A Touch of Trial

Distinct Dimension

I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realise I should have been more specific.
-Lily Tomlin 

"Gather around everyone! We'll start with warm ups; ten laps around the field- now!" The coach yelled, blowing into his whistle and went back to sitting on the side while he kept an eye on them. 

The group unenthusiastically started to circle the grounds, Kris and Chanyeol dragging their long feet and barely making it to the second lap. Ri Rin skipped and hummed as she ran, confused as to why the others hated exercising and doing sports. They were after all guys, besides, why in the world would they have massive muscles if it's not because of all this exercise? 

Ri Rin found herself staring at Kris's strong arms that was barely covered by the short-sleeved uniform, it was massive and she could see the tendons flexing with every more he makes. 'I'm not staring...or ogling. I'm just admiring the view,' she thought, and almost squeaked when Kris turned to face her and took notice of her eyes admiring him. He smirked and sent her a wink, catching up so that he was running beside her. 

"So...how're you liking the school so far?" He asked, his deep voice sending electric currents down her spine. It sounded so rough yet silky, and was all very attractive. She shrugged, her hazel orbs focusing on the green field and the sound of their running shoes against the grass. "It's okay, I guess, considering I've only been here for a day. But I've got to admit, I do love unlimited breakfast."

He chuckled, shaking his head in the process and admiring her innocent and pure radiation, "Yeah? Well, if you love breakfast then you should see dinner and dessert, the amount of food served is like in Harry Potter.

She raised her eyebrow at him, "Oh yeah? Well, that'd be impossible..." 

"Then again, so are we. Humans with superpowers aren't suppose to exist, but here we are. Besides, someone as beautiful as you is a miracle." His eyes softened and they both slowed down, basking in the silence. She blushed and turned away. "Well...thanks, but I can't say the same to you," She grinned cheekily, showing off her pearly white teeth. His eyes glowed with playfulness, "You might wanna' think again." He said but the pair jumped when they heard the coach screaming at them.

He flailed his arms at them, threatening to kick their if they don't pick up the pace- "For goodness sake! My grandma runs faster than ya' both!" 

They hurried around the field. Ri Rin was chased by Chanyeol and Baekhyun when she made fun of them by saying, "All you guys ever do is fight like a married old couple!" 

Before they knew it, they finished ten laps around the huge training grounds and were all greedily in the fresh air. Ri Rin unscrewed the cap of her water bottle, gulping almost all of its content while the others followed suit. The coach walked to where they rest and plopped down beside Lay and Tao, "Take a five then get ready for some dodge ball." He finished his sentence, an evil smile making him look like the devil making his students move an inch or two farther away from him.

D.O smiled at her when she sat beside him. "Tired?" He asked, putting on the lid of his bottle. She nodded vigorously, "Very, and I'm not sure if I should be scared about dodge ball."

The five minutes ended all too soon and they all huddled together facing the coach. "Okay, I'm sure you all know how to play dodge ball?" They all nodded. "This time it's a little different; everyone will be divided into a group of two and someone will be left by herself," He smirked at Ri Rin who felt her heart pump faster at the thought of being by herself. "What you have to do is to hit someone with the ball the the person will automatically be out, permanently. However, Miss Park will have to hide ten balls around the school grounds with an exception of inside buildings. You will have to search for the balls and defeat the opposing team. There will be two goal posts where the defeated one will be sitting. To win, you have to have defeated almost everyone on the opposing team; miss Park can also be defeated." He turned to face the only girl, "And miss Park, you're allowed to defeat them and win if  you can defeat most of these boys. You are also allowed to use your superpowers; just make sure you don't go overboard or this will be the last time any of you use powers." 

Ri Rin was alone while the guys were divided into groups of two- Suho, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, D.O, Kai and Sehun, while the others are in the other group- Xiumin, Luhan, Kris, Lay, Chen and Tao. 

At the blow of the coach's whistle, Ri Rin rushed around school to hide the balls with a time limit of ten minutes while the boys waiting at the field. She ran around school with her invisibility power activated to make sure she's not seen wondering around school. In her hand, she held a navy blue bag that held all the balls and she turned it invisible in the process. 

'The buildings are off limits while the other parts of the schools are okay.' She thought and decided to hide the first ball in a water fountain. Next, she went to the library and wondered where to hid, finally founding an isolated area behind the building, under a bush and hid it there.

Eight more minutes left.

She thought of the next place and remembered the greenhouse where one of the corners was a little hidden. 

Six minutes left.

'Damn it! Where else can I hide it?!' She threw one of the balls into a shallow sewer and knew that the guys are able to take it. After all, they are using superpowers.

Three more balls. Three minutes...

She quickly placed the ball in an empty hole and kicked some soil onto it, hoping that it isn't too noticeable. 

45 seconds left...

