anymore. Just take my heart away, ~" -part of translated lyrics.

She already took my heart, and left a huge gap in the middle of it. I hope she'll realize that I still love her, more than how much she thinks I love her. 


~ ~ ~


Your POV: 


I couldn't believe my eyes. There he was, standing right infront of me. I slapped myself a few times to make sure I'm not dreaming. It stings my cheek. Nope, I'm not dreaming then. My eyes began to water, so I keep on slapping myself, hoping that this is somehow an hallucination. 

Chanyeol reached out his hands and held onto mines. 

"Stop, don't hurt yourself anymore," His quite voice makes me want to cry. 

So there I was, bawling like a baby. Chanyeol pulled me into his embrace. He my hair gently, whispering comforting words into my ear. 

Yes, he is really here. Infront of my eyes, hugging me. I hold onto his waist, afraid that if I let go, he'll disappear like those times in my dreams. 

But then it hits me. I'm suppose to stay in LA in order to forget him. I'll fall for him again, now that he's here. Like that, I gently pushed him away. My eyes glued to the ground. 

"Why are you here? We already broke up, I have nothing to-" I was interrupted to him. "I know, I'm just staying here for awhile." He mumbled. His voice sounded so tired, making me feel guilty for snapping at him.

"Let's go inside first, hm?" I invited awkwardly, opening the door wider for him to enter. 

He followed behind me, not speaking a word. I showed him the guest's room, so he could rest a little. He had dark circles under his eyes, and he looks like he had lost weight. I sighed, mentally scolding myself for being cold toward him earlier. 

"You can stay in here," I spoke in a quite voice.

Chanyeol nodded and stared at me. Suddenly, he tilt my chin up, making me look at him. Before I could speak, he pressed his warm lips on mine. I automatically wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. I missed this. I missed the feeling of his lips on mine, missed the tinkling sensation in my stomach whenever he's near, missed everything. 

"I heard about your condition," He mumbled in the kiss.

I shivered a little due to the vibration against my lips. I already knew that unnie would tell him. I just knew it. It's so like unnie, always worrying about me. She's like my mom at times because our mom is rarely home. 

I nodded mind-absently. But sadly, he pulled out of the kiss. His dark, brown orbs gazed at me. 

"I'm sorry," He whispered, resting his head on my shoulder. "Jinja mianhe (Really sorry)." I nodded and patted his back.

"It's okay. I'm okay," I mumbled with my eyes closed. 

"Really?" He asked. "Really." I answered back. 

Really is our "forever."Just like in The Fault In Our Stars, "okay" is Hazel's and Augustus's "forever."

It's funny how a simple phrase became our "forever." 

I feel so much better now. He's really here. For me. 

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Chapter 6: Even it's short but it make me cry :'( why did she have to go ? Poor Chanyeol :(
Chapter 6: *le sobs* Short, yet sweet. I loved it.
Chapter 5: What!? She died? NO! Pls bring her back to lofe! Hehehehe... Random much. Anyway, Update soon! :D
Sun_Moon #4
Chapter 4: NOOOO!!! She's going to die :'(
seulsung #5
Chapter 3: I was a little teary eyed when I finished this chapter ;; I love it! ♡
Chapter 2: Update soon! :D
Chapter 1: Aww this is so sad! Why they're breaking up? ;__; Yah, Chanyeol-ah! Screw showtime and go after her! >< orz lol looking forward for the next chapter :)