Baby Don't Cry

5,439 miles

Your POV: 


It's been ages since the day I've been in this room. Everywhere I looked, it's still the same thing. The whiteness of the room blinded me. I hated it. I hated everything. I hated the hospital, the room, the smell of medicines, the stupid beeping machine, etc. 


Stupid beeping machine, it keeps on making strange sounds. I couldn't sleep sometimes because of it. 

Pshhh, I don't need to know if my heart is still beating or not. When it stop beating, then I died. Gosh people these days, so complicated. 

There goes cranky-me. Blame the cancer, yeah yeah. 

I'm bipolar. One day I'm happy, and the other day I'm feeling crappy. I became moody nowadays...don't know why. 

So here I am, bored to death, scrolling through my newsfeed on Facebook. Lots of people send me encouraging messages, telling me to stay strong. Others send me mournful lines as if I'm already dead. 

Some of them told me to go die already, and that they didn't want me to exist any longer. All of those hateful messages were from EXO "fans." 

And yes, my relationship with Chanyeol was made public. I'm used to these stuffs, I've been through all of it for years. I repeat, for YEARS. From saesang fans stalking me and throwing rocks at me, to destroying my property. 

They were hoping that we would break up, and that I will sooner or later can't endure it anymore. But they were wrong. I'm not that type of girl. 

Speaking of the fans, some who actually lived in Cali came to visit me at some point. They always bring me flowers, fruits, and homemade food for me. Nice fans, a round of applaud for them please. And the food wasn't poisoned, another round of applaud. 

11:34 A.M. *Knock knock.* I looked up from my phone. 

"Come in." I said mind-absently. Sound of rustling bags and footsteps echoed throughout the empty room. 

"Hello unnie!" A familiar cheery voice cooed. I smiled, recognizing it right away. 

It was Becky, my daily visitor, and one of the nice fan I mentioned. She comes EVERY SINGLE DAY. And she also updates me news about EXO, mostly Chanyeol (of course). 

"Unnie, you're going to have a great surprise today!" She squealed as she feeds me some porridge. 

"Ah! Hot!" I screamed as I fan my burned-tongue. 

Becky mouthed a quite "sorry" as she handed me a cup of cold water. 

"And what about the "great surprise" you were talking about?" I muttered. 

"Oh yeah! Just...a surprise! You'll see later," She chirped happily. 

I start to grew suspisious. I eyed her curiously, trying to dig out some clue about the "surprise." 

Suddenly, my unnie came running into the room. She was breathing hard, and sweat ran down her pale face. 

"Chanyeol is here! There were fans everywhere! Oh my gosh, give me some water," She yelled, startling me and Becky. 

Becky looked at me and mouthed, "Chanyeol is the surprise." I just gave her "the" look, causing her to giggled.

And there he was, standing right infront of me. His shirt was crumbled, his hair was a mess, and the flowers he had was now destroyed. The pedals were falling off, and you could hardly tell it was a flower. 

Becky covered with her hand, trying hard to not laugh. Me, I just bursted out laughing like a maniac. 

Chanyeol frowned at me as he walked closer. He slumped tirely on a nearby chair and let out a loud sigh. 

I was still laughing, and my eyes were starting to water. 

"Is that how you greet your long distance boyfriend? I see you," He stated, voice filled with sarcasm. 

"I see you too," I mocked him, still laughing. My unnie looked at me strangely. 

I shook my head and stretched out my arms. "Come here." I commanded. My laughter had died down to a soft chuckle, but I was still amused. 

Chanyeol obediently bend down, due to the fact that he's way taller than me. I embraced him and breathed in. The smell of his cologne and sweat filled my nose. I smiled a little. 

"Did you came all the way to LA just to see me?" I asked softly. He burried his head into the crook of my neck and nodded. His hair tickled me, but I don't mind. 

"I bought some tulips for you, but they're ruined now," He mumbled sadly. I nodded.

"It's okay, I don't mind," I whispered back.

Becky and my unnie "ahem" us, breaking the lovey-dovey moment. 

"Sorry to interrupt you lovebirds, but there are still loners here!" My unnie gestered to herself and Becky.

"Uhm...actually unnie, I have a boyfriend too," Becky said hesitantly. 

My unnie rolled her eyes dramatically. "Great! Now I'm the only loner in this room." 

All three of us giggled as my unnie sulked. 

