The Gifted

Too Weak?

Baekhyun opened the door to his house, he was now convinced that since he was using the front door that all the occurrences weren’t just a mere dream, or maybe a projection of his. He giggled to himself.

God, it’s so amazing, this is all way better than being a superstar.

He also learned that his power allow him to know what’s going on in the other dimensions, maybe what he’s been dreaming was Luhan’s vision, he still couldn’t seem to figure that part, though.

“Mum?”, Baekhyun called out.

Baekhyun’s mum peeked from the kitchen, “Oh, you. Why didn’t you come home yesterday?”

“Can’t tell you”

She narrowed her eyes, “What matter that you cannot tell your mother?”

“Ah!”, Baekhyun yelped as he felt a pang of pain on his head.

He felt himself drifting away from the reality, the sound of his mother calling him blurred out in the background.

Baekhyun is standing on a single floating platform, bright lights surrounding him, even as a Luminate, he flinched.

“Hello, Baekhyun. Did I pronounce it right?”

A young woman with a red flaming hair, small and skinny built, smirking at him.

“Who are you?”


“Who are you?”

His mother shaking his body harshly, “Baekhyun, are you crazy? I am your mother!”


“I actually wanted to save the introduction for later, but”, she walks closer to Baekhyun, the sound of her heels clacking the air she walks on. “I’m Ruby.”

“What do you want, Ruby?”


“What do you want, Ruby?”

“Ruby? Who’s Ruby?”, his mother panicked. “Baekbeom! Baekbeom!”


Ruby chuckles, the air she exhales turns shady red. “You seemed surprised that I can talk to you this way, eh? Your mind control is still too weak, Baekhyun, it’ll make it easier for us.”

“Just tell me what you want!”


“Just tell me what you want!”

Baekbeom climbed down the stairs rolling his eyes, “What, mum?”

“Your brother! I think he’s out of it!”


“If you really want to know, though.”, she smirks. “Meet us tonight. Pretty sure your Watcher will tell you where to meet us”

Baekhyun glares at the woman, “Why should we do what you tell us to do?”


“Why should we do what you tell us to do?”

“Mum, is he talking to himself or something?”, Baekbeom shivered, eyeing his brother with disgust.

His mother patted Baekbeom’s shoulder lightly, “I know, Baekbeom. It’s so weird, he doesn’t even respond to us.”

“We should take him to the therapist. Fast!”, the brother suggested.


"It's simple, if you don't do it. We'll turn Gyeonggi to debris."

"Don't you dare you filth!"


“Don’t you dare, you filth!”

Baekbeom lifted Baekhyun and threw him to the backseat of their family car, “Shut up, .”


"Your choice"


Baekhyun watches as the woman disappears behind red smokes, he also felt himself slowly disappearing, lights shining from the tips of his fingers, and the next thing he sees is black.


Baekhyun opened his eyes, slowly adjusting to the new surrounding. He would never get used to waking up in several different places, or maybe just for the time being.

Oh God, my head hurts like hell.

“Oh, young Byun is awake”, a smiling woman was looking at him, and all Baekhyun saw was his mother and brother frowning behind the woman.

“Mum, Hyung. Where are we?”

“The therapist.”, Baekbeom snapped.

“Your condition is getting worse, Baekhyun. We’re afraid you would hurt someone in the house.”

Baekhyun’s eyebrows creased, “Are you saying that you think I’m crazy? Mum! I’m not crazy!”

“You were shouting and talking to yourself, saying things we didn’t understand. You’re having issue, little brother.”, Baekbeom.

The therapist held Baekhyun’s hand, he quickly pulled it away. “It’s alright, Baekhyun. It won’t hurt you in any form, your family are just worried for your wellbeing.”

Knock, knock.

Baekhyun turned his head to the door, smirking. The door opened and Chanyeol and Kai walked inside.

“Who are you? Why are you barging into my therapy room like that?!”, the Therapist shouted.

“Excuse me, we are here for our dear friend, Baekhyun, who is clearly not crazy.”, Kai said.

