Imaginations Poster and Review Shop [ BATCH 1 CLOSED | HIATUS ]


Hello, DorkyBubbleTea here and I am ashamed of myself. You guys have been patient requesters but, I disappointed you. I have a reason why I didn't do the posters and reviews in the past few weeks. After going back from camping (which is why I gave the status HIATUS) I found my lap top completely unusable and it apparently can not be fixed. I sadly have no other device to do the reviews and especially poster. And I  am sure that I can't do any reviews and graphics until further notice. For you who had requested either posters or reviews from me, I sincerely apologize for this. Well, I am indeed sorry but, I can only give two options for you requesters

1. to cancel your request

Especially for poster requesters since, I can't do any graphics right now. I am afraid that your story might already end by the time I get to do graphics again (which is probably going  to be in a long time) So is the same for review requesters. I can't possibly write a review with my phone. Can I? I am terribly sorry to ruin your (possible) anticipation of the graphic or review you requested.

2. to wait until I get my lap top fixed

I only have a lap top for graphic making, fanfiic writing, and reviewing and now, It's broken. I can not do neither of them. But, on the bright side I'll probably get a new lap top by end of school year which in my school is this May or June. If you think you can wait until that time of the year, I will still gladly do your requests.

That's pretty much it from me and once again, I am terribly sorry. I understand if you are angry, mad, or disappointed in me. I don't know how but I hope you can forgive me. 


Love, DorkyBubbleTea




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Random Dork Poster and Review Shop is now Imaginations Poster and Review Shop with layout changes and more!


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Chapter 7: I'm sorry for the late comment... *bow
Thank you very much for the honest review, really appreciate it! :D
Chapter 15: Hi I'm sorry about your laptop, I wouldn't mind waiting as I am using another poster from another shop that I requested before from you. I will use that from the time being and when you finally get a new laptop I will use the poster you will make, if that is alright with you??
Chapter 15: I'm sorry to hear that your laptop were broken..You can cancel my request..I didn't want feel burden..I will request once again..Don't worry you a great reviewer..=)
Chapter 15: I am terribly sorry to hear about your laptop. I hope it get fixed soon. My story is for a competition which ends in April, so I would like to cancel my request. Maybe I'll request again for my other stories. :)
Chapter 15: I'm so sorry about hearing that your laptop were broken..
I guess I have to cancle my request because the competition ended on May.
I will request again once you get you new laptop ^^ Fighting !!
Chapter 1: hey im srry can i cancel my request?? since im deleting my fanfic
Chapter 15: Thank you for the announcement and sorry for ur broken laptop..

And i think i'm cancelling my poster request..bcause it's too long for me to wait till May or June and yes i'm afraid that my story gonna end if i wait for u..
It's really nice to stop by here and have a nice author like u..
Thank you and hwaiting!!! ^^
Sorry can i still cancel my request? because i'll need to to delete my fanfic, sorry if i'm late