
the frost boy
Luhan and Minseok were in social studies, since they both found the lesson rather boring they communicated through a piece of paper. "Hi" It said, in Luhans (cute) handwriting. "Hello" Minseok wrote. He was kind of nervous, what was Luhan going to ask or say? "I wanted to say that what you did for me in the canteen yesterday was really sweet! I hate luke warm water ><. But how did you?" Minseok giggled quietly at the emoticon Luhan had drawn. He could almost hear his aegyo in the sentence. But what was he going to reply?! "Oh well I have some weird superpower because I have a curse lololol nothing special". Nope, not really. "Oh I have my ways hehehe ^^" Minseok sighed to himself. He hated lying about his curse. Well, he wasn't fully lying, just not telling the entire truth. "Do you? What sort of ways? :)" Luhan looked at the fluffy boy and smiled, his pink-blonde hair falling slightly under his rather fashionable glasses. Minseok was nearly hyperventilating. How do you simply explain to someone you just froze a freaking water bottle to nearly solid ice? "I'll show you another time ;)" Luhan giggled at the winking emoticon. "You're handwriting is cute, it's very round and soft. Like you're cheeks" Minseok laughed. "Are you implying I'm fat?!" He said laughing, knowing that Luhan didn't mean it that way. "Nononono!! Of course not baozi! I'd never call you fat you're not fat don't be angry you're really not fat you're very cute and handsome I-" The wide-eyed bambi boy was shushed by Minseok's giggle and the slight blush on his face. Luhan slowly covered his mouth with his hand. "Did I just nearly say 'I like you' ?! " He thought to himself. Minseok was still blushing a fierce crimson red. "Thank you" he said softly, not sounding quite as manly and confident as he intended too. With that the bell rang, and the now both blushing teenage boys started packing. Luhan stood up first. When he looked away Minseok grabbed the paper with their little conversation on it and stuffed it in his bag quickly. That's diary material for sure, he thought. He rolled his eyes soon after, thinking about how sesaeng-ish that move was. The boys walked to lunch together. "Okay, rule number one, minseok; do NOT freeze anything during lunch" ****hellooooo! I'm back finally lolz, sorry this is not so good and interesting but I will rewrite this and the next few chapters are going to be exciting!! Also this chapter will look prettier in a few days forgive me! Haha xxxx
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Chapter 4: this is so cuuuute
Chapter 3: ahhhhhhhhhh ur cute this story's cute everyone's cute!!!!!!!!
marlimacha21 #3
Chapter 3: love the new update, can't wait for more xD
Chapter 2: Aww cutie baozi and bambi ♡
Chapter 1: Keep going! Fighting!! ;))
Please update! ;))