
5,439 miles

2 years later ~ 


Chanyeol's POV: 


I clutched onto the dandelions I was holding. Today was our 5th anniversary, and I was going to celebrate it with my girl. 

I fixed my tie and checked myself in the mirror. Smiling dorkily, I make my way toward my car, not forgetting to sniff the dandelions a little. It still smell the same, it smell like her. 

"Dandelions are my favorite. They looked so carefree." 

Her words were ironed into my brain. I still remembered every single details about her. How could I ever forget? 


The humid summer air brushed past my skin, and the air smelled like fresh grass. I respectfully greets the keeper before walking down the dirt path that leads to where she rested. The road ended shortly, revealing a beautiful emeral colour gravestone. Her name was engraved across the stunning stone, with the date and short message bellow. My hand shook as I reached out to touch the grave, and tears threaten to fall. 

"Good afternoon," I began. "happy anniversary, my sunshine." There was no answer, but the hum of the wind was already enough. I closed my eyes, waiting for her to come to me. After a short moment, she appeared in a gorgeous white gown, and my lips quirked upward to a grin. 

She did not speak, nor did she show any expressions. Her eyes remained focused on me, and her lips were set firm in straight line. Her face were so placid that I could not tell what was on her mind. 

"I brought you flowers, dandelions, your favorite," I waited for any answers, but her lips did not move. I sighed before continuing. "How have you been? Did you make any new friends in Heaven?" 

I chuckled at my silly questions. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, but I held it in, not wanting to look weak infront of her. 

"Please say hi to God for me," I smiled at her one last time before standing up. I brushed the dirt off my pants and watch as it falls to the ground, along with my tears. 

I turn around, only to find her standing there. Her face didn't show any emotion, but I was sure I saw pity in her eyes. 

"Live well," I whispered and turn away. Then, I took off and ran. 

My vision blurred due to the tears my in eyes. I ignored the impact of the wind brushing harshly against my skin and continue running. Sweats dripped down my forehead as I come to an end of the road. 

I yelled her name at the top of my lungs. I yelled with all the power I have. I yelled to let out the sorrow that I had kept inside for too long. 

When I can no longer let out even a breath, I slumped down on the cold, hard ground. My breath were uneven, but my smile never disappear from my face. 

I closed my eyes, letting the sound of nature comfort me. 

"Even when I am no longer living, I will still love you," I whispered. Sister wind carried my message along with her on her journey. Little birds chirped along with the crickets. The sun was about to take a break before the moon takes over the night. 

With a heavy heart, I walked back to her new resting area and sat there until the morning comes. 



A/N: The end. 

That concludes the 3rd...or 4th story that is completed. I hope you enjoy this story. Please check out my other stories as well. My phone is not coroperating with me today, so it didn't let me put the links in here. You can you go my profile and click on 'Stories' to read some of my other fanfics. 

Did you enjoy this story? If so, please leave a comment bellow. Love ya /flying kisses.


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Chapter 6: Even it's short but it make me cry :'( why did she have to go ? Poor Chanyeol :(
Chapter 6: *le sobs* Short, yet sweet. I loved it.
Chapter 5: What!? She died? NO! Pls bring her back to lofe! Hehehehe... Random much. Anyway, Update soon! :D
Sun_Moon #4
Chapter 4: NOOOO!!! She's going to die :'(
seulsung #5
Chapter 3: I was a little teary eyed when I finished this chapter ;; I love it! ♡
Chapter 2: Update soon! :D
Chapter 1: Aww this is so sad! Why they're breaking up? ;__; Yah, Chanyeol-ah! Screw showtime and go after her! >< orz lol looking forward for the next chapter :)