The Truth

All My Love

3 days later, SS501 dorm, living room,


“Hyung, where Jung Min?” asked Kyu Jong. All of them were watched television.

“Maybe in his room.” said Hyun Joong while his eye was locked at TV. Kyu Jong  stand up and walked to Jung Min’s room.




“Jung Min, can I come in?” asked Kyu Jong but there no answers. The door not locked. He opened the door. He saw Jung Min was hugged the pillow tightly.

“Jung Min…” called Kyu Jong. Jung min was startled.

“Yah! Why you come in without knock the door?” asked Jung Min.

“I had knock it…Mal, why you changes so much in this three days? Is there any problem?” Kyu Jong sat on the bed and looked at Jung Min.

“Museun mal-eulhaneun geo-ya? (What are you talking about?) I never changes…still like before.” said Jung Min.

“No…you’re lying… Mal, just tell me…it’s been more hurt if you keep it…” said Kyu Jong. He looked at Jung Min’s eyes.

“Arasso…it’s all about Min Rin.” said Jung Min. Kyu Jong’s foreheadwrinkled.

“Min Rin? Jae Joong hyung younger sister?!” asked Kyu Jong and Jung Min nodded.

“Actually, she is my ex- girlfriend. We broke up 4 years ago and I meet with her again at that party. I really miss her but... she said she don’t want meet me again... she asked me to forget and leave her...she said she don’t want make me hurt anymore...guen – dae, this is the most thing that I really afraid...she left me without told me before this, she want me to forget about her... I can’t do’s hard for me...” Jung min looked at the ground.

“I don’t know how to say...but, there must be a reason behind it...I just hope you can think carefully...if you be like this until the end, it never changes the will make you more suffer... think carefully...okay?” asked Kyu Jong and left Jung Min.



*the truth will reveal at next chapter...

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outtheclub, gomawoyo!
outtheclub #2
oh damn, this is good<br />
update soon! thanks you!! xD
Hehehehe Unnie my hubby is such a cry baby x) Update soon!