
Distinct Dimension

Stop worrying about whayou havto loose and start worrying about what yohavto gain


As her parents said, the dorm was not far away but it was located at a more desolated location and was surrounded by the woods. The trip there was filled with many questions aimed at Ri Rin asked by the young attractive chauffeur. It was random questions that Ri Rin answered happily whilst trying to hide her barely contained laughter.

"If you were a vegetable, which one would you be?"

Again, Ri Rin found it challenging to not roll around and laugh. The question lacked logic and as far as she was concerned, the driver was not this open with her. She still recalled the first day on the job where he was late, forgetting to set his alarm and spoke to her as if she was a maid. He even went as far as ordering her around for a couple of hours; that is until he realised that he was practically begging to be fired on the first day for treating his boss' daughter as a maid. Of course, he later apologised to her and explained that he really did thought she was a maid due to her clothing. Ri Rin was not offended in the slightest for she was aware that she wore the maid's uniform in order to do house chores. Let's just say that her mother forbid her from doing any work and by wearing the French maid uniform, it was easier to camouflage with the other servants. She wasn't about to sit around and leave all the job to the poor maids who had to take care of the house the size of a palace.

"I don't really know, I mean I've never thought of ever wanting to be born as a vegetable after all...but maybe mushroom."

He grinned, glancing into the rearview mirror and seeing her adorable face in the reflection. "A mushroom huh? Well, if you were a mushroom then I'll eat you even though I've never liked mushrooms." He smirked when he saw the blush that dusted her flawless cheeks and congratulated himself for being able to invoke such a reaction from her.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're flirting with me. Jong-yul, have you been drinking or did you hit your head somewhere? If you did, than we better get to the hospital," She snickered as the positions were reversed, this time the driver's face flushed bright red. 

The conversation continued as the car sped down the road surrounded with beautiful, green trees. Not long after, the school came in view and it was huge despite having only twelve male students. Ri Rin suddenly became very scared, especially as four tall towers came in sight. She instantly recalled those stories that she used to listen when she was younger and remembered that young ladies were locked up in towers as a sacrifice to a beast which lurked the halls of the castles until which she was saved by a prince and they went their merry way. 

Don't get her wrong, who didn't want a prince sweeping you off your feet and carrying you towards the sunset and promising to marry you? That did sound appealing to Ri Rin, but that didn't mean she wanted to have a beast preying on her. Nope, suddenly the idea of having a prince to save you didn't sound so ideal.

The castle grew bigger as they drew nearer and Ri Rin shifted in her seat uncomfortably, eyeing the academy uneasily. Sure, it was a magnificent school and not to mention very classy but she didn't expect a castle! Sure, she lived in a house with a size that can easily rival the school but she grew up in the house. She knew all the places in the house and was certain that no monsters hid in any corner. 

The door of the car was open by Jong-yul, startling Ri Rin from her thoughts. She nodded her thanks and climbed out the vehicle, standing on the uneven ground covered with slabs of sandy coloured rocks. She turned her gaze towards the building that touches the clouds floating in the sky and gulped. She wouldn't deny that the school looked incredible and reminded her of the mediaeval era but the mere thought of living among ghost (and not to mention twelve boys) was terrifying. 

Reluctantly, she continued towards the building with Jong-yul following her. Even though she insisted on taking her own bag towards the dorm, he refused and told her it was his duty as a driver. More like a duty as someone that has a crush on an oblivious girl. Most of her belongings are already in her dorm but Ri Rin carried some last minute stuff in her carrying bag that wasn't heavy at all. 

The corridor was quiet, safe for the cawing of crows somewhere in the distance. That only served to make Ri Rin shudder and walk closer to Jong-yul who was more than delighted to have her searching for comfort in him. As they got closer, the pair could hear silent chatter behind the doors of presumably the office. Ri Rin pushed open what she thought was the office door only to be met with...

Boys? And...twelve of them...

The conversations that was hosted just seconds before ceased to a deadly silence and all eyes focused onto the petite and startled girl. What she thought was the office happens to be something akin to a gathering room...a living room perhaps? She didn't know and could careless in this situation where she is the subject of ogling. 

Ri Rin cleared , snapping the crowd out of their reverie, "Hey...I'm sorry for disturbing but I was wondering if any of you can tell me where exactly the office is?" She managed through the whole sentence without stuttering, that's got to be worth something. All at once, the room was filled with loud voices as three out of twelve of them approached her. 

They were extremely tall, just like the building of the school itself and she found herself looking upwards. "That's easy! I'll show you the way," one of them said. Like the others, he was extremely tall and quite bulky. His mussed wood brown hair sat on top of his head as he ran a finger through the messy strands; his mouth was set in a cheeky grin and his eyes shining brightly making him seem like an innocent child but Ri Rin knew better.

