Review ► roses14

Imaginations Poster and Review Shop [ BATCH 1 CLOSED | HIATUS ]



by : roses14

Title: [3/5] Once again, this is a pretty common title. This doesn't connect much too the story but I guess CL's going to confess later so, it's a confession of a model. One more thing, the title needs to be something attractive because I honestly wouldn't read it if I saw it somewhere around asianfanfics.

Graphics: [4/5] Poster is fine but, could've been better. Fonts are readable and layout is nice ( but I really prefer you to justify it ) Well done.

Foreword & Description: [5/10] Your description is fine but I prefer you tell a little less. It's a bit too much to tell.The sneak peak in the foreword wasn't actually nessecary but, it was okay. And about that warning about idol's age won't be same in the story isn't necessary. Most of alternate universe stories are like that.

Plot: [8/20] I've read a dozen stories with this plot. Male and female protagonist hated each other at first and then started falling for each other while the female already has a couple. The ending is pretty much predictable,no plot twists or anything so far. One other thing, the plot is a bit unrealistic. Like in the first meeting, if Chaerin's mom really is protective, would she really trust Seunghyun like that? and I thought if CL is a model, she would have a dozen of photo shoots but she only did three or two in this story? I'm beggining to question is she a model or just plainly a rich kid (which just makes the plot more cliche)? The story hasn't reach the end yet but, the last few chapter's plot was starting to get more interesting than the previous chapters.

Characterization: [7/10] Chaerin's y self in this story is fabulous but, still just another type of character personality we see in fanfics. I want something unique, something mind blowing, something that's not like anything I've ever seen. Okay that was too much  Seunghyun is just that other guy who's slowly falling for Chaerin. For Chaerin and Seunghyun the emotions were nicely shown esp. how they care for each other but, they won't admit it. it's so effin cute!  2NE1 as minor characters were nice as an addition. One thing I need to complain is L.Joe which really needs more on the personality and emotion part. Even when Chaerin and L.Joe is together they just don't seem like a couple in the emotion part. Maybe they do seem like a couple visually but not eomtionally.

Originality: [5/10] I personally think that both the plot and the character is cliche. The plot is like that same old plot and the character is just with that same old personality. But, you managed too make it look not so cliche so it's okay. Then again, cliche is cliché because it never gets old, right?

Flow: [4/10] Your flow is alright but, some scene changes were just too abrupt and confusing which is mostly in the first chapters. Other than that, it was alright but sometimes, the plot is just too slow and It gets boring. Some scenes just weren't necessary and confusing. You had been descriptive and yes, it makes the story clearer but sometimes you're being too descriptive about a detail.

Grammar & Spelling: [12/20] In the few first chapters, a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes were seen. Also, some wrong choice of words. But, in the last few chapters your grammar and spelling was improving. You also did a lot better choosing the words, in the first chapters some of the words were used all over and over again which made it boring and confusing. Grammar still needs work but, it was fine and still readable. Ten points and plus two for your improvement.

Overall Enjoyment: [3/5] It wasn't bad, it really wasn't. But I felt really bored while reading it so, I didn't enjoy it that much at first. The last few chapters had been more interesting though. Maybe, I'll continue reading this story.

Bonus points: [5/5] 

Final Points : [56/100] It's because all the cliche stuff. Make it interesting, a plot twist maybe? P.S. Sorry it took a long time for me to review

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Random Dork Poster and Review Shop is now Imaginations Poster and Review Shop with layout changes and more!


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Chapter 7: I'm sorry for the late comment... *bow
Thank you very much for the honest review, really appreciate it! :D
Chapter 15: Hi I'm sorry about your laptop, I wouldn't mind waiting as I am using another poster from another shop that I requested before from you. I will use that from the time being and when you finally get a new laptop I will use the poster you will make, if that is alright with you??
Chapter 15: I'm sorry to hear that your laptop were broken..You can cancel my request..I didn't want feel burden..I will request once again..Don't worry you a great reviewer..=)
Chapter 15: I am terribly sorry to hear about your laptop. I hope it get fixed soon. My story is for a competition which ends in April, so I would like to cancel my request. Maybe I'll request again for my other stories. :)
Chapter 15: I'm so sorry about hearing that your laptop were broken..
I guess I have to cancle my request because the competition ended on May.
I will request again once you get you new laptop ^^ Fighting !!
Chapter 1: hey im srry can i cancel my request?? since im deleting my fanfic
Chapter 15: Thank you for the announcement and sorry for ur broken laptop..

And i think i'm cancelling my poster request..bcause it's too long for me to wait till May or June and yes i'm afraid that my story gonna end if i wait for u..
It's really nice to stop by here and have a nice author like u..
Thank you and hwaiting!!! ^^
Sorry can i still cancel my request? because i'll need to to delete my fanfic, sorry if i'm late