The Bridge in Between

Distinct Dimension


Lifis not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced

-Soren Kierkegaard

Right after Suho left, the woman continued her typing and the repetitive sounds of the keyboard clicking slowly left her eyes drooping. It was a calming sound to Ri Rin as she remembered that in the past where she used to fall asleep on the sofa that was stationed in her father's office, listening to his constant scribbles on paperworks or typing on the laptop.

It was the first day and she haven't even started her lessons yet, but Ri Rin found herself sighing in exhaustion. The accidental encounter left her tired even though she did not do much but stand in the corner while they fought over her attention. Thankfully, Suho who she thinks is some sort of a prefect helped her find her way in no time. Then again, those three boys did want to help her though they were more of the prankster type but Ri Rin knew that judging a book by its cover will get her nowhere.

So far, Ri Rin has only met four of the boys, two of which she knew their names and one who gave a proper introduction. She found herself wondering what their powers were and if they had as much as she. She was aware of her nine abilities and prayed that this school will be able to assist her in controlling these unusual talents. Before she could ponder any longer, the lady behind the counter called her name, saying that she can now see the principal. She took a final glance at the door that had a plate with a label- Shin Chan Sang and Principal written under it. She knocked on the door, and pushed it after hearing a command to enter.

The room was elegant, similar to the rest of the school. In the middle of the room was a huge table with files and documents neatly piled on top of each other. Behind the desk was a big window that has a balcony, overlooking Seoul. Other furniture are placed around the room and pieces of artwork are hanged on the wall. A bookshelf stood in the far corner of the room and held bunch of books and files. A patterned carpet covered the glossy wooden floor,steadying Ri Rin from sliding off the slippery floor. There, behind the desk sat a man that looked no more than in his early thirties with a piece of parchment in his hand. His superior demeanor made her nervous but she managed a polite smile and a low bow. He gestured for her to take a seat and returned her smile.

He went back to scanning the paper in his hands, leaving Ri Rin to wait patiently in her seat. Not long after, the principal finally broke the silence, "Park Ri Rin, am I correct?" He asked, glancing at her before looking back at the paper. She nodded, resting her hands on her lap. "It says here that you were expelled because you triggered your invisibility? And it also says that you have a problem around boys that you are a stranger to." He finished, finally placing her document on the table and quirking his eyebrow at her.

She confirmed his questions with a sheepish grin, "I've never been good at communicating." The elderly male leaned in his seat and stared into her eyes, "And yet you have the ability to communicate with people by using your mind? In fact, you have a lot of superpowers."

"Well, I-" Ri Rin was interrupted as she felt a warm hand being placed on hers and looked up, startled to see the principal offering her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, you came to this school so that you are able to control you powers and I will make guarantee you that you will have your abilities controlled by the time you graduate." He said, and retreated his hands.

"You see, all the teachers hired here are also like you." Ri Rin's eyes widened at that. She didn't expect to have teachers that also share the same fate as the students but found herself quite...happy. The teachers are bound to understand the situation that she is in. "I am the founder of this school, and like the rest I also possess a power." 

Ri Rin was shocked to the bones as she found herself eye to eye with a adorable golden retriever and had half the mind to engulf the dog into a hug if she wasn't aware that it was actually the principal. He changed back into his original form and dusted off invisible dirt off his suit. His expression returned to business as he opened a drawer and handed her a key. "This is the key to your dorm. I believe you requested for a single room?" She nodded.

"This is the rule book and it'd be best to obey them. As you can see from your...meeting with the others, we don't offer a school uniform, however we do provide school bags with the school's logo. You are required to use this school bag, go to the library and Mrs. Yu will be giving you these items and I will ask one of the boys to help you around school." 

She stiffened slightly at the mention of one of the boys helping her, though her change in posture didn't fail to be noticed by the man and he hid his smirk. "Thank you." She mumbled and stuffed the key into her pocket.

"The bell will be ringing soon, I suggest you go to the library now. I'll send someone to you."

She bowed before leaving the office and stopped by the counter to say her thanks to the lady who she learned is called Ms. Heo. She stepped out of the office, wondering where to go next and vaguely remembered the principal saying he'll send someone to help her around. She didn't know whether she should wait or start making her way to the library and decided that waiting in front of the office for more than fifteen minutes is boring. 

Her converse made contact with the ground covered with the uneven rock tiles, she smiled as her eyes swept across the landscape, enjoying the beautiful scenery. The journey to the library is quite long, but Ri RIn decided that the school is not as scary as it seems from the outside. Many greenery surround the school accompanied by beautiful, blooming flowers. Different shades and colours lured Ri Rin to pick one but she's afraid that some grumpy gardener will come out and chop off her fingers. 

The area was filled with a sweet voice as Ri Rin softly sang a song to occupy her thoughts as she was nearing the library. Little did she know, behind her was the young man sent to act as a tour guide for her but he was too caught up with the angelic song she's singing. Her voice was like soft and delicate, and he felt himself cast under a spell, a very pleasant spell. When they finally arrived, Ri Rin finally took notice of the young man behind her and instantly stopped her singing and gave out a startled shriek. The young man was instantly on guard as he thought that they were in trouble but relaxed as he sensed no danger. 

Ri Rin's hazel orbs were wide like plates as she faced the male opposite her who had a grin plastered on his face. He extended his hand to which she was half willing to shake. "I'm sorry that I scared you and...that I'm late, I had to stay behind to help the professor." Ri Rin released his hand and bowed. "No, no, it's fine. I must've used my siren song ability without realising. I'm sorry." She bowed again.