“Friends?”, Baekhyun’s mum laughed. “Since when does Baekhyun have friends. Don’t make me laugh.”

Chanyeol rolled his eyes and Baekhyun smiled at his gesture. “Excuse you, Ma’am. Baekhyun is the brightest person that I have ever known, he’s very friendly.”

“Hey, I know you two.”, Baekbeom blurted.

“Oh you do?”, Kai smirked.

“Y-Yes, you’re that Ballet dancer in TV, Kim Jongin is it? And you are, Park Chanyeol, the blossoming band guitarist from Daegu, you came to our local concert with your band once.”

“You can’t be more right, now will you excuse us because we really need to take lovely Baekhyun here with us. He can’t waste his precious time in this stinking hole in the wall.”, Kai.

Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun’s wrist and that familiar feeling blanket him again. Baekhyun couldn’t help but smiled.

“How did you guys know that I was here?”

“Jongdae found you*)”, Kai answered.

“Luhan said something about you having a vision”, Chanyeol said as he melted the lock to the Janitor room.

“Come on, Baek hyung. Let’s go back to HQ”, Kai.

They entered the Janitor room the next second they’re in the middle of the Rendezvous Hall in S.M.T HQ.

“Baekhyunnie!”, Luhan attacked him with a hug.

“Luhan hyung, did you see it too?”

“I saw it. The Four Gems, Seoul Night Club. Flying bodies, immunity.”, Luhan finished, clutching on his head tightly and Xiumin patted the Watcher’s back gently.

“It’s funny to think that I just entered my house for less than a minute then I have to go back here, things are really changing.”, Baekhyun.

“It’s okay, Baekhyun-ah. We’ll be in this together, that’s why there are twelve of us”, Suho said, smiling.

“I know, hyung. I’m grateful for that”

Baekhyun walked towards the door.

“Where are you going?”, Lay.

“I’m going to practice, and you guys should too. When I saw her, the woman, I could feel her power, it was radiating off of her, her aura is so strong.”, Baekhyun exhaled a heavy air from his lungs and started lifting his feet to the mental practice room.

“He shouldn’t do that”, Kris.

“I know, if he’s tiring himself like this…”, D.O

“But I think he’s got a point though, guys”, Xiumin spoke up. “We don’t know what kind of opponent we’re going to face tonight, and not to mention this is the first time we’re going to face something with power.”

“Yes, Baekhyun’s potential energy is strong, and if he could feel someone else’s power radiation, it’s really something we should be worried about.”, Suho.

Chanyeol ran to the door, but Luhan’s arm stopped him.

“Don’t even try.”

“I just want to comfort him, Luhan. What’s wrong with that?”

Luhan growled, “Park Chanyeol, you listen to me you can’t get close to Baekhyun.”

“Like hell I would listen to you”, Chanyeol said and heated the part that Luhan touched.

Luhan screamed as his palm burned, Chanyeol exit the room, shouting, “Yixing, heal him, please. Thank you.”

“Son of a stinking lava”, Luhan hissed as Suho and Yixing heal his burning palm.


Baekhyun couldn’t focus, Ruby’s voice echoing in his mind

“…your mind control is too weak…”

He hugged his knees, sobbing quietly, he didn’t hear the footsteps approaching him.

“Baekhyun”, Chanyeol put his hand on Baekhyun’s shoulder, and the shorter felt the same feeling washed his being.

“Chanyeol-ah, what are you doing here?”, Baekhyun said, wiping his tears, trying to hide the fact that he was crying.

The Flame knelt in front of him, his hair gently.

“I don’t want to sound…like I know everything but, I know it’s hard for you. I mean, when I see Tao and Luhan, when their seeing ability is active, it’s always been—“

“No, Chanyeol. I’m not worried about myself, t-the woman in my vision, she said my mind control is too weak, it would be easy for them to—“, Baekhyun choked a sob.

Chanyeol held the smaller closer, still his auburn-dyed hair.

“It’s okay, Baekhyun. Honey, you just entered this facility for less than two days, and big things already happening. But, you should know that our brothers will always be there beside us, we will hold your hand during hard times. And I will hug you like this when you’re scared.”