She ran as fast as her legs could take her and hid under one of the benches in the field, her invisibility still intact and peeked through one of the gaps, seeing the boys scamper around Scarcrest Academy, looking for the weapon. She knew that it'd be better to hide...for now.

"Guys, I think I see one!" D.O whispered, using terrakinesis to remove the dirt from the hole, the ball bouncing into his arms. 

His friends patted him on the back and congratulated him, "Nice job D.O. Kai, teleport us to the front entrance, I think I know where the next ball is." 

The group appeared at the front gate and behind it was a water fountain. Suho quickly noticed the red ball and used hydrokinesis to bring it into his hands. They quickly moved to another location, looking for the other balls.

A soft rustle was heard from the bushes, only to reveal Tao with leaves and twigs in his tousled black hair. Lay helped the younger male and picked on the things stuck in his dark tresses. 

"Thanks hyung." He said, and Lay nodded. Kris soared about three feet above the ground, searching for the ball. Suddenly a cry was heard by the group and they hurried to their teammate- Luhan. "Guys, I found one!"

In the air was one of the ball, floating with the help of his telekinesis. Kris nodded to Tao, signalling to the youngest male in the group. Tao nodded and suddenly, everything stopped with the exception of the group, the teachers and the still hiding Ri Rin. 

Lay sighed, in his arms were two balls, "We have five, I think the other group found the other five. We should hurry and start defeating them."

Everyone nodded and they rushed towards their foe.

Her breath came in heavy puffs as she hurried down the pavement, looking for Tao. She knew, when she saw Suho's team freeze that the other group is ready to take action. She hid behind one of the bush, despite still having her invisibility camouflaging her. She peeked though the bush and saw Kris's team. They had all five balls and she remembered seeing Suho's team with the other five. 

Ri Rin pondered on how to get her hands on at least one of the weapon. Would using sedation allowed? Maybe... She exhaled, releasing light, fluffy pink clouds into the atmosphere and saw the boys slowly falling into a deep slumber. She grinned as she watched the birds moving and the leaves continue their advance towards the ground. 'The time is finally unfrozen...' She thought, and eyed the other group. Ri Rin tip toed to Lay and grabbed two of the balls, and snapped her fingers, waking the boys from their nap. She quickly ran from the spot towards the field, camouflaging the balls in her grasp. 

Ri Rin arrived at the field, aiming her weapon at Suho and threw it with full force. The ball hit him in the stomach and he stumbled a few steps, clutching the spot where the ball hit him and groaned at the fact that he was out. He made his way towards the goal posts while the others were on high guard, searching for the intruder. Ri Rin decided to use persuasion in order to be safe and not allow them to attack her.

"If you guys attack me...then I'll...I'll- Well, it doesn't matter what I do, as long as you guys do nothing. And drop all your balls." They stood still and dropped the balls (Against their will). Ri Rin randomly start throwing the balls at the guys, hitting Baekhyun, D.O, Sehun and Chanyeol. She had four more balls left when the other group arrived. Smirking, she aimed it at Chen, Xiumin, Kris and Luhan. They grumbled under their breath as they made their way to the goal posts, making mental notes to take revenge on Ri Rin later.

Everyone ran across the field, throwing balls at each other, mostly missing. By now, the only people standing were Kai, Chanyeol and Ri Rin. Ri Rin aimed the ball at Chanyeol's head (she really didn't mean to hurt him) and threw it at him. 

'All there's left is Kai, he's so going to regret being the last one left.' She thought, and sang a song that her mother use to sing to her when she was around four years old. The effect was definite as Xiumin shouted across the field, telling Kai to cover his ears. It was to late of course, he was already lulled into a mindless state and left vulnerable. She quickly took this as a chance and threw it at him, leaving her as the last person standing.

The coach blew his whistle, "Right, Ri Rin defeated the most guys, six to be exact. She's the winner!" He said and discharged the class, though not before saying- "I called the nurse that you'll be there after class ends so...make sure you stop by to get a check, especially you Chanyeol, I can tell that you can't walk after being hit in between the legs."

'We're so going to get revenge on Ri Rin...' They thought as they made their way to the nurse's office with Ri Rin trudging behind them.

I'not pretty, I'm not beautiful, I'as radiant as the Sun

-Katniss Everdeen from Hunger Games

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Chapter 5: Ohoh, this is interesting /rubs my imaginary moustache/
Chapter 4: Oh ho ho ho~ Yes, Ririn, it IS going to be interesting! XDDD
Chapter 4: Oh, God, the school looks like the one from mangas, I mean, I would want to go to a school like that, and not to mention, with hot guys like them as well! XD they're all so different in all ways possible, and obviously, not in a bad way, but a very good way! I'd want to have guy friends like that!
Oh, my gosh. That was a long detailed explanation. I subbed to this, Dan! ^^ <3

Let me see what you've updated~