He let out a laugh, "What a beautiful voice you have there. Well, I'm Kim Minseok but please call me Xiumin," He had a cheeky boyish grin that made him looked like a troublemaker. His hair was a dark shade of brown and was slightly spiked at the top making him appear a bit roguish. Xiumin was also tall as Ri Rin found herself barely reaching his shoulders. "Nice to meet you, I'm Ri Rin."

"Well Ri Rin, I see that you can get around this school without my help just fine," He said as he glanced at the school library. The building was big and Ri Rin could only imagine just how many books were in there. Like the rest of the school, the library stood tall and was structured of sandy brown bricks and had the logo of the school on the front door. The door itself was a verdigris green and was obviously made out of metal. 

They entered through the door and Ri Rin was rendered speechless as she took in the magnificent view of the bookshelf neatly aligned one after the other and numerous amount of books on it. Tables and chairs were placed in the middle of the library on the carpeted floor and to the side were computers. At the end of the library was a café that copied the French interior. The smell of coffee and tea brewing cascade throughout the book repository and Ri Rin found herself comforted by the calming aura of the place.

She almost forgot her tour guide if he didn't clear his throat, "I'm guessing you like books?" She nodded, a soft smile stretching her plump lips. "Yup, this place is amazing! Look at how many books there are." Xiumin smiled at her nave expression and felt warm as she directed her smile at him.

They walked towards the front desk as they waited for Mrs. Yu to appear. "Mrs. Yu allows books suggestion so you'll find a lot of mangas and comic books here but also novels and real books since Kris likes reading from time to time." 

She raised her eyebrow and Xiumin knew that she was curious of the other students. "In this school there's only twelve students but thirteen including you. I'm sure you've met Suho?" She nodded and he continued, "Well, the rest are Luhan, Kris, Chanyeol, Sehun, D.O, Lay, Kai, Chen, Baekhyun and Tao." Ri Rin mentally memorised the names for future reference.

A woman with grey hair and bent posture finally arrived and smiled at the two students. "You're here for your books, yes?" Ri Rin nodded and the woman went about getting the things necessary for the new student. Finally, she handed the young lady her books that was all packed inside the navy blue school bag. "Is that all you need?" 

"Yes, thank you." They both left and continued towards her dorm. The sun was beginning to set, the blue sky now turning into an orange and yellow mixture with some magenta dusting the sky. Lights along the side of the pavements started to light up as the only natural light source disappeared, only to be replaced with the moon. The walk was pleasant as Xiumin asked her about all her abilities and she telling him of all the funny times that she used to have with Min Yeon. The dorm and student headquarters was located on the other side of the campus and thus it took them a long time before reaching. 

"And you just turned invisible?" He asked, shocked at her exposition. He chuckled and she blushed, "What else was I suppose to do? I was scared that I'll be rejected so I just turned invisible before he could see me and I ran away." 

A gush of cold winter air passed the pair making Ri Rin shudder from the lack of warmth. Xiumin eyed the younger girl and wondered how she could walk around without a jumper. He took off his coat and slipped it on the shivering girl who looked startled at the contact. She blushed and he chuckled at her adorable attempt at politely refusing his generous offer and pointing out that he'll catch a cold if he gave her the piece of clothing.

"No, I insist. Besides, it's cold outside and I'd be a total douche if I let a beautiful girl walk around shivering," He scolded, gently placing his coat over her shoulders and grinned as he heard her defeated sigh. "Fine, but don't blame me when you go to class tomorrow with a runny nose."

He laughed, walking closer to the petite brunette, "I wouldn't mind catching a cold if it was because of you..." He smiled down at the red girl who tried her best avoiding his eye contact. Xiumin could barely hear her mumble and strained to hear it, "You're so cheesy that I can make a whole pizza with all that sweet talk."

Smirking, he stirred Ri Rin towards the dorm and showed her towards her room. She fumbled with the keys, trying to open the door and finally clicked it into place and successfully opening the door. The room was quite big for a girl to be living alone but Ri Rin was not spooked by this as she could see all the pictures of her family and friends hanged on the wall and made it feel like home. Xiumin left after welcoming her to the school and wishing her good night as he awkwardly patted her head before making his way back to his dorm. 

The room was already cleaned and reminded her of the exact replica of her bedroom albeit a little smaller. A bathroom was stationed at the far corner and a small makeshift kithen was on the opposite corner. The kitchen had an island with a microwave sitting on top and a bowl of fruit. Ri Rin also noticed the small refrigerator under the island, it was quite empty safe for a bottle of water and a chocolate bar. She checked the cabinet and saw that cooking utensils, pans and plates are also provided. 

She was very grateful for all the provided items and felt like jumping up and down in excitement after finding out that her bathroom had a huge bathtub that could accommodate at least four people. All her nervous thoughts of tomorrow left her as she decided to take a long soak. She definitely needed this, after all, Ri Rin has absolutely no idea how hectic tomorrow can be.

There's nothing like deep breaths after laughing that hard

Nothing in the world like a sore stomach for the right reasons

-Stephen Chbosky from Perks of Being a Wallflower

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Chapter 5: Ohoh, this is interesting /rubs my imaginary moustache/
Chapter 4: Oh ho ho ho~ Yes, Ririn, it IS going to be interesting! XDDD
Chapter 4: Oh, God, the school looks like the one from mangas, I mean, I would want to go to a school like that, and not to mention, with hot guys like them as well! XD they're all so different in all ways possible, and obviously, not in a bad way, but a very good way! I'd want to have guy friends like that!
Oh, my gosh. That was a long detailed explanation. I subbed to this, Dan! ^^ <3

Let me see what you've updated~