Baekhyun pulled away and looked at Chanyeol’s eyes, hints of sparkling fire could be seen in his dark brown orbs.

“You’re our light, Baekhyun. Before you came, we never felt like this, our powers had never been stronger. You triggered something in us that never been awaken before. You’re not weak, honey, you just need more practice.”

Baekhyun smiled, “How am I supposed to believe those words you say, you lame deceiver?”


“I believe you, ‘cause I’m stupid and I’m crazy.”

Chanyeol grinned and hugged him, the heat enveloping Baekhyun, and he wondered when would Chanyeol set them on fire again.


When Baekhyun watched awesome superheroes movie when he was little, he used to imagine himself preparing and suiting up for the battle.

Images of memories floating through his mind as he watched Tao hiding a dagger in his boots and a big- sword could be seen hanging from his hips.

And Baekhyun looked at himself, well they don’t dress in a tight spandex and a flashy cape hanging from their backs but the symbols attached to their bodies is something much more cooler, according to him. He smiled looking at the charm on his hand, he knew he’s so childish but who the care when he has superpowers.

They drove to the club but Kris preferred to take off. Show off bastard, Baekhyun thought.

They arrived at the club, it was very crowded and they were greeted by a very smug looking Kris, he really didn’t know why Kris could get so arrogant at times, something he need to ask Tao sometimes later, or maybe just ask Kris himself.

The twelve of them walked inside, it was the first time Baekhyun entered a club, well it was close to his expectation, pretty much.

He watched from the corners of his eyes females latching themselves to Chanyeol, he sighed, something inside him didn’t want other people to feel the surging comfortable heat everytime he and Chanyeol touched, he wanted to be the only one, pretty selfish huh?

“Jealous much, hyung?”

He turned and saw D.O smiling at him.


“Need no Watcher to know how you feel about Chanyeol”, the younger teased.

“What? I don’t feel anything about Chanyeol, we just met two days ago.”

“But what if you’ve known him before?”


The small beast laughed, “I did some reading and research about your divided mind dimensions power. You’ve seen him before, haven’t you?”

Baekhyun’s head was spinning, he shook his head repeatedly, trying to control the conscience he’s losing slowly, but he quickly went back to reality when he felt an arm around his shoulder, it was Kai.

“Kyungie-ah, don’t scare the new boy. You were about to make him switch dimension, lucky I got a hold of his conscience.”

D.O widened his already-wide eyes, and Baekhyun swear he had never seen anything cuter, beside Chanyeol of course.

“I’m sorry, hyung!”, the younger bowed. “I didn’t know that would make you switch minds.”

“It’s alright, Kyung-ah. Just…don’t do it again, okay?”

“Now, hyung. You better go to Chanyeol, I know you’re turning really green right now. Go”

Kai pushed Baekhyun with his telekinetic, and made the elder smacked all the girls close to Chanyeol.

Baekhyun was so surprised but Chanyeol just chuckled deeply.

“Uh-I’m sorry that was Jongin…”

“I know”, Chanyeol leaned closer to Baekhyun. “But Jongin doesn’t do things without reasons, and not because he feel like it.”

Luhan caught with his eyes as Chanyeol reaching his hand for Baekhyun to hold, and at the exact moment their skins touched, a huge explosive sound outside the club could be heard.

They hurriedly ran outside, they were surprised by the huge hole on the plane as if there was a meteor crashing.

Four women walked out of the smokes, wearing similar but different dresses, different colour sabers on their hands. Yellow, Green, Red and Blue.

“The four gems”, Luhan whispered out of breath.

“You saw us coming, didn’t you Watcher?”, the one with the yellow saber spoke up, smiled challengingly at Luhan.

“I did”

“Did you see how we will kill you too?”

“If there will be anyone dying, that would be you”, Kris.

The yellow woman laughed, “Ooh, such a bad mouth. Maybe I should teach you how to use it properly?”

Kris growled and the woman just tsk-ed in reply.

“How rude not to introduce ourselves, I am Amethyst”

“That one’s Emerald”, the woman with the green saber nodded.

