
Distinct Dimension

You've gotta dance liknobody's watching

Love likyou'll never bhurt

Sinlike there'nobody listening

And live like it'heaven on Earth

-William W. Purkey

Miss Han's grip on my hand was deadly and I had to chew the inside of my cheeks to stop myself from pulling my limb out her her dreadful grasp. The corridor was silent since every students were in their class; it's no surprise since I attend Whimoon High School, students take their education seriously and their target is to be able to enter Seoul University. As we passed down the row of lockers, I hastily checked my watch (on the wrist that was free from Miss Han's grasp) and saw that it was fifteen minutes to break. Great. That also meant fifteen minutes until my whole 'secret' spreads. Can this day get any worse?

We arrived in front of the principal's door and the teacher knocked. It wasn't long until a muffled response was voiced behind the door and we stepped inside to see the man, no other than the rincipal himself- Mr. Lee. I was a straight A+ student in every single subect I take, and I don't even have to study to know the answers and thus, the teacher's recognise me as their most hard-working and (probably) favorite student. This automatically made me Mr. Lee's favorite student, eventhough he's never taught me in any lessons. Despite the fact that I'm one of the more 'favored' student, I knew that I won't be receiving any mercy today.

Mr. Lee gestured for both of us to take a seat with a bright smile, a smile in which he always use to greet anyone. Well, there won't be a smile for long. I sat down, facing him and avoiding Miss Han's pale face and scrutinising stare. She had been observing me for the past few minutes and it is unnerving and annoying. It's true that I have an extra or a few extra abilities that others don't but it's not something you haven't seen...right? I mean, there are loads of movies that shows humans with special abilities, for example- Matilda and X-Men. Yes, you don't really come across people that have the power to be invisible but at least you have seen movies of it to know what's coming. I sighed in my head, we homo sapiens are very weird.

Miss Han kept quiet for a few minutes, maybe arranging her sentences and trying hard to organise her explaination while the principal sat behind the table, waiting patiently. I sat on the chair, fumbling with my fingers and looking at my lap as I waited for her to speak. I didn't dare to speak. Finally, for what seemed like eternity, Miss Han finally opened and let her voice fill the silent room.

"I think I'm crazy," She said, and Mr. Lee looked startled as he eyed her in a confused manner. That was actually the last thing I thought she would say. I usually thought that she would say something like- "Miss Park has to be expelled due to the fact that she can be invisible and that will scare the other students, especially the younger ones." She is after all an English teacher and therefore I expect her to say more...professional things? Yeah, what she just said was too short anyways. 

Mr. Lee looked at me and gave me a look that asked me if Miss Han is serious but I chose not to answer. Miss Han continued to inspect me like I was some kind of interesting bacteria under a microscope and I fought not to squirm. The principal straightened up in his seat and cleared his throat, "I'm sorry, maybe I didn't get hear you right. Did you just say you're crazy?" He asked, arching his bushy eyebrows at Miss Han.

"Yes, I think I'm crazy," She replied, finally transferring her sight to Mr. Lee instead of focusing on me. I breathed a relieved sigh and relaxed in my seat. "And as you can see, Miss Park is here because she's the reason why I think I've gone nuts." He was astonished that the English teacher would use the quite vulgar word (nuts), especially in front of a student. I think that after what she's witnessed today, she would be more crazier than The Joker. Okay...Now I'm just insulting myself. Is it just that surprising to know that I can be invisible? That's just one of my many powers. I have other super powers too. 

"Right. Well, Miss Han, please explain in full detail." The principal said, and I flushed under the two teacher's stare on me. Great...Just when I thought that they weren't going to stare.

"I was teaching my grade eleven class as usual when one of my student started talking and distrupting my class, so I asked Miss Park to change seats with that student but suddenly she turned...w-well, she turned..." Miss Han said the sentence so fast, I thought she was talking in another language. And the fact that she stuttered didn't help at all, but I heard everything clear, however I knew Mr. Lee had trouble trying to catch up. He looked at her, telling her to continue since break time is almost approaching.

"She turned...invisible."

The whole room stayed silent after that, which I didn't think was possible, after all the room was extremely quiet when we spoke, but now not even the soft sound of our breathing could be heard. Even a graveyard has more sound than this. It's not a good sign though and I peeked at their faces only to see them with a troubled look. Is having a peculiar student that much of a hassle? But I would freak out if I was in their shoes too so I guess their reactions were appropriate. 