"Back off Chanyeol, you'll just get lost like you always do, I'll show her," This time, it was a boy who was slightly shorter than 'Chanyeol' but still stood tall. He also has a mischievous smirk that reminded her of the Cheshire cat. He had khaki brown hair that was slightly mussed. In fact, all of the inhabitant in the room had messy hair or spiked ones. 

'Chanyeol' scoffed at the other brunette and retorted, "Yeah right, you're just making up stuff so that you can accompany her!" 

Ri Rin's eyes shifted between the two guys who were arguing over her and she didn't know what to make of it. Out of the corner of her eyes, another young man came and disturbed the fight, "Guys, you should know better. should be the one showing her around, besides you guys did say that you're going to grab some snacks." He beamed, sliding his arm across her shoulder and ignoring her suddenly stiff posture. 

Luckily, Jong-yul came to her rescue as he dropped the pack and pried of the other man's limb off of her. She smiled at him and returned her gaze towards the group of male. A young man approached her and instead of bantering and joining the argument, he bowed and extended his hand. "Delighted to see you, I am Suho and this is the rest of the student body. I understand that you're looking for the office?" 

Out of the three boys that are too caught up in their debate to notice that this 'Suhojust stepped in to offer to her to the office. She sighed; if there's this much drama over showing her the way to the office, she didn't want to know what's up ahead. She shook his hand and returned his polite smile. "Nice to meet you too and please do show the way."

After the door of the 'gathering room' shut did the three realised that their chance of leading the new student to the office was no more. Jong-yul left soon after, wishing her safety and bidding her goodbye and she was left with the young man. The atmosphere was not at all awkward, in fact it was comfortable and soothing to be around this stranger, she thought. 

Suho finally broke the silence. "I apologise on behalf of the behaviour of my friends, they are naturally excited over new students." Ri Rin nodded understandingly and smiled knowingly.

"I take it you don't usually get new students?" 

He shook his head, "No, not in the past few years, the last person to join us is Sehun." Again, Ri Rin nodded and wondered who this 'Sehun' is.

"So...was that your boyfriend?" He asked, curious as to who the man with the new student was. Suho was by no means someone who enjoys poking his nose into other people's business but this is one of those occasions that he is. Even though Suho noticed that the man was dressed in a uniform that suggests that he was a driver but decided to ask her.

Ri Rin instantly shook her head, all the while adorning a red tinge on her face, "He's just my chauffeur." 

Suho hummed his understanding and tried to start another question but realised that he did not know her name. "What's your name?" 

"Oh, I'm sorry that I didn't introduce myself earlier. I'm Park Ri Rin and I'm from Seoul." 

"Ah, such a pretty name for such a pretty young lady," Suho complimented and smiled as the blush returned again. "My real name is Kim Joon Myun but I prefer people calling me Suho."

They finally arrived at office and Suho pulled open the door like the gentleman he is and let Ri Rin enter and followed after her. They stopped in front of a counter where an old lady sat. She looked up from her computer and peeked at the young pair, smiling at them as she halted her typing. "Hello, what can I do for you two?"

Ri Rin smiled back and pulled out her documents, "I'm applying as a new student here." She nodded and asked for the young lady's name to which Ri Rin replied by stating her full name and age. The woman searched Ri Rin's name on the computer and confirmed that she will be participating as a new student. "Well, here's your student card and here's your library card." She handed the items to Ri Rin who stared at the elegant card.

A bell that sounds suspiciously like a church bell, startling Ri Rin and alarming Suho who sling his backpack over his shoulders. He offered her a warm smile, "I believe that you're in good hands?" Ri Rin nodded. "I have to get to classes but I'll see you later." 

When he was about to exit, Ri Rin quickly said her thanks. Sitting at one of the couch in the office, she waited to be summoned by the principal. Ri Rin quickly remembered the twelve boys from before and grinned.

This year's going to be interesting...

For every dark ni​ght, the​ris a brigh​ter day

-Anonymous from Tumblr


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Chapter 5: Ohoh, this is interesting /rubs my imaginary moustache/
Chapter 4: Oh ho ho ho~ Yes, Ririn, it IS going to be interesting! XDDD
Chapter 4: Oh, God, the school looks like the one from mangas, I mean, I would want to go to a school like that, and not to mention, with hot guys like them as well! XD they're all so different in all ways possible, and obviously, not in a bad way, but a very good way! I'd want to have guy friends like that!
Oh, my gosh. That was a long detailed explanation. I subbed to this, Dan! ^^ <3

Let me see what you've updated~