“That one’s Sapphire”, the woman with the blue saber.

Amethyst walked closer to Baekhyun, “And this one already met our eldest sister, Ruby. Haven’t you Luminate?”

Baekhyun didn’t say anything but the woman just laughed in reply.

“So this is, our legendary myth, huh? Aerolithians raised as sons of Adam, how pathetic.”, she paused, walking back and forth between the twelve. “Just like what they said, cunningly handsome”, she eyed Kris.

“…fierce”, now eyeing Tao.

“…and deceiving”, smirking at Chanyeol then her gaze turned to D.O then Luhan.

“What do you want from us?”, Suho.

“Well, to come to think that this is no longer the times where aliens say ‘we come in peace’, I’d just say, you have something of ours”, she walked towards the crowd and grabbed a 5 year old girl on the neck, choking her slowly. “Give it to us, and I will spare her.”

The Twelve widened their eyes, “We don’t know what yours that we have, we don’t have it!”, Chen shouted.

“Oh, but you do. If not all of you know, then one of you knows.”, she said choking the girl harder.

Tao took a deep breath and, closed his eyes and froze the time. He then opened his eyes and startled because Amethyst was smirking at him, still choking the girl while everything else were frozen within his control.

“You stupid fool, you cannot do your time magic with me. This little girl will still die”

Tao gasped and quickly unfroze the time, everyone moved again and Amethyst kept smirking at him.

“She’s unaffected, she has Chronolock power, neither me nor Kai can handle her”, Tao said to his brothers.

Sapphire, the blue saber smiled, “Our turn.”

She generated streaks of electricity from her saber, striking the twelves right on their chests. Chen gathered the electricity, turning it into lightning and threw it back at her.

She just smiled smugly, “Thank you for the extra energy”

She absorbed the lightning from Chen and strikes the twelves with much bigger force.

“Still not giving us what we have?!”, Amethyst yelled.

Lay gathered parts of him left and casted his Pain Manipulation, the four queens yelled in pain, their attacks stopped and with that Lay gained more power, hardening the killing pain he planted on the gem queens.

“We don’t have what you think we do, if we did we would be more than happy to give it to you so you could leave this planet but we don’t”, Lay said out loud.

Emerald lifted her hand and all turned to darkness, Lay was startled so he let go of his mental grip on the queens.

“You do, and it’s not over yet. This is just getting started”, Amethyst’s voice reverberates before the lighting came back to normal.

Kris sighed loudly and called his brothers to gather around him, “Minseok hyung was right, we didn’t know what we were about to face, we should have came more prepared, and we should ask the director about this thing of theirs that we have”

The other eleven nodded, and Kris said, “Jongin, bring us back”

Chapter 3 is up! I failed so much at fighting scenes, it's so good in my head but but I can't put it to words ;--;

I hope you all like this chapter.

*) Chen's mental ability is psychometry where he can track and find the locations and information about a subject/object through senses.

All hail the Queens <3

Forgive grammatical errors and typos :'(

And please subscribe comment and upvote, loves you all :)


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Scowling_Hamster #1
Chapter 7: Oooo angst on kaisoo!!! They will be together again right autor nim? *puppy eyes
Chapter 6: ing Minzy controlling Kai ;O Kill her! kill her with fire! update soon please, anxious to see what'll happen next!
Chapter 6: author nim!! Please updaaaaate soon!!! the story is getting more and more interesting!! I caaaant wwait!! Ypure the beeeest
Chapter 6: Omo! I ing hate it ;_; Im cryin' blood now ;;_;;

Like what the hell?!
Chapter 6: so 2ne1 members are the queens

Chapter 6: Minzy! Ugh! Dumb girl ;__; My poor Kaisoo.
Asianstufflover #7
Chapter 5: Love this fic, update soon pls author-nim. :)
AnggySam #8
Chapter 5: BaekYeol is soooo lovely,,
and now dara came
Chapter 5: New reader here! Yay! I'm loving this fic already! :D
Prince16 #10
Chapter 4: So cool......next chapter please:D