"Um, are you sure Miss?" 

"I'm absolutely sure Mr. Lee, here," She forcefully pulled me out of me seat and almost knocked down her chair and mine. "Miss Park can show you what she did!" 

Never have I witnessed a teacher looking so frantic and...crazy. It just doesn't seem right, especially since Miss Han has always been a strict yet fun teacher but she turned out to be this. I guess miracles could happen, I mean, look at me! I can be invisible for bubble tea's sake. I just realised that the bell's about to ring and that my stomach is empty. I hope I can go to break to eat. I hear that they'll be serving kimchi as the side dish. Yum! It's not like I don't eat kimchi at home, in fact I eat them all the time. It's just that, the fact that we're in school, eating this kind of food is rare. But...will I be able to leave the principal's office or will I be stuck in here having a discussion about me being expelled? Besides, I wouldn't want to go out there and be the gossip of the school anyway. 

Mr. Lee turned to me with a pitying and apologetic look in his usually warm eyes and I nodded, signaling my transformation. Just then, my limbs start to disappear, including the luscious brown hair on top of my hair only to have my whole body blend with the background. Yes, even my uniform disappeared (including my undergarments). When I glitch, my clothes will usually stay because my invisibility atoms had not reacted right, on the other hand when I'm not going through any glitching episode, I am able to disappear fully with what I'm wearing.

Mr. Lee had the same expression as when Miss Han and the whole class saw me turn into my other form. He stood rigid to the spot behind the mahogany desk while his eyes were the size of plates. I would have laughed if I wasn't in this situation. Miss Han still had the surprised expression but she looked less astonished compared to the first time she saw me change. I guess you'll eventually get use to it. See, me being invisible and the odd one out is not so much of a problem...is it?

Mr. Lee continued to gawk even when I've returned to my opaque appearance and to be honest, it was rude. Miss Han had a triumphant look across her pallor face and that made me nervous but angry at the same time. Is it really that bad? I am a human too after all and it shouldn't matter whether or not I have a super power, in fact having an extra ability is a good thing! Everyone's dreamt of being a superhero at one point in life and I happen to have the potential to be one...maybe. 

"I...I'm sorry Miss Park but the education council will not be happy to know that one of our student has the...ability to be invisible. Privacy and comfort of other students will be disturbed so I'm sorry to say that you will have to leave." The principal's word was upsetting, especially since all my friends, not to mention Min Yeon are here. Min Yeon...I hope she doesn't think I'm a monster too.

I nodded, my face void of any emotion. Suddenly, the English teacher and Mr. Lee had a guilty and a pity expression. Pfft, I don't need any pity. I only need to know how to control this damn powers so I don't mess up again. Nonetheless, I stood at my spot until Mr. Lee gave me permission to leave the room. 

The halls were filled with students opening and closing lockers and walking down towards the cafeteria or their desired location. It was filled with noisy chattering as always, until I walked out. The corridor was instantly mute as they stared at me with terrified and judging eyes. I ignored all of them, even Min Yeon as she stood at the side, in front of her locker with a worried expression. My feet was numb and I ended up in Miss Han's classrom, packing up all my books and stationaries into my backpack. I was getting ready to leave. I didn't really know the procedures of getting expelled or when exactly I am supposed to leave, but I went back to Mr. Lee's room and received the same amount of stares as I walked down the hallway.

"You are allowed to leave today. I'll get all the documents ready in a few minutes and make sure you check out all the textbooks and clear out your locker. And I've already called you parents."

His words were quiet but firm as he typed away on his keyboards, his eyes set onto the monitor. I was sat on the same exact chair as before, only without Miss Han around. After he gave that command, I wasn't able to say anything as I went back to looking at the hands on my lap, playing with the hem of my plated skirt. There was a sound of the printer printing the document for my leave and he instantly took a pen to sign it and handed them to me. I said my thanks, eventhough I was anything but thankful to receive a letter that meant I have to leave and left to tend to my textbooks.

