"The" Beginning

5,439 miles

Your POV:


The beginning of every new start is always boring and complicated. That's how I found myself in Incheon Airport on a stormy, cold day. Reason of leaving: I don't even know. 

I guess you could say that everybody has a reason for leaving, but for me, I prefered to say that I don't know the reason.

Not knowing what to do, I started a staring contest with my phone. 

"Please tell me to come back. Please tell me to come back." The sound of my tiny voice droned on and on. 

A small trail of tears escaped my eyes as I gripped tightly onto my phone. I don't know why it hurts so much even though I am very happy right now. 

Very happy to move on. Happy to start a new life with new people and new challenges. 

"Just because I let you go doesn't mean I want to." His deep, sorrowful voice replayed itself in my mind. I closed my eyes and let myself drifted away from reality. 

It felt as if it was just yesterday when we confessed to each other. Now it's already time to say goodbye. I quickly opened one eye and check the date. 

"Ugh. Great, today is our 3rd year anniversary." I uttered out loud, earning weird looks from the people. 

I checked my phone for the nth times of the day. It's still the same everytime. No new message, no missed phone calls. Nothing. I groaned in frustration and shoved my phone back in my purse. 

"Flight 807 from Seoul, South Korea to Los Angeles, California is deperating in 30 minutes. Please head to Gate B. I repeat, please head to Gate B. Flight 807 is departing in 30 minutes." 

The sound of people's footsteps surrounded me, and I opened my eyes slowly. I sighed and look back at the entrance. 

No trace of him.

My fists started to curled into a fist. "Does it hurt you that much to just see me before I leave forever?" I whispered angrily. 

The attendant's voice was on the speaker again, this time calling for me. I quickly snapped myself back to real life and raced toward Gate B. 


I put on seatbelts and plug my headphones in my iPod. I scrolled down the song list slowly. Finally, I stopped on a specific song that I know so well. 

Baby Don't Cry- EXO.

I cringed at the name of EXO. It reminds me of him, who I wanted to forget the most. I clicked the 'repeat' button and leaned back. A sweet melody of the piano starts playing, followed by Baekhyun's calm voice.

"The waves crash my heart and crumble down, oh~" -Part of translated lyrics

The song lured me to Dreamland, and little did I know, I was crying in my sleep. 

His face appeared my dream. He looked worn-out and tired. His eyes were puffy, that only meant one thing. He had been crying. I reached out to embrace him, but he just disappeared into thin air. 

"Don't cry. Don't cry, jebal (please)." I mumbled in my sleep.


~ ~ ~ 


I took a quick glance around my new home. It was small yet comfortable. My footsteps echoed throughout the house as I explored each room. I stopped infront of a specific door. There was a note taped to it. 

Since you didn't want any maids, I got you a smaller house. I hope you like it. 

                                                -Your unnie :)


I opened the door slowly. The door makes an eerie creaking sound, but stopped when I swung it fully open. My room was already decorated, and all my clothes were already here too. I didn't felt like organizing the stuffs, so I just flopped on my soft bed. I took out my medicines and swallowed 2 pills. The medicines tired me out, so I closed my eyes and took another rest of the day.



Chanyeol's POV (or "his"):


My palms were starting to sweat and my feets shook unconsiously. I glanced at the clock every now and then.

10:00 A.M. It reads. 

"It's time for her to board the plane." I mumbled. My hyungs looked at me weirdly. We were filming EXO Showtime today, so I couldn't make it to the airport. 

"Let's hope that her plane gets delay." I prayed. 

1.2.3. Cameras on.

I quickly put on a bright smile so wide that my jaws hurt. The PD and writer noonas were telling us what we're doing today, but I wasn't listening. I kept on looking at my phone, waiting for her call. 

"Don't leave please." I whispered to my phone. 

"Hello??? Are you still in Earth?" Baekhyun waved his hands in front of my face. I snapped back to reality and looked at him with a small smile. 

"Yes hyung?" I asked. "I just asked you if you want to be on my team for bowling." I nodded half-heartedly and smile again.

"Of course I'll be on your team! I've played bowling 800th times or so, we'll definitely win!" I cooed with my usual cheery voice. 

When he turned away, my expression changed immediately. My derpy smile was replaced with a not so handsome frown. 

I sighed, knowing that I will never make it to the airport on time. 

"Well I guess that's it. Goodbye my sweet girl, I hope you have a better life without me." I said sadly. I hastily wiped away the tears that found itself out of my eyes. 

"I didn't meant what I said." I mumbled before pretending to be happy again. 





A/N: Did you guys enjoyed the first chappie ^^? To be honest, I am very ardent about this story. The OC reminds me a lot of my own self. I hope you guys liked it :)

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Chapter 6: Even it's short but it make me cry :'( why did she have to go ? Poor Chanyeol :(
Chapter 6: *le sobs* Short, yet sweet. I loved it.
Chapter 5: What!? She died? NO! Pls bring her back to lofe! Hehehehe... Random much. Anyway, Update soon! :D
Sun_Moon #4
Chapter 4: NOOOO!!! She's going to die :'(
seulsung #5
Chapter 3: I was a little teary eyed when I finished this chapter ;; I love it! ♡
Chapter 2: Update soon! :D
Chapter 1: Aww this is so sad! Why they're breaking up? ;__; Yah, Chanyeol-ah! Screw showtime and go after her! >< orz lol looking forward for the next chapter :)