


-=Mimi's POV=-

"Suhoooo-ahhh!!!" I shouted "Shhh~" He said while holding my hands...

I felt my heart rate increasing

'Why am I feeling this...'

He went back to sleep but he didn't let go of my hands so I fell down at him as he faced at me he pushed me "Yah! Suho-ah! Why did you push me?!" I asked "Sorry... you're too close to my face..." he said while covering his face. "Okay... Why am I here?" I asked...

"We did our project yesterday...
I let you get the materials at the storage room...
You locked yourself up...
I carried you here and we finished the project...
I came back to check you and you're already standing and you fell down so I put you back in the bed...
I texted your mother and asked if you can sleep here because you're not feeling well and she allowed you...
And  a while ago you stand in my bed shouting...
You fell down at me and I accidentally pushed you because I was schocked..."
Suho explained...

"Ohh... Okay..." I said "And you take a bath first I'll just get you a towel and let you borrow my uniform..." Suho said.

I went to the washroom and take a bath... After taking a Bath my eyes widened when I saw Suho
"You're already finished taking a bath..." I said "There's alot of Bathrooms in this house..." He said "Ohhh.... yah..." I said...
"Just go down if you're done changing your clothes." He said and smiled while leaving the room.
After changing my clothes I went down and eat breakfast. After eating breakfast we went to school using a car.
After arriving at school we went to the classroom straightly and put our names at the back of our project. After putting our names the bell rang...

"Annyeong Class!" the teacher said "Annyeong seonsaengnim!" the class answered in chorus.
"So if your group is done in the project just pass your project here infront..." the teacher said...
Suho passed our project and the teacher said it was creative...

-GO HOME TIME-                             I SKIPPED THE LUNCH

I was walking in the hallway suddenly someone grabbed my hand and covered my mouth when I was about to shout.
I was shocked when I saw it was Lay "Mimi-ah... Do you... L-Li... Never Mind..." Lay said "You may go now..." Lay added.
I went back home alone and went straightly to my bedroom and texted Suho...

To: Suho!

Annyeong Suho-ah!
   Did teacher told you our score for the project?
   And also Thanks for letting me use your uniform...
   I'll just return your uniform on monday...
   Also Thanks for carrying me XD
   GOOD NIGHT~!!! ^-^

I played my favorite song and waited for the reply of Suho while listening I remembered what happened a while ago...

*Ttarararara Ttarararara*

I checked my phone and received a text from Suho and Lay...

Sender: Suho!

  Teacher didn't tell the Score mayber on Monday she'll announce it...
  You're Welcome =))
  Goodnight too... And SweetDreams!
  Sorry for pushing you off the bed again =)

Sender: Lay!

Annyeonghaseyo Mimi-ah.
  Sorry if I shocked you a while ago...
  And please forget about what happened a while ago...
  Good night... =D


Author's Notplus the co author. XD

ANNYEONGHASEYO~  Sorry for making an ugly story I can't make it nicer T^T
                                         Still hope you like it ^-^                      .    .    .


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