It was no longer break time and all the students were in their classrooms. Good, that meant I would not have to deal with more judging faces. I went through the doors of the quiet library and was greeted with a smile by the old librarian. Weird, maybe she didn't know of my powers yet. Somehow, I felt a little grateful because that meant she won't be treating me like I'm a monster. I sent her a fake smile, unable to generate a real one after what happened today. Gosh, how did everything go bad so fast? The day was going smoothly in the morning too. I wonder what my parents will say about this...

"Hello dear, are you here to borrow books? The book you requested from before has arrived if you want to take it out." 

I shifted from one leg to the other as I slowly ped my backpack and placed all of my textbooks that I've got in my locker and in my bag. She looked confused and startled, probably expecting me to do anything but that.

"I'm actually here to return all this," I gestured towards the pile of textbooks on the counter, "I won't be needing them once I leave."

Ms. Yoon looked horrified, eyeing me then the books and switching from looking at the books to me and repeating the process all over again. Finally, when the thought of me leaving has registered in her head she gasped and looked at me with wide eyes. 

"Leaving? Who said anything about leaving?! You can't leave Ri Rin! You still have to graduate. I won't sign these books out," She said stubbornly and folded her hands while clutching the scanner. I huffed, turning to her with pleading eyes. I was in no mood to argue.

"Please Ms. Yoon, you have to sign these books out. Please, do it while it's still lesson time, I want to avoid traffic."

"Fine, but explain why in the world you're leaving because everybody knows that we need you here," She said, slowly taking one of the books and scanning it out of my account. I had a grim look on my now tired face and I looked at the grey carpet of the library, avoiding her gaze.

"I-I can't really say why exactly I'm leaving," She gave me a look that clearly said she won't be scanning those books out if I refused to explain but I was afraid of another person thinking of me as some sort of monster. "I just...can you please ask the others about this? I really can't explain without having you freak out." I pouted and she sent me a small smile than as she finished piling the books over each other after she finished scanning them and walked from behind the counter to pat my shoulder.

"Don't worry, I won't force you to say anything, but remember that I'll be there for you just like you were there for me years ago. I can't thank you enough for what you did that day."

I looked up, stunned that she still remembered the incident that happened when I was a freshman. Nothing big happened, but on that fateful day, when I was in the library alone, reading one of the books I found amongst the shelves; I heard a soft sob coming from behind the counter and that's when the librarian and I became close. She shared with me about the fight she had with her husband and that he repeatedly asked her for money in order to play casino and drink wine every night. He rarely comes home and and never gives her pocket money. The wife was quickly low on cash and she barely had any to pay for rent and later got kicked out. I aided her by giving a cheque and telling her that everything will hopefully turn out alright. After that, Ms. Yoon eventually filed a divorce and was single ever since.

Where I got the cheque for Ms. Yoon from you say? Well, my family is prosperous and we are economically comfortable (no, I am not boasting) and I thought that Ms. Yoon needed the help and therefore gave her the money. Of course, it was my parent's money. She is now living a convinient life and has enough money now that her ex-husband is not there to take it. 

"It's nothing, and besides, you needed the money. Plus, it was my parent's money and they were happy to help!"

She laughed and shook her head, "We need more students like you, wait-no, more people like you in this world." 

I didn't respond and instead kept quiet as she continued to look at me as if waiting for my next words. Should I tell her? I mean, what should I be scared of...I sighed and shoved my hand into the pockets of my jumper.

"Ms. Yoon, please don't panic and freak out, okay?" 

She nodded excitedly as I stood up and placed my bag on the floor. I inhaled and exhaled as I slowly transformed to my other form. As always, the response was a stare, but Ms. Yoon had an intrigued look despite the astonishment. She eyed me up and down, focusing on where my hair was suppose to be and finally gave me a...smile? What? 

"That's so cool! Do you have any other powers?" By now she was jumping up and down and clapping her hands as if I was performing on stage. I nodded slowly, looking at her like as if she just grew another head. I was relieved, to find someone who would accept my extra abilities. Of course, my parents accepted my abilities, in fact they were delighted to have a daughter with capabilities such as invisibility, telepathy and more.

I linked my mind with the librarian and as I was doing so, my eyes turned magenta. Ms. Yoon was again, interested at the colour of my orbs and blinked at it curiously until she suddenly stilled.

"Can you hear me?"

"What?! You can link minds too? That's so, so cool!"