The atmosphere of the room lighten, now that he is here. I smiled happily as I listened to one of his story. 

If everyday is like today, I will want to live for centuries. 


~ ~ ~


The moment of happiness is no longer here. I felt light-headed again for the nth times of the day. It's strange because I don't usually get headaches normally, but today I felt extra tired. 

They didn't notice what's wrong with me. Yet. I still pretend like everything is fine and pretended to be engaged in their conversations. 

My head was about to expload. I tightened my grip around my cup of water, not wanting to drop it. 

Slowly, my vision starts to get blurry, and I lost my grip around the cup. The dropped to the floor with a loud crash. The last thing I heard was Chanyeol calling my name. 


Chanyeol POV: 


"Dr. Lauren, is she okay?" I asked worrily. Dr. Lauren gave me a weak smile and nodded. I sighed in relief. In the corner of my eyes, noona was conversating with Dr. Lauren. Becky had gone out to buy some drinks for us, so it was just me and her in the room. 

I held onto her cold hand tightly and brought it up to my lips to kiss it. 

"Please don't go, jebal (please)." I whispered repeatedly. 

I hated myself for not being able to be there for her the past few months. She had to suffered in here while I was enjoying my time in Seoul. 

Tears slipped out my eyes, but I didn't bother to wipe it away. 

"Chanyeol oppa," Her soft voice called out. I leaned in closer to get a better hearing. 

"I'm here," I whispered back. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled at me. 

She started to cried softly. I reached out and pulled her into my arms. I her hair comfortingly as she buried her face into my chest. 

"Shhh, don't cry, I'm here," I whispered into her ear. 

"Can you do me a favor?" She said, her voice softer than before. 

I nodded. "Of course, anything for you, my princess." 

"Go find somebody else. Move on," Her voice cracked as she tried to talk over her tears. 

I embraced her into a tight hug. "What do you mean? I will be with you and you only!" 

I felt her smiling. "I love you, Chanyeol. You know that right?" 

"I love you too." I smiled back. "Thank you for not letting me go." I nodded again. 

"I will never, ever let you go. No matter what happens, I will always be here for you," I confirmed. 

I pulled out of the hug, only to capture her lips. Tears fell down her cheeks rapidly, and I kissed it away. 

"Can you sing Baby Don't Cry for me?" 

I stared at her, surprised by her request. "O-of course." 

I cleared my throat before singing. 


Deoneun mangseoriji ma jebal nae simjangeul geodueo ga," My deep voice echoed throughout the room. 

I continued singing, my arms tightly secure around her petite body.

"So baby don’t cry cry nae sarangi neol jikil teni (So baby don't cry cry my love will protect you)." I finished, only to hear the sound of beeping machine going wild. 

I know this sound. I've heard it a lot in movies. 

"No...No!" I yelled. 

Her face shone in the light, and she was smiling. 

Dr. Lauren rushed to herside. She opened both of her eyes, and check for her breathing. 

My heartbeat increased as I silently prayed for her to be okay. 

Dr. Lauren dropped down onto the floor, crestfallen. I shook my head and grabbed onto her hand. 

"Why? Why?!" I choked on my tears as I embraced her once again.

Her body was no longer warm, but her sweet scent was still there. 

I was still crying as they covered the white cloth over her head. I banged my head on the wall and cried. 

That was it, my girl is already gone. 

Noona's hand patted my shoulder comfortingly. 

"She passed away in my arms. I witnessed it," I said shakily. Noona just nodded. 

I let out a mournful scream and clutched onto my chest. 

How I wish the floor would open up and swallow me, so I could be with her. 





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Chapter 6: Even it's short but it make me cry :'( why did she have to go ? Poor Chanyeol :(
Chapter 6: *le sobs* Short, yet sweet. I loved it.
Chapter 5: What!? She died? NO! Pls bring her back to lofe! Hehehehe... Random much. Anyway, Update soon! :D
Sun_Moon #4
Chapter 4: NOOOO!!! She's going to die :'(
seulsung #5
Chapter 3: I was a little teary eyed when I finished this chapter ;; I love it! ♡
Chapter 2: Update soon! :D
Chapter 1: Aww this is so sad! Why they're breaking up? ;__; Yah, Chanyeol-ah! Screw showtime and go after her! >< orz lol looking forward for the next chapter :)