I shooked my head and looked at Ms. Yoon with an amused smile, the link between minds disconnected. Again, she clapped her hands. I checked my watch only to see that there was ten minutes left, enough time for me to quickly clear my locker and grab my bicycle at the garage. I quickly zipped my bag and faced Ms. Yoon who looked like she was going to cry any second.

"Wherever you'll be moving to, please stay safe and make sure you visit once in a while."

I felt tears gathering at the corners of my eyes and I saw the blurry image of Ms. Yoon crying as she forced a smile and pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged back and we released as I went to the door, ready to go when I heard her last words-

"Good luck, Ri Rin."

And with that, I left as I felt my tears starting to fall but I rushed to wipe them leaving angry red marks on my cheeks. I dropped by my locker and piled all the things (stationaries, notebooks, P.E uniform, sticky notes that were stuck on the side of the lockers, calendar, schedule.) into my now empty bag. The locker was empty when I noticed something at the back that was stuck to the wall of the locker...it was a picture of Min Yeon and I when we won the female basketball match for the school and came first. Despite our sweaty forehead, we still managed a smile over our victory. Now the tears were threatening to fall again but I held them back because I knew that the bell was about to ring and that I better not waste time wailing over a picture in the corridors.

I ran towards the garage, where my bicyle was parked and placed my bag inside the basket as I quickly mounted it. I cycled towards the gate when suddenly the sound of footsteps stopped me from continuing. I turned and the person I saw was someone I wished I didn't have to bid goodbye to.

"Ri Rin! Wait, I have something to say!"

"Min Yeon..."

She was gasping for breath and was bending over as she took her time trying to regain more oxygen. I waited, and she finally looked at me with a sad face, tears evident in her eyes. My knees suddenly felt weak as I tried to support the bicycle, making sure it would not fall. 

"Ri Rin, you don't have to leave. It doesn't matter whether or not you have super powers. Super powers are awesome! Please don't leave," By now she was pulling onto my jumper, begging me to not go and search for another school, but I knew that I could not bare to make the school's reputation fall just because of me. "Min Yeon, I promise to visit you, we'll still be in touch. Everything will still be okay." I smiled, eventhough I can barely see anything as my eyes went foggy with tears that started to build...again. 

"No! Nothing will be okay. You're not suppose to leave, we're suppose to graduate together!"

"Please," She stopped her tugging and looked at my face, tears streaming. "I don't want to be the cause of this school's reputation collapsing. I don't want to scare anyone or hurt anyone and neither do I want to be hurt by anyone! I can't stay in this school, especially since I am told to leave. I am expelled. I have no choice but to go. But I promise that we will still meet up, we will still have Skype chats and we will still eat ice-cream together. Nothing has to change just because of my powers. Nothing will change because of my powers. So please understand." 

I had trouble trying to hold back the crying but I was successful. I didn't want to leave this school by crying but instead to leave with a smile and a picture to remember by. Min Yeon looked like as if she was debating whether or not to let this case slide, but in the end she wiped her tears with the end of her sleeves and pulled me into a hug, almost bringing me to fall. 

"Promise me that you'll keep in touch, that we'll still have our shopping spree. And promise me that you'll find someone that can love you and protect you, like how you always protect me."


I smiled and linked my pinky finger with hers and we shook on it. Normally, I would scold her for asking me to find my so called 'soulmate', but in this case, I promised her that I will find someone who can accept my faults and my positive side. We hugged for the last time and finally let go of each other.

"Let's take a picture, to remember this day that it's not a bad one but instead a new adventure!" I cheered, taking out my iPhone and snapping a picture of us posing and smiling at the camera.

"Ri Rin, you're always too optimistic...but I'll miss you!"

"I'll miss you too and I will keep those promises!"

And with that...I went through the gates of the school...the exit.

Parting is such sweet sorrow

-William Shakespeare from Romeo & Juliet


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Chapter 5: Ohoh, this is interesting /rubs my imaginary moustache/
Chapter 4: Oh ho ho ho~ Yes, Ririn, it IS going to be interesting! XDDD
Chapter 4: Oh, God, the school looks like the one from mangas, I mean, I would want to go to a school like that, and not to mention, with hot guys like them as well! XD they're all so different in all ways possible, and obviously, not in a bad way, but a very good way! I'd want to have guy friends like that!
Oh, my gosh. That was a long detailed explanation. I subbed to this, Dan! ^^ <3

Let me see what you've updated~